As you know, many diseases appear against the background of the fact that a large amount of toxins accumulate in the human body. In the process of accumulation of harmful substances, many systems of full-fledged life activity suffer. People begin to suffer from ailments, frequent colds, severe drowsiness, fatigue and other pathologies.
To get rid of such problems, it is recommended to periodically clean. Particular attention should be paid to the intestines. It is he who is the main "path" for harmful components that tend to accumulate in the body.

There are numerous herbs for colon cleansing, decoction recipes that are available to make at home. However, before that, it is worth learning more about such procedures.
In what situations is herbalism recommended
Before cleansing the intestines with herbs, you should pay attention to the fact that such preventive measures allow you to get rid of toxins not only in a separate system, but also in other organs,for example, the urinary tract.
Thanks to healing decoctions, it becomes possible to quickly get rid of slagging, toxins, fecal clots, s alts of heavy metals and much more. Thanks to such procedures, it is possible to normalize the general condition of the patient, normalize his hair and nails.
It is also worth considering that different types of bowel cleansing with herbs, the benefits and harms of which should be studied immediately before the procedures, are recommended to be used when the first symptoms of slagging appear. You need to start treatment if a person suffers from:
- lethargy, reduced efficiency, loss of strength;
- digestion problems;
- increased allergic reactions;
- appearance of frequent constipation and diarrhea;
- high gas production;
- frequent headaches turning into migraines;
- appearance of heartburn, nausea;
- anxiety and hyperexcitability.
It is noteworthy that phytotherapy is used even in official medicine. For example, in situations where a patient cannot undergo chemotherapy for one reason or another.
Herbs for cleaning the intestinal tract
It is worth noting that the procedure for cleansing the intestines with herbs at home should be carried out with all the recommendations of doctors. It is important to properly prepare for therapeutic measures.
It is recommended to prepare medicinal formulations during the daytime. If you drink decoctions at night, you can ensure yourself a restless sleep. The fact is that most of the components havelaxative and diuretic action. It is also worth considering in more detail which herbs for cleansing the intestines are the most effective and harmless to the human body.
Although this herb has mild poisonous properties, it is very effective in getting rid of toxins. However, it is important to consider that if wormwood is taken for too long, its components (including the poison) will accumulate in the human body. This can provoke negative changes in the mental state of a person, affect sleep and appetite. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully plan the course of treatment.

Mugwort must be collected in a clean area. It is prepared as a powder or brewed as a tea. Usually such an herb for cleansing the intestines is used for quite serious problems. For example, when you need to "drive out" parasites or eliminate putrefactive processes occurring in the intestines.
Features of the use of wormwood
As a rule, no more than 100 g of this plant in powder form is used during the entire course of treatment. The dosage directly depends on the age and weight indicators of a particular person.
If the patient decides to take wormwood in the form of tea, then the duration of prophylactic procedures cannot be more than a week. To prepare a drink, pour 1 small spoonful of herbs with a liter of boiling water. During the day, it is necessary to consume no more than half a liter of healing tea. The remaining half of the liquid is used for enema administration.
In the process of treatment, it is important to eat right. For example, it is necessary to abandon animal products, spices, spices, as well as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. It is recommended not to purchase this herb for bowel cleansing in a pharmacy (especially since it is not so easy to find it on sale), but to collect it yourself.
How often is wormwood cleaning done
As a rule, complex treatment is required, which is carried out once. It is advisable not to perform such procedures more than once a year. Such recommendations and restrictions are due to the fact that the plant is toxic.

If we talk about the peculiarities of taking this herb to cleanse the intestines, then experts recommend using a pinch of ground wormwood powder, which is washed down with warm water, every 2.5 hours. This prophylaxis continues for the first three days. At the same time, there is no natural connection with food intake. The next four days, the amount of the drug is reduced. The powder is taken at intervals of 5 hours. If a person has an allergic reaction, then such treatment should be stopped immediately.
This is another herb for cleansing the intestines from toxins, which is considered a very effective remedy. However, it must be remembered that celandine, like wormwood, is far from a safe plant. However, its amazing medicinal properties are hard to dispute.
Celandine is often used to treat intestinal or stomach polyposis. The herb helps with atony and is a very powerful bactericidalmeans. It is also recommended to collect celandine in clean ecological zones. Do not use grass that grows along the road or near industrial sites.

You should also be extremely careful when using this herb, as celandine can cause a severe allergic reaction. In undiluted form, drinking such a remedy is strictly prohibited. Only topical application is allowed.
Features of using celandine
Despite the fact that this herb is quite poisonous, many in their reviews note the effectiveness of this plant. However, before preventive measures, netizens and doctors recommend preparing. First of all, the patient must adhere to a sparing diet for five days. After that, you can proceed to the direct use of herbs to cleanse the intestines.
To do this, add 5 drops of freshly squeezed plant juice to 250 ml of boiling water and cover. After that, you need to wait a while until the therapeutic composition cools down. Then half of the finished liquid is mixed with the same amount of water or any neutral drink. You need to drink the medicine three times a day for some time before meals. Usually the course of treatment is no more than five days.
Celandine enema
In this case, you will have to not only adhere to a sparing diet for some time before the procedures. You will also have to do a cleansing enema. To do this, you can pour 50 g of this plant in grated form with half a liter of boiling water. Afterafter the mixture has cooled, the same amount of pure water is added to it. The resulting composition is used for enema.

As many people write in their reviews, this procedure shows the greatest effectiveness if a person suffers from intestinal polyps. Celandine is an excellent antibacterial agent.
St. John's wort
This herb has numerous positive properties, so it is widely used in traditional medicine. St. John's wort helps to cope with the problems of the cardiovascular system, liver, urogenital tract, etc. It helps to accelerate regeneration, relieves pain and inflammation. St. John's wort perfectly removes bile, as well as microorganisms that poison a person.
If you prepare a tincture of St. John's wort, you can quickly improve the processes in the digestive system. In addition, if you periodically undergo a course of treatment using this plant, you can significantly improve the general condition of the body and your well-being.

Tibetan collection of herbs for bowel cleansing
This healing composition includes plants that, in combination with each other, cleanse the hematopoietic system of the human body, as well as other systems that may experience failures.
In addition, according to user feedback, the Tibetan fee helps:
- Regulate metabolism.
- Improve the performance of the urinary system.
- Eliminate excess fat deposits, including toxins,cholesterol and other harmful substances.
- Recover the body after a course of potent drugs that adversely affect the microflora of the stomach.
To complete the cleansing course, you must purchase half a kilogram of the collection in dry form. Raw materials must be carefully ground. After that, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water and leave for about 30-40 minutes. When the composition has cooled down a little, it is necessary to divide it into three portions. The first two parts must be consumed in the morning. Before this, it is better not to eat anything. The remaining composition should be taken at bedtime.
The course of treatment with such a collection is usually two and a half months. During this time, you can clean not only the intestines, but the whole body.
Senna herb for bowel cleansing
It should be noted right away that this plant has a pronounced laxative effect, so you need to be prepared for the "consequences". The composition of senna contains components that irritate the human intestinal mucosa. Thanks to this, peristalsis is significantly improved, the lump begins to move faster. In addition, a laxative herb for cleansing the intestines, which is sold at an affordable price in a pharmacy, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
To prepare a healing composition, pour one spoonful of herbs into 250 ml of cold water. The finished medicine should be drunk 2/3 cup before bedtime. The rest is taken in the morning of the next day.

Also after buying senna herb for bowel cleansingthe instructions are worth reading. You need to understand that any herb can be an allergen or even be prohibited for consumption by some people.
Possible contraindications
Despite the fact that herbs are natural and have a predominantly positive effect on the body, not everyone can take them. For example, girls who are expecting the birth of a baby and nursing mothers should refuse such preventive procedures. You should not take the herbs described above in case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies or during the period of colds.
You also need to be extremely careful for those who suffer from:
- Pathologies that disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
- Tuberculosis in an acute form.
- Kidney stones.
- Problems with the biliary system.
Also, do not forget about possible side effects. Some users have reported experiencing pain, dizziness, nausea, weakness, or an allergic reaction (usually itchy and irritated) after taking certain herbal medicines.
You need to understand that each body can respond to a particular treatment in different ways. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the exact proportions of decoctions and not using the selected remedy in case of deterioration. Before a cleansing course, you should talk with your doctor and choose with him the most suitable herbs and fees that will have a more effective effect.