Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and use. Useful properties of the plant

Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and use. Useful properties of the plant
Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and use. Useful properties of the plant

Traditional medicine has firmly entered our lives. A separate niche is occupied by the therapy of diseases with herbs. One of the commonly used plants with a set of healing qualities is marsh cinquefoil. Contraindications to the use of this medication exist, but they are minor. In another way, the plant is called "dekop", or "Russian ginseng".

Used for therapy:

- leaves;

- stems;

- roots of culture.

The leaves should be collected during the flowering period of the cinquefoil (early-mid-summer). During this season, the plant has the most nutrients. The roots of the culture are harvested in late autumn, after the first frost. If properly dug up and dried, they should be black.

Before treatment, you should find out why you need marsh cinquefoil. Contraindications and healing properties of the culture must be known for proper use, since herbal preparationscan be harmful if consumed improperly.

Marsh cinquefoil: application and healing properties

Culture has the following therapeutic effects on a person:

  • marsh cinquefoil application
    marsh cinquefoil application


  • antipyretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • anticancer;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sweatshop;
  • antipruritic;
  • wound healing.

The plant is used to treat many diseases:

  • joints (arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism);
  • spine (e.g. hernia, s alt deposits);
  • cancerous and other tumors;
  • female reproductive system;
  • skin (purulent wounds).

Stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, tumors of the prostate and breast, leukemia, cancer and many other diseases can defeat marsh cinquefoil. The use of tincture of this medicine will strengthen the immune system and improve vision. Also, decoctions are prepared from the plant for oral administration, lotions are made. The period of use of the drug is different, depending on the complexity of the disease. For example, for the treatment of tumors, it is necessary to drink marsh cinquefoil during the year. There are no contraindications for the duration of taking this culture. With long-term use of the plant, you should take breaks from one week to a month. A more detailed course of treatment should be checked with a doctor.

Marsh cinquefoil: preparation of medicine

marsh cinquefoil tincture application
marsh cinquefoil tincture application

To cooka decoction of the stems, you need to grind them, and pour 15 g of the resulting mixture into 200 g of boiling water. Next, the medicine should be warmed with a towel or poured into a thermos - it should be well infused. It is better to cook cinquefoil in the evening and leave it all night. In the morning, you can use a decoction of 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day before meals.

In order to prevent cancer and cure it, tea from the leaves of the culture is used. For cooking, you need 1, 5-2 tbsp. place spoons of cinquefoil in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The medicine must be insisted, and then filtered. It should be taken 1-2 times a day as a tea.

In case of disturbances in the work of the stomach (disorder, constipation), the roots of the plant are used. They must first be brewed in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon for 250 g of boiling water. Insist for at least two hours, filter. Use no more than 4 times a day for half a glass at a time. For convenience, you can prepare a double dose of medicine for the day.

Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications for treatment

When treating with this culture, one should be aware of its harmful effects in case of non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations. It is contraindicated to use a cinquefoil:

  • pregnant women;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • for bradycardia;
  • for the treatment of children;
  • with individual intolerance.

Do not self-medicate, before using marsh cinquefoil, get the recommendations of your doctor.
