Zalmanov's baths based on turpentine are currently gaining more and more popularity. This is a special type of capillary therapy, which gives amazing results. Helps to get rid of many diseases and cellulite. Contribute to the acquisition of harmony. Effective during colds. Charge the body with strength and energy. Transform the skin condition, making it smoother, more beautiful and more elastic.

The action of Zalmanov's baths
The founder of turpentine therapy is Dr. Zalmanov. It was he who at the very beginning of the 20th century developed this technique, which is still used in various medical institutions and sanatoriums. Carefully studying the problems of hydrotherapy, the doctor revealed a number of healing properties of ordinary water. He established that the alternation of hot and cold baths has a positive effect on the human capillary system, balances the blood supply in various organs, and restores impaired metabolism. Using the acquired knowledge, he introduced into medicine varioustypes of therapeutic baths. These are foot, herbal, s alt, manual and turpentine water procedures. With the help of turpentine baths, Zalmanov recommended acting on the entire surface of the skin, to improve blood circulation throughout the body. Turpentine baths are completely natural. And their action is due to gum turpentine, extracted from the resin of coniferous wood.
The doctor was sure that the correct treatment of the body and its regular rejuvenation can extend a person's life up to a hundred years. After all, over the years, the vascular system becomes clogged. S alts are constantly deposited there, cholesterol plaques and other harmful substances appear. In order for the body to remain he althy, it is necessary to get rid of such "garbage". And to allow oxygen and nutrients to freely enter the tissues of the human body. To do this, clean all the channels (capillaries, arteries, arterioles, etc.) through which these components pass, and activate them. Dr. Zalmanov confirmed in practice that turpentine baths stimulate capillary current, start metabolic processes both in adipose tissue and throughout the body. Stimulate the functions of weight loss and rejuvenation. Beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole.

Indications for use
Zalmanov's baths are a miracle cure. They are able to rid the body of many diseases. They are often recommended for diseases:
- cardiovascular system;
- alimentary tract;
- broncho-pulmonary apparatus;
- blood;
- endocrine gland;
- central nervous system;
- of a surgical nature;
- kidney organ;
- genitourinary system;
- ENT;
- eye;
- gynecology;
- skin;
- articular and musculoskeletal system.
Turpentine baths of Dr. Zalmanov are prescribed for children with the same ailments as in adults. They are recommended for chronic fatigue and to restore performance. They rejuvenate the body and give strength. Support beauty and he alth.

Despite the obvious benefits that Zalmanov's baths have, they should not be taken if a person suffers from an open form of tuberculosis, with arrhythmias and heart failure of 2 and 3 degrees. The ban is hypertension, which is at the II-III stage of development. You can not resort to such activities if there are exacerbated skin diseases and scabies. A contraindication is the inflammatory process in the acute stage and the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Baths are not prescribed for people with malignant tumors, during pregnancy and citizens who are hypersensitive to turpentine.
Pain in the joints that occurs after the procedure, as well as a slight increase in body temperature, is not a reason to cancel water activities. White baths are recommended for people with low or normal blood pressure. Yellow - for persons with an increased indicator.
Zalmanov baths: instructions
Turpentine therapy is divided into three main stages:
- preparing the bath itself;
- acceptance of procedure;
- rest.
At the first stage, the bath is filled with water + 36 (+ 1) ° С to the initial level, which is located 10 cm below the safety drain hole. The more thoroughly the body is immersed in turpentine liquid, the higher the result will be. Then the required dose of Zalman's solution is poured into the prepared dishes, the volume of which should be at least 0.5 liters. And dilute the substance with hot tap water. The solution is well stirred with a spoon and poured into the bath, where everything is mixed with your hands again.

The second step is taking a bath. The procedure lasts a certain time, so you need to mark its beginning. After immersing the body in the bath, open the tap and add hot water so that the temperature rises by 1-2 ° C. At this time, relax the body as much as possible and lie quietly for 10-20 minutes. For a white bath, the temperature should reach 39 (+ 1) ° C. Yellow requires a temperature regime of 40.5-42 ° C. The temperature of the first turpentine baths should not exceed 39-40 °C.
A special moment in taking a bath is the appearance of sweat. If it occurs on the face, you should immediately end the water procedure. This means that the cleansing process has started, and the body has reached the required level. At the end of the event, the skin is not wiped. A dressing gown or towel is thrown over the body. They go straight to bed.
The final stage is rest. It is he who will allow you to get from turpentine bathsmaximum effect. Stay in bed for 1-2 hours. You need to try to sweat a lot during this time. For this purpose, you need to cover yourself with a blanket or two. It is recommended to drink hot tea from herbs that have a diaphoretic effect. This is how the treatment with Zalmanov's baths should end.
Types of Dr. Zalmanov's baths
All turpentine procedures according to Zalmanov's method are divided into baths:
- white;
- yellow;
- mixed;
- dry.
These procedures differ from each other in composition and execution mechanism. White and yellow baths are united by the ability to normalize capillary blood flow. They also have bactericidal and anesthetic effects. The ability to start self-healing processes. The composition of the mixed bath is influenced by the blood pressure indicator and the type of disease. Dry versions are creams with the same ingredients found in yellow and white turpentine solutions. Zalmanov's turpentine baths can give amazing results. But only with careful observance of the methodology for their implementation.

White bathtubs
Zalmanov's white baths contribute to the full disclosure of the capillary system. They train blood vessels, moderately increase blood pressure, promote deeper breathing, increase the amount of oxygen that enters the lungs. In addition, such activities relax muscles and burn metabolites, saturate the blood with amino acids. During the procedure, there may be a slight tingling sensation in the thighs, calves,pelvis and back. The duration of the event should not exceed 45 minutes.
Salicylic acid in solution enhances the irritating property of turpentine and speeds up the recovery of the skin. Has an antibacterial effect. In combination with soap, it loosens the dermis and makes the penetration of turpentine deeper. Baths are suitable for people with low and normal blood pressure levels. This emulsion does not cause excessive sweating, but only improves tissue oxygenation and blood circulation. With a strong increase in pressure at the end of the procedure, you need to switch to mixed baths or yellow.

Yellow turpentine treatments
Zalmanov's yellow baths are recommended for high blood pressure. The emulsion expands the capillaries and lowers the rate. In addition, it removes toxins, speeds up metabolism, removes deposits in tissues, joint cavities and endoneurium. Stimulate blood circulation. The solution contains castor oil, olein and soda. The components create a film on the surface of the water that maintains the temperature in the bath. During the procedure, the body temperature rises, there is a therapeutic effect, various deposits dissolve, sediments dissolve, sweating is stimulated. There is an expulsion through the skin of sodium and urea ions. But the pulse does not quicken. The respiratory process does not accelerate either.
Turpentine-based mixed baths
Many people like Zalmanov baths. Reviews about them claim that they completely relax the body, give energy and relieve fatigue. Usersit is said that procedures of mixed type are universal. Combine the action of both emulsions. Since the white solution increases blood pressure, and the red one lowers it, by combining it is possible to create the most favorable conditions for treatment.
They start taking baths at a temperature of 37 °C. During the next five minutes, the water is brought to 39 °C. When taking the fourth turpentine bath, the temperature is brought to 40 ° C for 12 minutes. And starting from the sixth, they withstand 41 ° C. When taking the 12th procedure, the temperature in the bath should be 42 ° C. The degree must be increased gradually. Staying at a temperature of 41-42 ° C should not exceed four minutes.
What are dry baths called?
Unique modern technologies have made it possible to create a special tool. Cream "Capilar" (in another way it is called "Zalmanov's Dry Baths") has absorbed many useful substances. Contains gum material, as well as oils: mint, camphor and fir. Dihydroquercetin is added to the product, which is a bioflavonoid of Siberian larch and protects capillaries from harmful effects. You need to use the drug for at least three weeks, every seven days taking a break for a week. Used for bruises, hematomas, venous circulation disorders, sprains and other similar diseases.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths: home use
It is not necessary to go to a sanatorium to take baths according to Zalmanov. All procedures can be arranged at home. For this you will need:
- bath;
- water (both cold and hot);
- thermometer with a scale of 50 °C;
- measuring cup;
- tonometer and stethoscope for measuring blood pressure;
- clock;
- mirror, in order to monitor perspiration in the face area.
You can buy an emulsion at a pharmacy or online store. The initial dose for an adult is 20 ml. Gradually it rises. Zalmanov's baths at home will have no less effect than in a sanatorium. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use.
Main recommendations
When taking Dr. Zalmanov's baths, certain nuances should be taken into account:
- During the procedure, there is a slight tingling or burning sensation. This is especially felt in the genital area. Therefore, a thin layer of medical Vaseline should be applied to this part of the body.
- Turpentine solution is used only once, because in the process of taking a bath, a lot of toxins and toxins settle in it. They can cause harm if repeated.
- Changes in he alth are observed after 2-3 weeks.
- If cellulite is present on the body, then baths with white and yellow emulsion in a ratio of 1:3 are used to eliminate it. The procedure is carried out every other day.
Rejuvenating and antiseptic properties of turpentine baths have been proven by clinical trials. Those people who used them, in accordance with all recommendations, became much younger.

People's opinions about the procedure
Turpentinebaths according to Zalmanov reviews are positive. People refer them to the most effective procedures. They say that changes in the body do not occur immediately. At first, softness of the skin is felt, wen are reduced, s alt deposits are absorbed. The procedures cleanse the body and promote weight loss. Relax the nervous system and cause sweating. After their application, the skin condition improves, elasticity increases, smoothness, lightness appear, cellulite disappears. Immunity is strengthened and a person stops getting colds, sleep is restored.
Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov have a rather specific smell. Reviews note this too. Some people for this reason refused to take baths. Someone is annoyed by excessive sweating, which after the procedure lasts about 3-4 hours. There are those users for whom turpentine baths did not help, but only caused severe allergies, intoxication of the body. They say that the procedures had no effect on cellulite and weight. In addition, after a yellow emulsion, an unpleasant greasy film remains on the body. Some baths caused headaches. From the foregoing, we can conclude that turpentine baths helped some people, and they were satisfied with the result. Others did not see any effect after their application. They harmed the third at all, causing allergies, burns and heart problems.