Manchurian Aralia, whose use in classical medicine began relatively recently, grows in the northeastern regions of China, the Far East, and northern Japan. In the people it is called "thorn-tree" or "devil's tree". Aralia Manchurian is a small plant, whose height is not more than six meters, with a straight trunk covered with thorns. The flowers are small, yellow-white. The berries of the plant are blue-black, very juicy. Leaves, bark, berries, buds and roots of Manchurian aralia are used in medicine. The Latin name of the tree is Aralia mandshurica or Aralia elata.

Composition and properties of components
Starch is present in the plant. This substance has an enveloping and softening effect. Its use is recommended for pathologies of the digestive system. Starch provides mucosal protection in diseases such as ulcers, gastritis. The substance is also recommended for neuroses, skin lesions, burns, children's diathesis. The beneficial properties of starch include its ability to accelerate metabolic processes.processes to lower blood cholesterol levels. The essential oils present in Aralia have an antiseptic, expectorant, antispasmodic effect. These components have a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect.

Phytosterols and flavonoids
These substances are actively involved in ensuring the stable operation of various systems. Phytosterols are a substrate for the formation of vitamin D, hormones, and bile acids in the body. They also exhibit anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects, hypoglycemic effect, stimulate the activity of the intrasecretory glands and the nervous system. The flavonoids present in the plant help strengthen capillaries, improve nutrition and stimulate the heart muscle. The useful properties of the compounds include pressure reduction, elimination of spasms, choleretic activity. Flavonoids stimulate the antitoxic properties of the liver, exhibit diuretic and hemostatic effects. Due to the content of resins, Aralia Manchurian has a laxative, wound healing, antibacterial effect. Aralia contains tannins. They have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

Vitamins and trace elements contained in the plant
The composition contains triterpene saponins, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium, aluminum, chromium. Among the trace elements, tungsten, strontium, selenium, molybdenum, manganese, zinc, and nickel should also be distinguished. ATthe plant contains B vitamins. Thiamine (B1) has proven itself as a prophylactic against peripheral paralysis and neuritis. This vitamin is prescribed for skin lesions (itching, eczema, pyoderma and psoriasis). As part of complex treatment, thiamine stimulates brain activity, improves learning, eliminates symptoms of fatigue, depression, and mental pathologies. Riboflavin (B2) provides protection of the retina from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, the synthesis of stress hormones, increases adaptation and visual acuity in the dark. In addition, B2 is involved in the conversion of saccharides and fats into energy, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Riboflavin is necessary to ensure the normal development and growth of the fetus in the prenatal period, the element protects the cells of the nervous system from the negative influence of various factors, takes part in the activity of the immune system.

Measures for the collection, storage, procurement
Roots are harvested in autumn, mostly in September, and in spring before the leaves appear. The optimal age of the tree is from five to fifteen years. For the preparation of medicines, roots with a diameter of 1-3 centimeters are used. The cut parts of the plant are thoroughly washed from the soil, rotten or darkened areas are removed. Raw materials are dried in the open air under a canopy (if there is no precipitation) or at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees in a dryer. Harvested roots are stored for two years. The leaves and bark of the tree are harvested after and during flowering. These parts of the tree are dried at temperatures up to 55degrees.
Healing properties
Manchurian Aralia has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. This effect is more pronounced than in plants such as eleutherococcus or ginseng. Aralia mandshurica does not have a strong effect on blood pressure levels. At the same time, there is some cardiotonic effect that stimulates respiratory activity. Aralia Manchurian preparations are recommended for persons involved in work, which requires concentration of attention, clear coordination of movements. When taken in therapeutic doses, the drugs are safe. However, at higher dosages, drugs can cause serious side effects. The useful properties of the plant should also include hypoglycemic, tonic, immunomodulatory.

Indications for use
Preparations containing Aralia Manchurian are recommended for diseases of the circulatory system. Remedies are prescribed for rheumatism, vegetovascular dystonia, anemia. The indications include pathologies of the respiratory organs of an infectious inflammatory nature. To stimulate the immune system, it is recommended to take it for influenza, laryngitis, acute respiratory infections, chronic tonsillitis. Effective drugs for the common cold, pneumonia. Means are prescribed to patients with pathologies of the endocrine, genitourinary system, skin diseases. Recommended therapy for hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, chronic glomerulonephritis, impotence, inflammation of the prostate. Indications include menstrual disorders, pustularskin lesions.
Influence on other body systems
Stimulating the activity of the nervous system is another important property that Manchurian aralia has. Reviews of many people who took plant-based preparations indicate a decrease in psychological fatigue, increased motivation, and a surge of strength. Patients note that the mood rises, the ability to concentrate is normalized. The plant can cause a state of euphoria. Another useful property is the hypoglycemic effect. With a decrease in blood sugar levels, an increase in the secretion of growth hormone, a certain anabolic effect, is noted. This allows the use of drugs that contain Manchurian aralia in bodybuilding. When taking funds, there is an improvement in appetite, an increase in body weight.

Drug "Saparal"
The main component of this remedy is Manchurian aralia. The price of the medicine is from 169 rubles. The drug has a general tonic effect, stimulates appetite, strengthens the central nervous system, improves sleep, increases glucocorticosteroid function of the adrenal glands. When taking the drug, stimulation of the functions of leukocytes, acceleration of oxidative reduction reactions is noted. The drug has a minimal toxic effect. Against the background of even prolonged therapy, complications rarely occur. Means "Saparal", in which there is Manchurian aralia, the instruction recommends taking 2-3 tablets per day after meals. It is advisable to drink the medicine in the evening andmorning hours. The duration of therapy is 2 or 4 weeks. After that, it is recommended to take an 8-15-day break and resume taking 1-2 tablets / day. It is recommended to drink the remedy long before bedtime, to prevent anxiety or insomnia. The drug is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity, epilepsy, increased excitability of the central nervous system, dyskinesia, high blood pressure.

Other remedies
Alcohol tincture (it also contains Manchurian aralia), the price of which is from 30 rubles, is considered a fairly popular remedy. It is recommended not only for increased fatigue, loss of strength, depression. The drug is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections, with toothache, periodontal disease. The tool helps to eliminate the symptoms of neurosis resulting from TBI with asthenic syndrome. Reception of tincture is also shown for urinary incontinence. Drink the drug should be before meals for half an hour. 30-40 drops are dissolved in 50 ml of water, taken orally. The duration of therapy is from three to five weeks. During treatment, it should be remembered that the drug has a pronounced effect on the central nervous system, so it is not necessary to abuse it. In addition, with too long use, the risk of developing hypertension increases, and taking the medicine in the evening can provoke sleep disturbances.