The tongue is a speech and taste organ that closes the nasopharynx. Its main functions include the formation of a food bolus at the time of chewing, the determination of its taste and temperature, as well as the implementation of the possibility of swallowing and verbal communication. It is a striated muscle tissue covered with mucous

shell, and is divided into the root and the front part, which is also called the body of the language.
What is the tongue as an organ of taste
Due to the fact that taste buds are located all over the surface of the tongue, it seems to us that it does not have such a smooth mucous membrane as the rest of the oral cavity. But it is the papillae, of which there are four types on it, that determine whether what we eat is tasty, and suggest what exactly should not be taken into the mouth. Most taste buds, in which receptors are located, are located at the edges and at the tip of this organ.
By the way, we can perceive the taste of food only with a wet tongue. At the same time, its different parts determine the different taste qualities of what is eaten. The front reacts better to sweet, the back detects the presence of bitterness in foods, the sides of the tongue signal sour, and the tip indicates s alt.
What is language as a reflection of our he alth

But if a person ceases to feel the taste of sweet, s alty or sour, this usually means that he has experienced disorders in the endocrine or nervous systems. The tongue is an organ that clearly reflects the state of he alth of our body. True, you should not rely only on how it looks. To confirm your suspicions, you need to contact specialists and conduct serious examinations.
If in the morning, after brushing your teeth, you find cyanosis on a relaxed tongue, especially in its lower part, then this may be a signal of cardiovascular insufficiency. If it looks smooth, then there are problems with the secretion of gastric juice, and a bloodless and pale tongue indicates anemia and severe exhaustion of the body.
There is also the concept of "geographical" language. It, as a rule, means that this person suffers from a food allergy, which is manifested by excessive relief of the surface of the tongue. The presence of inflammatory processes in the liver can be signaled by redness and swelling of the right side of the tongue, and redness of its middle part is a sign of problems with the lungs. Gray plaque warns of a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
Talk about what language is from the point of view of Chinese medicine (and this is it

suggested to consider it as a source of information about the presence of diseases), you can endlessly. Time-tested data is also used by modern doctors, helping them diagnose the problem at the earliest stages.her appearance.
And if we are he althy?
And now let's consider what the language of a he althy person is. Its surface is velvety, pink, and may be covered with a slight whitish coating. The papillae are clearly visible, and there are no teeth marks along the edges.
Despite its ability to self-cleanse, care for this organ will not be superfluous. For this, an ordinary soft toothbrush is suitable. After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with movements from the base of the tongue to the tip, walk along its surface and remove plaque.