In the modern world, a person cannot run away from progress, and if he can, then for this he will need to leave everyone and everything and go somewhere to unexplored lands. There he unites with nature, feels all its strength and healing power of fresh air, freedom-loving stream, wild grass and the cry of migratory birds. A person is cleansed of all ailments, diseases and evil, which, however, can be done at home without the slightest sacrifice. Phytotherapy is the oldest and youngest science, returning us to the origins and roots. She is gaining more and more popularity. Today we will talk about herbal treatment, in particular, the subject of consideration will be marshwort.

What kind of weed?
Sweetweed is a rather inconspicuous plant, a weed that holds great healing power. It is found in the steppe, forest-steppe, in vegetable gardens, in gardens and just in an open field. Many owners get rid of it with annoyance, not realizing that the annoying plant is successfully used in medicine. It is low, sometimes not exceeding a quarter of a meter. Narrow green leaves are arranged in bunches on a thin stalk. However, grassappears bluish or greyish due to the fluff covering its surface. It also blooms unassumingly in summer.

How and why is cottonwort harvested?
In folk medicine, grass harvested during the flowering period is used. Find it in the garden and pull out almost all the plants, leaving a couple per square meter. Do not remove the root, but gently shake off the soil. Spread the plants in the sun and touch them often, do not leave them in the rain. It is important to observe that foreign herbs do not get into the workpiece, this can lead to an undesirable effect or even the absence of any action. Toad, for example, is very similar to cudweed, so it is often sold exactly, and then only the placebo effect has to act, because the toad is absolutely useless.
Crystal marsh: medicinal properties and their uses
This plant contains a lot of trace elements, vitamins, for example, carotene, which helps the immune system. You can prepare the grass yourself, or you can buy it at any green pharmacy. The dried marshmallow has a number of useful properties. This is wound healing, and a slowing of the heart rate, it is also successfully used by patients with problems of the stomach and intestines. It is possible to use in tandem with blue cyanosis, as well as with wild rose, calamus, mint, motherwort, St. John's wort to reduce acidity. Known cudweed and anti-inflammatory action, it has infusions. Tablespoon (2-3 grams of herbs) per glass of hot boiled water: boil for another quarter of an hour inenamelware, leave to cool under the lid. You can also make an oil solution: six grams of raw materials per glass of oil. If you have varicose veins, try taking a bath with this herb. Marsh cudweed is prescribed at the first symptoms of hypertension: an infusion along with baths can significantly improve your condition and reduce the hassle of constantly high blood pressure.

Sweet marshwort: contraindications and recommendations for use
Remember the first rule of taking any course of herbal medicine: unwillingness to trust official science and blind faith can lead to disastrous consequences, even death. Sushenitsa marsh also has contraindications. Due to its ability to slow the heartbeat and increase blood clotting, it is not recommended for people with slow heart rate, decreased vascular tone, low blood pressure, and thrombophlebitis. Do not give products of this origin to children under two years of age. Do not forget that everything is good in moderation.