Among the many medical systems, one of the most popular in the last decade has become the Indian Vedic teaching. We have become accustomed to the word "Ayurveda". What it is? Can each person follow the principles of this system in order to live a long life?

Historical background
The main element of well-being in this science is the unity and balance of the body, organs and soul. Appeared more than 1000 years ago, the doctrine significantly influenced the development of not only Eastern, but also European medicine. Healing herbs and spices have been brought from India to the countries of the Mediterranean and Central Asia, to China and South Siberia since ancient times. We still enjoy using musk and sandalwood, cinnamon and aloe.
Gradually gaining popularity in the world, by the middle of the 20th century, Indian Ayurvedic medicine began to be studied and used in the West. The center of Ayurveda in Israel, for example, is the Readman College, in the USA the National Institute of Ayurveda Medicine operates. Russia has met and is actively studying the basic provisions and procedures of Indian medicineonly since the end of the 20th century. Today, Ayurveda is almost as popular and in demand in Moscow as it is in the rest of the world.
The basic methods of Oriental medicine are firmly established in the practice of doctors who profess a scientific approach to healing patients. These are therapeutic diets, and douche baths, and diagnostics by pulse and breathing. About three hundred and fifty thousand registered doctors of the planet practice Ayurveda.

From general recommendations to individual treatment
Indian medicine is based not only on the exact sciences. It is based on Sankhya philosophy, astrology and bio-cosmo-rhythmology, while also using knowledge from the field of naturopathy (natural methods of treating diseases).
According to this teaching, astrology describes the connection between the micro- and macrocosm (man and the environment), gives an idea of how cosmic bodies affect our lives. Naturopathy is known for offering to replace chemical medicines with natural foods, healing plants and minerals. The main thing is an individual approach to each person. Experts say that by objectively evaluating the age, gender, physique, place of residence and biorhythms of a person, it is possible to correct the imbalance with the help of medicinal plants and spices. One of the canons of Ayurveda says: “Everything that surrounds us is a medicine, you just need to recognize it and use it correctly.”
Doctor in Ayurveda
A person with all his chronic diseases is a system with dysfunctions of many organs. This is what Ayurveda says. Treatment shouldcarried out by only one doctor who will thoroughly study the problem and see ways to help the patient. A physician who uses the principles of Ayurveda must be a specialist in all fields and be able to help all patients without exception, regardless of whether they are old people or children.

And one more important note. Oriental medicine suggests that the patient must go through the main part of the path to recovery himself, strictly following the doctor's instructions. Only in this case is a full recovery possible.
For a long time, the examination of the patient is carried out according to the method of "five mirrors" - pulse, diagnostics by the condition of the tongue and skin, irido- and auriculodiagnostics. This allows not only to understand the clinical picture, but also to identify the patient's tendency to certain complications.
Elemental Struggle
We are all made up of the elements of the five elements: air, water, earth, fire and space. Their balance, balance (“Prakriti”) corresponds to ideal he alth, says Ayurveda. What it is? The desire of healers to direct a person in the direction of harmonization of soul and body. For ease of understanding, remember the European psychotypes - slow phlegmatic, quick-tempered choleric, almost balanced melancholic and inquisitive sanguine. It is almost impossible to find a person in whom all (or at least three psychotypes) are not represented. But highlighting the dominant one is quite a simple task.
The same is true in Ayurveda. In an ideal state, we should live in harmony with all the elements. But from birth, one prevails.

This concept describes not only the body type, but also the speed of the processes occurring in a person: metabolism during digestion, thinking, psychological mobility and susceptibility to physical exertion, temperament, etc.
There are three types of doshas in Ayurveda. Vata is air, Pitta is fire and water, and Kapha is water, earth and space. As long as all doshas are in balance, we are he althy and active. But the constant variability of external conditions and, accordingly, internal stress knock people out of balance.
The goal of Ayurveda is the harmonization of dosha and guna (psycho-emotional state) to Prakriti.
Water sharpens the stone
And yet Ayurveda - what is it? Most experts say that this is a flexible system of protection and adjustment of the human condition. She proposes to use centuries-old proven algorithms anywhere and at all times. At the same time, the emphasis is on the fact that it is impossible to mechanically apply known methods - they should be adapted according to the “place-time-circumstances” scheme. Only by taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and geography, culture and society in which the patient is located, it is possible to create an effective treatment system.

Many medicines (or rather, almost all) act gently and gradually, activating the internal processes of self-regulation of the body. They do not cause the side effects that chemical drugs are known for. The Oriental Medicine Center will offer a set of measures to “pull out” the disease outside, and not heal it somewheredeep inside. And at the same time, Ayurvedic medicines have a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. The simplicity and availability of treatment methods allows you to correct your condition even at home.
Disease is a teacher
It also seems interesting that all diseases are considered not as “ultimate evil”, but as teachers who came to point out our mistakes. To describe the disease, linking it to the way of thinking and behavior, and to point us through "friendly" diseases to deeper and more severe ailments - that's what Ayurveda is capable of. What is it and how to understand it? Modern medical scientists have already proven, for example, that a mild form of tuberculosis, which should not be expelled from your body, according to Vedic philosophy, will take away bronchial asthma from the patient.

Remember the saying "thought is material"? This is one of the cornerstones of the teachings under the beautiful name of Ayurveda. We already know that this system binds together the universe and people (with all their thoughts and deeds that can affect the environment). Illness is seen as something that can stop and change the situation, prevent the consequences of what a person could do while being he althy. This is exactly what Ayurveda says. Healing allows us to extinguish the energy that we accumulate for the implementation of unkind, destructive intentions. The main thing is to learn that we are not talking about meaningful and planned evil. Envy, criticism of others, self-pity - all these are also unkind and harmful seeds for the universe. And with the help of diseases weswitch and learn to perceive reality differently.
Oriental medicine calls this beautiful word vital energy, on which the status of a person depends. And note: intellectual, spiritual and even social. According to the adherents of Ayurveda, each of us does not use our potential even by 5%. And it is not so important whether we live in unsuitable conditions or are ourselves fascinated by momentary desires (to earn more, gain power, fly up the career ladder, etc.) - nature with enviable constancy pushes a person, showing him the path of self-realization, but we rarely hear these hints…
That's how the ojas decreases. And along with this, chronic diseases appear and old age approaches. In addition, the amount of ojas determines our resistance to all sorts of destructive factors. Among other phenomena that reduce vital energy, one can name hard physical labor, prolonged fasting, alcohol and drugs, anxious thoughts, lack of sleep, dry food, etc. All this leads to the so-called mental and physical indigestion, as a result, all kinds of slags and toxins are formed. (physical and mental). Literally everything annoys a person: noise, light, laughter of other people … Fear, intolerance and anxiety settle in him. And, of course, all this leads to the development of diseases.

How to accumulate ojas
Despite the fact that Ayurveda (reviews of medical scientists only reinforce the opinion of those who have experienced treatment methods) considers an individual and complexapproaches to the he alth of each patient, there are many specific recipes. For example, he althy sleep and quality food are essential to increase ojas. Honey, ginger, saffron, etc. serve this purpose.
Each person, born with a small supply of ojas, is able to accumulate it throughout his life. But the main skill for an adherent of any school that the center of oriental medicine offers is the ability to redistribute and redirect vital energy. This applies to yoga, and tantra, and qigong.
The most effective way to preserve vital energy is called abstinence from too frequent sexual relations. For the average European, this is nonsense. After all, the birthplace of the famous "Kama Sutra" is India. Ayurveda does not require a complete renunciation of sexual relations. Adepts are only invited to streamline their intimate life, because sex makes a person addicted, like drugs. There are even the results of a study conducted by scientists from the Netherlands, according to which orgasm acts on the psyche almost like a dose of heroin.
Foundation of he alth
Oriental healers regard ojas as the greatest gift of the Almighty. To preserve and replenish vital energy, we need to make efforts: adhere to the rules of a he althy lifestyle, transform, take care of our spiritual purity, control thoughts, feelings and desires. The Bhagavad Gita, an Indian scripture, says: “Peace can only be achieved by one who is not disturbed by the continuous flow of desires, like rivers flowing into an ever-filling, but always calm ocean. And nopeace to him who strives to satisfy his desires.”

The experience of generations - into life
Vedic doctors say that all diseases happen to us out of ignorance. We do not know how to listen to our body (and most importantly - to hear) and its needs. The ability to recognize the Universe in oneself and learn how to manage it is one of the tasks of an adept of Indian philosophy.
The most important difference between Ayurveda and European medicine is recognized as an integrated approach to the physical and spiritual well-being of a person, to his worldview and lifestyle. Any of us, without exception, applying the acquired knowledge, will be able to achieve the desired result. You just need to remember that the more efforts will be made, the brighter will be the achievement of the goal. There is no doubt that the result will really be, because people will not practice a completely useless system for 5000 years.