Burdock: useful properties and contraindications of the plant

Burdock: useful properties and contraindications of the plant
Burdock: useful properties and contraindications of the plant

This is a perennial culture that is used for medical, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Belongs to the Astrov family and has other names: burdock and dog man. This is a strong and powerful plant that blooms with purple spiky flowers in summer. The leaves of burdock are pale green in color and heart-shaped. The plant has long black and green-brown roots.

For a long time, traditional healers have used burdock to treat many diseases. Useful properties have leaves, stems and roots of the dog lover. Tinctures, decoctions are made from it, juice is made, and baths are taken. Burdock in folk medicine occupies a separate niche and is successfully used to treat such diseases:

  • hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • burdock useful properties
    burdock useful properties

    gastritis, ulcers;

  • colds;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • dermal;
  • female reproductive organs.

Not onlytraditional medicine, but also modern cosmetology widely uses burdock. The beneficial properties of the plant are used against hair loss, creating means to strengthen curls. So, the use of burdock juice or oil makes the hair soft, thick and shiny.

Burdock: useful properties of culture

The dog lover has the following useful qualities:

  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sweatshop;
  • laxative.

Burdock contains many useful minerals and vitamins (P, E, C, B, A). Burdock root is 50% inulin and is a salvation for people with diabetes. In addition, the plant is used to treat oncology, alcohol poisoning and joint diseases.

burdock in folk medicine
burdock in folk medicine

How and where burdock is used

Today there are many recipes from burdock for the treatment of diseases. Before you start using any of them, you should consult with a specialist. Let's note the most popular recipes:

  1. In case of violations of the gallbladder and liver, tea is made from the roots of the dog lover. To do this, they must be finely chopped and pour water, insist, boil and strain. Drink this decoction three times a day.
  2. With sunburn and domestic skin burns. To do this, you need to make an ointment from the leaves of the plant, previously boiled in water, and butter.
  3. With diabetes, rheumatism and chronic gastritis. They take burdock roots, fill it with water, insist and drink three times a day. This tincture canuse as a mouth rinse for colds.
  4. When urolithiasis and gout drink freshly squeezed plant juice. It is enough to consume three times a day.
  5. For female infertility and menstrual irregularities. In this case, the juice that is obtained by thoroughly crushing the burdock helps. The beneficial properties of the plant are also used to treat mastopathy by applying the leaves of the dog man on the chest.
  6. burdock root contraindications
    burdock root contraindications

When the use of burdock is prohibited

Basically, the plant has a beneficial effect on the human body and copes with many diseases. But still, you need to be careful when using leaves, stems and burdock root. Contraindications in the use of the plant are as follows:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • during pregnancy.

Before using burdock to treat children, you should consult your doctor.
