Cranberry is a medicinal berry, indispensable for the human body. Red fruits are successfully used in the fight against many ailments. Useful properties and contraindications of cranberries for women, men and children, we will consider in the article.
The healing properties of cranberries and contraindications are due to the rich chemical composition. The berry is an effective antioxidant, a catalyst for antibiotics and a real source of energy.
Cranberries contain a combination of valuable components of natural origin:
- bioflavonides - activate the intensive activity of enzymes that contribute to the normal course of metabolic reactions;
- proanthocyanides - capable of slowing down the aging process of the body at the cellular level, reducing intoxication;
- benzoic acid - inhibits the development of fungi and mold;
- vitamin B1 - assists the body in growth and development, supports the functioning of the brain, heart muscle and nervous system;
- potassium - a high content of the element has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, the heart, brain cells;
- vitamin B2 - activeassistant in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- vitamin B5 - essential for fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
- vitamin B6 - is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle tissues;
- glucose is the main source of energy;
- pectins - contribute to the effective removal of harmful compounds.
This is only a small part of the "greatness" of ripe fruits.
Berry of Life
Because the product is a source of a whole vitamin complex, the medicinal properties of cranberries have a beneficial effect on he alth:
- strengthens the immune system, eliminating the symptoms of colds;
- reduces the risk of cancer;
- strengthens capillary walls;
- promotes the development of mental abilities and physical activity;
- improves metabolic processes.
In addition, home-made cosmetics based on fruit pulp and juice accelerate the healing of skin of various origins. With such healing power, it is difficult to find an alternative to cranberries.
Berry can be used to treat both individual organs and the body as a whole. A huge advantage is that sour fruits do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen and dried. As a result, the berry is relevant for the treatment and prevention of diseases throughout the year.

Cranberry juice
Cooking cranberry juice is the most affordable and popular treatment for metabolic disorders, SARS or flu.
A delicious drink can help with various disorders of the body, improving well-being:
- promotes the removal of toxic substances in case of poisoning;
- eliminates weakness and headache;
- prevents urinary tract infections;
- reduces inflammation in bone and muscle tissue;
- normalizes the digestive tract.
Despite the positive effects of vitamins and minerals, fruit drink can adversely affect the condition of a patient with gastritis of high acidity, low blood pressure, or with individual intolerance to the components.
It is important to follow the rules of oral hygiene after drinking fruit drinks. The acids contained in the fruits adversely affect the enamel of the teeth, destroying it and leading to high sensitivity. Therefore, dentists recommend thoroughly rinsing the mouth.
Cooking recipe
Properly cooked cranberry juice will retain the maximum amount of nutrients and enrich the body with vitamins. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. berries and sugar to taste.
Step cooking:
- Rinse the fruits well and mash until gruel is obtained;
- squeeze juice from the resulting mass;
- pulp the pulp into an enameled container, add water, bring to a boil and leave for another 5 minutes;
- strain the finished broth, add sugar and previously squeezed juice.
Drink a vitamin drink after 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can dilute the cranberry flavor by putting a cast of lemon balm, mint or zest when boilinglemon.

Properties of cranberries with honey
Another affordable and unique way to maintain he alth is cranberries with honey. The combination of natural products boosts immunity and has a tonic effect on the body:
- normalizes blood composition;
- prevents the development of microbes;
- has an analgesic effect;
- improves digestion;
- gives strength and energy.
Delicious delicacy has become widespread among the fair sex. The combination of vitamins and minerals allows women to effectively fight cystitis and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. The fiber and tannins included in the composition activate metabolic processes, allowing you to quickly remove accumulated toxins, as well as lose weight. During pregnancy 1 tbsp. l. cranberries with honey contribute to the favorable development of the baby and reduce the risk of dangerous infectious diseases.
Men can also find benefits in sweet cranberry honey. If you include a valuable mixture in the diet, you can increase potency and get rid of discomfort during urination. The berry is rich in enzymes that neutralize dangerous microorganisms and maintain male power.
Useful properties of cranberries with honey are indispensable for the little ones. For children in the first days of a cold, doctors recommend a he althy treat for 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Cranberry juice with honey has a disinfecting and expectorant property. in a few spoonfulsnatural medicine contains the daily norm of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the child's immunity and development.

Cranberry, honey and lemon
The real "vitamin bomb" is cranberry, honey and lemon. It is recommended to prepare a he althy mixture for the winter so as not to succumb to viruses and pathogenic microbes.
You should take 1 kg of cranberries, 2 lemons and 1 tbsp. honey. Rinse and dry the berries well. Lemons are peeled and pitted, cut into slices. Grind the finished components in a meat grinder or in a blender. Combine the resulting mixture with the required amount of honey and mix everything. Transfer the vitamin mass to a previously sterilized liter jar. The container can be stored until spring in a cool place or in the refrigerator. Apply a natural medicine daily for 1 tbsp. l. For preschool children, it is advisable to dilute the mass with water or compote. Beneficial therapy will improve the activity of the digestive tract, heart and brain.

Cranberry has not only useful properties. There are also contraindications. Numerous medicinal components can adversely affect the state of he alth in certain ailments.
Even the most ripe and red fruits by their nature contain a huge amount of acid, which in diseases of the digestive tract, namely an ulcer or gastritis, will bring heavy sensations, severe cramping pains and serious consequences. EspeciallyPregnant women should be careful. At the first pain or rash, it is important to urgently seek medical help, People who are prone to sudden jumps in blood pressure or suffering from chronic hypotension, it is recommended to use cranberries in very small doses, after consulting with your doctor. The berry contains many antioxidants and flavonoids, which reduce blood pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
Berry in cosmetology
Women appreciated the useful properties of the cranberry and its versatility. Ripe fruits are not only used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases, but also in skin care. Berries with collagen fibers, which are part of the masks, rejuvenate, brighten, restore elasticity, even out the color and texture of the skin. And most importantly, the pulp and juice of cranberries are suitable for any skin type and at any age.
Complex of B vitamins and valuable elements are good for hair and nails. Natural strength gives curls shine, reduces fragility and section. Homemade mask recipes are the best medicine for weakened and damaged hair.
Magnesium and Potassium are ideal for hands and nails. The valuable composition of the berry has a softening effect on the skin, strengthens exfoliated nails and softens the cuticle. It is enough to rub the ripe pulp of cranberries into the hands and nail plates several times a week.

He althy recipes for oily skin
Cosmetic cranberry masks at home for oily skin -real salvation. They dry the skin, eliminate oily sheen and narrow pores. Fruit juice and pulp can be used both in pure form and in combination with other useful ingredients.
The easiest way to make a mask: 2 tbsp. l. Rinse the berries, crush and squeeze the juice. Take a thin cotton cloth or gauze and soak it in freshly squeezed juice. Squeeze the cloth lightly and cover the face for 20 minutes. After the remaining juice, wipe with a damp cotton swab.
It is important to pre-cleanse and steam the skin well for better absorption. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2 months.
Great care for oily skin is achieved by using egg white. Take one chicken egg, separate the protein from the yolk and beat thoroughly. Add 1 tsp. cranberry juice and mix again. It is advisable to apply the mask as it dries several times for half an hour.
If the skin is very sensitive, then the concentrated juice should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.
Fruit pulp is also good for oily skin. A few fresh berries are mashed in a cup with a fork. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. After a while, the face is rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs.
Eliminate peeling and dryness
For dry and aging skin, there are also beauty recipes. The category of effective masks includes potato and egg.
For cooking, you need 1 tsp. squeezed cranberry juice and 1 tsp. starch. Until the consistency of sour cream, the ingredients are mixed and appliedon the face, except for the delicate skin of the eyelids. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water, and the face is moisturized with a cream suitable for skin type.
The second mask is prepared according to the following recipe. Take 2 chicken yolks, 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 2 tsp. cranberry juice. The components are combined, mixed and applied to cleansed skin. Withstand a lot of half an hour. To get the result, you need to make 10-15 masks. The course is carried out continuously every week.

For expectant mothers
Women appreciated the useful properties of cranberries. During pregnancy, the fair sex often has difficulty urinating. According to doctors, urinary tract diseases develop as a result of hormonal changes. Progesterone is an important hormone needed for easy pregnancy and normal fetal development. But, unfortunately, it is he who can become a source of inflammation in the ureters, bladder and renal pelvis. Such a violation provokes the well-known cystitis, pylonephritis and other ailments.
Wild cranberry will help overcome inflammation by neutralizing harmful microorganisms. Substances that make up cranberry juice inhibit the development of bacteria and prevent them from multiplying. In addition, scientists have proven that a natural remedy is able to cope with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Drinking 100 ml of fresh juice per day during an exacerbation of diseases will help get rid of the infection and alleviate the condition.
Treatmentpylonephritis and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are carried out according to the following recipe. It will take 300 g of berries, 1 tbsp. honey. Crush cranberries to gruel, add 1 liter of water and honey. Mix everything well and divide into two days. Drink 100-150 ml several times a day.
Faced with kidney nephritis, you can again turn to folk methods of treatment. Cranberry kvass is one of the effective remedies. To prepare a chilled drink, take 0.5 kg of fresh cranberries per 2 liters of water, 0.5 kg of sugar and 50 g of yeast. At the first stage, crushed cranberries are boiled with sugar, and then yeast is poured in order to cause a fermentation reaction. The resulting mass should be infused. When kvass is ready, strain the drink and drink 1 glass a day for two weeks.
Culinary masterpieces
At first glance, it seems that the use of wild berries is very small. However, drinks, desserts, pastries, sauces are prepared from cranberries.
It is worth noting that the berry is unique in that it retains its valuable properties even after heat treatments. From cranberries you can cook he althy and tasty jam or jelly. Experienced housewives actively add red fruits to sauerkraut, vegetable salads, or meat and poultry dishes. Showing imagination, you can give any dish additional value and attractiveness.
And what a cranberry sauce is famous for! The delicacy goes well with desserts, especially raspberry and citrus. The sauce is perfect for meat and fish dishes.
In Western countries, dried cranberries have become one of the traditional delicacies. According to outward appearancesit is quite similar to large raisins, but the berry tastes sour and very fragrant. Today, dried fruit is in great demand in our area. Large and useful stocks can be prepared for the whole winter.
Who would refuse fragrant cranberry tincture? A home-made strong drink is perfect both for the festive table and for the treatment of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints.
Pour mashed cranberries into a 3-liter jar - 0.5 kg. Add a bottle of vodka, 2 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Mix the components, close the container with a lid and put it in a dark place for 7-10 days. Then strain the drink through a sieve and can be taken as directed.

Secrets of workpiece
Properly harvested fruits will retain valuable properties for a long time and help the body in the winter-spring period. It is better to start harvesting berries after the first frost. To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, cranberries are recommended to be frozen in the freezer or ground with sugar.
If you pour the berry into a glass container and put it in a cool dark place, then you can use cranberries for 3-4 months. You can extend the storage of fruits until mid-spring by flooding them with cold water. However, this method requires scrupulous care for the workpiece. The water must be changed every two weeks. The infused liquid is often not poured out, but, adding sugar to taste, they drink it instead of compote. It is important not to heat the berry during harvesting so as not to losevitamins.
Herbal Benefits
When harvesting cranberries, it is not enough to collect red fruits. In folk medicine, young leaves of the shrub are effectively used. There are no less useful properties in greenery than in the fruits themselves.
Leaves are usually used to make a decoction or tea. Lotions are made with a swab dipped in a decoction for various skin diseases. In addition, the effectiveness of the medicinal infusion in the treatment of throat and sinusitis has been noted.
But tea has long been one of the most popular drinks. It is not only endowed with a pleasant aroma and taste, but also with valuable power. A natural remedy that can remove s alt deposits, relieve heartburn and bloating, and reduce headaches.
Brewing such a miraculous drink is very simple. 1 tsp crushed leaves are poured into a mug and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a saucer and left for another 15 minutes. You can add honey to tea - so many times more useful substances will enter the body.
Doctors very often advise their patients to use decoctions and infusions to prevent cancer.
Speaking about the beneficial properties of cranberries for the body, despite some contraindications, we can conclude that it belongs to the category of the most valuable products. In addition, in terms of taste, ripe fruits are not inferior to other wild-growing berries.
But remember that self-medication can only aggravate the situation and harm the body. Therefore, before deciding to carry out therapy with folk remedies, consult your doctor. Behe althy!