In addition to the sun, oxygen and food, we need vitamins for a full and he althy life. Still - after all, in translation from Latin, the first part of the word - vita - means nothing more than "life".
Avitaminosis is not allowed
A person needs vitamins every day, regardless of age, gender, occupation and season outside the window. A chronic lack of vitamins in the body is called avitaminosis and can lead to such consequences as:
- flaking skin, brittle nails, destruction of tooth enamel;
- dry scalp and hair loss;
- redness and watery eyes;
- puffiness of the face, swelling of the eyes;
- cramps, numbness, body aches;
- depression, melancholy, inability to concentrate;
- nervousness, frequent mood swings, loss of energy;
- indigestion, lack of appetite;
- decrease in libido.

Where are you vitamins?
Most often, a lack of vitamins occurs in spring and autumn. In the spring this happens becausethat in winter there are few natural and he althy vegetables and fruits, and the assortment offered by supermarkets is unlikely to replenish the supply of vitamins in our body.
Autumn beriberi overtakes us because the body does not have time to quickly rebuild during the transition from hot summer to dank and rainy autumn. A sharp cooling and a decrease in solar activity triggers the mechanism of increased consumption of vitamins to maintain a weakening immune system. Naturally, the reserves accumulated over the summer will not be enough for a long time, so the body must be supported in its struggle for energy and he alth.

Vitamin alphabet
Remember: each season has its own vitamins. Before you run to the pharmacy and buy the first ones you get, you need to find out what they are, how they work, which ones are needed in the spring, and which vitamins are better to take in the fall:
- Vitamin A (also called "retinol") is essential for he althy nails, skin, hair and teeth. In addition, it is vitamin A that protects our respiratory organs from diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis, so it must be included in vitamins for the fall.
- Vitamins B1 and B2 are called "growth vitamins", they are needed for the proper functioning of the digestive system, heart and nerve endings. It is important to take them in the spring, when the body is exhausted by winter frosts.
- Vitamin B6 helps form antibodies and hydrochloric acid, participates in hematopoiesis, slows down the aging of the body, reduces the risk of nervous disorders.
- Vitamin B12improves memory, enhances energy concentration, calms the nervous system and protects the body from anemia.
- Vitamin B13 is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
- Vitamin B17 significantly reduces the risk of cancer. In general, no matter what vitamins you take (in autumn or spring), the presence of group B funds is desirable in any complex.
- Vitamin C (everyone's favorite ascorbic acid) is involved in skin regeneration, helps the body produce collagen, improves immunity, takes an active part in protecting against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, protects the blood from thickening, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol. By the way, it is ascorbic acid that is the first necessary vitamins for autumn.
- Vitamin D acts as a kind of catalyst for the protective properties of vitamins A and C, due to which they are better absorbed, and their effect on the body is enhanced. Complexes, which contain a high amount of vitamin D (about 400 IU), are best taken in the spring, when the body yearns for the sun. And what vitamins to drink in the fall, so that an overdose of vitamin D does not happen? It is worth choosing those that contain a little of it (less than 350 IU).
- Vitamin E prolongs our youth, acts as a kind of air filter in the lungs, normalizes blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, it must be prescribed to all expectant mothers, as it promotes conception and maintains pregnancy. This is the same all-season vitamin as the B vitamins.
- Vitamin F burns fat, helps in the fight againstoverweight, improves the quality of skin and hair.
- Vitamin P eliminates bruising and swelling, and also guards the he alth of capillaries and the oral cavity.
- Vitamin T enhances blood clotting, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns.

For vitamins - to the pharmacy
Undoubtedly, the best natural vitamins are found in the food we eat every day. Fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and its derivatives, seafood and greens are nature's storehouse of substances necessary for good he alth.
But how many apples, cottage cheese and, say, trout should be eaten a day in order to fill the body with the necessary daily intake of vitamins? After all, few of us eat properly 3-4 times a day. As a rule, the morning consists of a cup of coffee and a sandwich, at work we limit ourselves to a dry snack, and even dinner will not provide us with a daily dose of vitamins necessary for full he alth.
Fortunately, pharmacies offer a wide range of vitamin complexes, and a competent pharmacist will tell you which vitamins are best to drink in the fall, and which ones in the spring. In addition, you can choose vitamins for babies, preschoolers, teenagers, adults and the elderly. The fact is that each age group has its own daily need for different vitamins and it is advisable to take this into account.
Babies and vitamins
Newly-made mothers are often puzzled by the question of which vitamins are better to drink in autumn for babies up to a year.
Newborns, if they are he althy and onbreastfeeding, additional vitamins are not needed. The baby receives everything necessary for development from mother's milk. And for the little ones who eat artificial nutrition, the Polivit Baby vitamins are suitable. However, it is impossible to arbitrarily give vitamins to such crumbs - you should consult a pediatrician!
What vitamins are better to take in the fall for babies from 1 to 4 years old? After all, during this period they are growing very actively, and they probably go to a nursery or kindergarten. For this age group, the following vitamin complexes are suitable:
- Dr. Theiss Multivitamol ("Dr. Theiss Multivitamol").
- "Sana Sol".
- Series of vitamins "Pikovit": "Pikovit 1+" (in the form of syrup), "Pikovit Unique 3+" (chewable lozenges), "Pikovit 4+" (multi-colored lozenges).
- Kinder Biovital ("Biovital Gel");
- "Alphabet - Our baby".

Vitamin preparation for school
For preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old, vitamins are needed that will support not only physical, but also mental development - after all, school is coming soon! Most famous drugs:
- "Pikovit 5+";
- "Alphabet - Kindergarten";
- "Univit";
- "Vitrum Plus";
- "Triovit";
- "Multi-Tabs Classic";
- "Vitamins".
From 7 to 12 years - their vitamins. School is not only a temple of knowledge, but alsoaccumulation of various bacteria daily attacking the student's body. What vitamins are better to drink in the fall to strengthen the immune system and help the student's body cope with the load? These are drugs:
- "Pikovit 7+";
- "Centrum Children's Pro";
- "Complivit Active".
From the age of 12, a period of intensive growth begins, coupled with puberty, and the child needs vitamins more than ever! Suitable drugs:
- "Vitrum Teenager";
- "Pikovit Omega-3" or "Pikovit Forte";
- "Supradin Kids Bears".

Vitamins for adults
What vitamins are best for adults to drink in autumn? After all, the body of an adult, as well as a child, needs the support of vitality and energy! In this situation, the following drugs are suitable:
- "Supradin";
- "Duovit";
- "Farmaton";
- "Gerimax";
- "Undevit".
In a word, vitamins help to boost immunity, maintain he alth, improve concentration and memory, and also favorably affect the general condition of the body. And to drink them or not to drink - decide for yourself.