Alternative medicine 2024, October

Nettle seeds: medicinal properties and contraindications

Nettle seeds: medicinal properties and contraindications

Nettle seeds are very popular in folk medicine. On their basis, medicines of traditional medicine are also made. In general, the plant not only strengthens the immune system, but also cures many diseases, and if you buy seeds in a pharmacy, you can prepare a medicine or a cosmetic product at home

Lark root: medicinal properties and contraindications

Lark root: medicinal properties and contraindications

Many medicinal plants have received very capacious and precise folk names that fully reveal their main beneficial properties. One of them is livestock. This wonderful natural healer heals injuries and diseases of the spine, bruises, arthritis, helps bones grow together even with the most complex fractures

Folk remedies for pneumonia: a list of effective recipes, treatment and prevention, recommendations from experts

Folk remedies for pneumonia: a list of effective recipes, treatment and prevention, recommendations from experts

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs related to acute infectious diseases. The causative agent of pathology can be a variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi. There is a pathology that develops as a result of paracancrotic inflammation of the lungs that occurs around a cancerous tumor. At the first sign of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. After identifying the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment regimen, including folk remedies for pneumonia

Traditional medicine is Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is Traditional medicine

Parents should be careful when practicing home remedies for children. This is associated with a greater risk of allergic reactions to plants and herbs. It is not recommended to use honey in recipes inside up to 5 years, it can be used in compresses and lotions. Healers, local old women who can read healing conspiracies, are very popular, especially in rural areas. They are contacted in case of a protracted illness in a child, a strong fright

Herbs to stop lactation: effective drugs, action, reviews

Herbs to stop lactation: effective drugs, action, reviews

Today there is a lot of talk about the benefits of breastfeeding. But no matter how pleasant and useful this secret process is for mother and child, there comes a moment when it becomes necessary to stop it. You can wait until lactation ends naturally, but there are situations that force you to resort to medication. That's just medications are not always safe and harmless. In this case, natural herbs will come to the rescue to stop lactation

Pomegranate oil: application and beneficial properties, reviews

Pomegranate oil: application and beneficial properties, reviews

The benefits of linseed, olive, castor oil are known to many. They are widely used and can be easily purchased at pharmacies or supermarkets. Pomegranate oil is not so popular, and few people know about its magical exceptional properties. This oil is obtained from grains. The main areas for the export of raw materials are India, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, China, southern European countries

Monastic collection from hypertension. Herbal preparations for hypertension: reviews

Monastic collection from hypertension. Herbal preparations for hypertension: reviews

Many doctors believe that a large number of adults (about 40%) know what high blood pressure or hypertension is. Hypertension is also called the "silent killer" because most people do not realize their problem until a hypertensive crisis occurs

Black cumin oil. The benefits and harms of the famous panacea

Black cumin oil. The benefits and harms of the famous panacea

As one Eastern thinker wrote: "In the oil of black cumin you can find a cure for all ailments, except for one - death." The benefits of black cumin oil have been known to the people of the East for more than 3000 years, and it was not for nothing that it was also called the "gold of the pharaohs"

Aloe vera: beneficial properties and contraindications of an amazing plant

Aloe vera: beneficial properties and contraindications of an amazing plant

Today we will talk about the amazing plant aloe vera, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were known in ancient Egypt, where aloe juice was used for embalming. Nowadays, many lovers of indoor plants consider aloe one of their favorites due to its diverse properties. Why is aloe vera so popular?

Elecampane. Medicinal properties and contraindications of a useful root

Elecampane. Medicinal properties and contraindications of a useful root

Today I would like to talk about one wonderful medicinal plant. It grows almost everywhere: on the edges of broad-leaved forests, near rivers, in meadows. Height up to 2.5 m, with long leaves (50 cm), yellow flowers, similar to chamomile or dandelion. And this perennial giant reproduces by seeds. Today we will talk about a plant called elecampane, the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of which were known to the ancient Greeks, in the time of Hippocrates

Useful red viburnum berry. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Useful red viburnum berry. Medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of red viburnum berries are known in Russia, Ukraine and other European countries, where it is widely distributed. It tastes bitter, with a very pungent odor, but this does not at all prevent the widespread use of viburnum for medicinal purposes. The fact that viburnum treats many ailments is due to its rich composition. It contains tannins, sugars, pectins, phytoncides, essential oils, amino acids

Spices in Ayurveda. Cardamom: useful properties and contraindications

Spices in Ayurveda. Cardamom: useful properties and contraindications

This seasoning received honor and respect back in the 5th century BC. e. in India, where it grows. Today I would like to talk about cardamom, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are well known to traditional Indian medicine - Ayurveda. Cardamom has long been considered an excellent antiseptic. The Chinese chewed it to eliminate bad breath, used it for headaches, and the Indians treated it with colds and disorders of the nervous system

Dried or fresh? Figs - useful properties and contraindications of a delicious treat

Dried or fresh? Figs - useful properties and contraindications of a delicious treat

What is the use of fresh figs? These juicy thin-skinned fruits contain carotene, ascorbic acid, tannins, fatty acids, proteins, trace elements (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium) and sugar. What is the difference between dried fruit and fresh fruit? The difference is that in fresh fruit the sugar content is approximately 25%, while in dried fruits it increases to 40%, while the dry fruit is much longer stored

Wonderful flax seeds. Useful properties and contraindications

Wonderful flax seeds. Useful properties and contraindications

So what do flax seeds contain? Useful properties and contraindications have been known to our ancestors for a long time, let's read this interesting page from the encyclopedia of traditional medicine again

Nutmeg. The benefits and harms of a well-known seasoning

Nutmeg. The benefits and harms of a well-known seasoning

In the East, this tree is highly valued. Or rather, not the tree itself, but its fruits - nutmeg. The benefits and harms of this nut are known to the ancient peoples very well, especially the Sumerians, because it served them as a fragrant spice 5 millennia ago

Very he althy ginger. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Very he althy ginger. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Pickled, candied or fresh ginger is sold in markets or supermarkets. Most of the population knows the plant as a wonderful seasoning that gives the dish indescribable taste and medicinal qualities

Basil purple. Useful properties and contraindications of royal grass

Basil purple. Useful properties and contraindications of royal grass

Basil is the most useful herb, loved by everyone for its miraculous properties and breadth of application. It is a bush about 70 cm in height. This crop is native to Asia, where it was grown as a spice and ornamental plant

The healing properties of the golden mustache are interesting

The healing properties of the golden mustache are interesting

Traditional medicine offers herbs such as golden mustache for the treatment of various diseases. Why is this plant so useful? Where is it from? What ailments will it help? Scientists from different countries are still studying the healing properties of the golden mustache. It has even been approved as the basis for some medicines. Now, let's try to tell you why callisia is so useful

Fragrant lavender. Application of flowers

Fragrant lavender. Application of flowers

You've probably seen fields of soft purple flowers growing beautifully in a row, from which a wonderful aroma emanates. If you happen to see this, then you know that these are lavender fields. A native plant from the Mediterranean, it reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowers have a mild cool smell. As Hippocrates said: "Lavender warms the brain"

Alternative medicine. The healing properties of amaranth

Alternative medicine. The healing properties of amaranth

Amaranth is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is usually grown in tropical and subtropical climatic zones (Asia, Africa and America). In total, there are about 80 types of amaranth. It is mostly green with purple, but also red-green with yellow. The stems of this ornamental plant reach up to one and a half meters

Healing at home. Folk remedy for nail fungus

Healing at home. Folk remedy for nail fungus

How to cure toenail fungus, hands? This question is being asked more and more often by people with this problem. Getting infected with onychomycosis is quite simple: in the pool, gym, bath, through shared shoes or a foot towel. In people with a fungal infection, the nail self-destructs: it begins to turn yellow, thicken and crack, while causing severe pain and itching. So let's heal ourselves

Burdock root and leaf: medicinal properties and uses

Burdock root and leaf: medicinal properties and uses

Burdock large, or burdock. This is a biennial plant. When burdock grows in favorable conditions, it can be as tall as a man with spreading leaves, a strong stem and a thorn-like inflorescence that appears in the second year. This plant has a strong root system. Capturing a certain territory, he suppresses other vegetation and remains the sole master. In medicine, the root and leaf of burdock are used. The medicinal properties of these parts of the plant have been known for a long time

Milk thistle: uses and medicinal properties

Milk thistle: uses and medicinal properties

Milk thistle is one of the oldest plants used in herbal medicine. The healing properties of this herb were appreciated by the ancient Romans, who used it as a means for liver regeneration

Alexander Mishin and vortex technologies

Alexander Mishin and vortex technologies

For many years, scientists in the field of medicine have been inventing and researching new methods of dealing with a number of complex diseases. In the process of research and development, scientists often rely on the laws of physics. Alexander Mishin is a scientist whose inventions are used in medicine

Ginkgo (tree): description, photo, use in traditional medicine

Ginkgo (tree): description, photo, use in traditional medicine

This article will discuss a relic tree that came to us from the Mesozoic era. This is the only plant of its kind that has survived to our time, its relatives are already considered long lost. The ginkgo tree, the photo of which is in front of you, is considered to be a contemporary of dinosaurs

Muscatel oil: types, properties, application

Muscatel oil: types, properties, application

Natural essential and base oils are now incredibly popular in cosmetology, medicine and the perfume industry. One of them is Muscatel oil, which is produced from the seeds of the grape variety of the same name. What is this remedy and what varieties exist? Let's take a closer look at the cosmetic product

Common pumpkin: chemical composition, medicinal properties, methods of application

Common pumpkin: chemical composition, medicinal properties, methods of application

What is a pumpkin, probably everyone knows. From it you can cook many delicious and he althy dishes. But few people realize that a real natural first-aid kit is hidden under a thick crust. So what are the medicinal properties of common pumpkin and how is this bright fruit useful for the human body?

Nut tincture on vodka: recipe

Nut tincture on vodka: recipe

How is nut tincture prepared at home? Unfortunately, few people know the answer to this question

Exercise for flat feet. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet

Exercise for flat feet. Orthopedic insoles for flat feet

Flat feet is a common ailment associated with the deformation of the human foot. The pathological condition has a negative impact on well-being and over time can cause pain in the lumbar region and spine. Special exercises will help to cope with the disease. With flat feet, they must be performed daily. Also, orthopedists recommend wearing the right shoes

What are the benefits of marigolds (flowers)?

What are the benefits of marigolds (flowers)?

Marigolds (flowers) is the popular name for the well-known calendula. The plant is used in various branches of medicine and cosmetology. It is not difficult to buy an alcohol tincture of calendula or dried inflorescences at any pharmacy, but if you wish, you can grow these sunny flowers yourself

Healing nail - a flower that brings benefits

Healing nail - a flower that brings benefits

Marigolds (calendula) - a plant familiar to many. Its useful properties are very extensive. Bioflavonoids are present in large quantities in the composition of calendula. These substances endow the nails with antiseptic, astringent and antifungal properties

White willow: medicinal properties and contraindications

White willow: medicinal properties and contraindications

White willow has unique healing properties. In folk medicine, all parts of the tree are used, but most of the nutrients are found in the bark. White willow is a large spreading tree with a sloping crown. In different regions of Russia, the tree is called differently: silver willow, willow, white climber, weeping willow, willow. In nature, it grows up to eight meters. The plant is found everywhere along the rivers, in the lowlands

Inhalations with eucalyptus at home for colds

Inhalations with eucalyptus at home for colds

Viral and colds are diagnosed in patients of various age categories at any time of the year. The cough and runny nose observed during the illness bring a lot of discomfort and significantly worsen overall well-being. A proven method of treating similar symptoms is inhalation with eucalyptus. The medicinal plant has many useful properties and is used in various fields of medicine

What is useful horse fat?

What is useful horse fat?

Since ancient times, people have turned to mother nature in case of illness, using various medicinal herbs. They also used animal fats, which are currently successfully used in modern pharmacology. In our topic, we will reveal the secrets of horse fat

Headache mudra for beginners

Headache mudra for beginners

Mudras are a kind of sign language used by Buddhists to activate energy balance. By folding their hands and fingers in a certain way, Buddhists called on the Universe to grant them excellent he alth, good luck and goodness. It is believed that with the correct execution of mudras, one can awaken the dormant snake power in a person - kundaliki-shakti, bypassing postures and breathing practice (pranayama). Therefore, the mudras themselves are the highest practice that requires knowledge and skills

Nature Helps: Homemade Acne Remedies

Nature Helps: Homemade Acne Remedies

In the fight against acne, only a systematic approach will help, including the right diet, suitable care and, of course, the use of folk remedies

Is there an effective remedy for motion sickness in transport?

Is there an effective remedy for motion sickness in transport?

It's not just children who get sick in transport. There are various tricks and folk remedies for motion sickness that can make the trip easier

Meditation: benefits and harms

Meditation: benefits and harms

First of all, meditation is designed to find harmony with one's own "I", make one's life more spiritual and meaningful, find the path to the Higher Consciousness and establish a connection with the Lord. Let us make a reservation right away that meditation does not belong to any sectarian rites, its benefits are obvious. In fact, in all religious movements, believers meditate - these are prayers, rituals, everything that helps to keep in touch with the Higher Mind

Ginger tincture on vodka: recipe, application features, benefits and reviews

Ginger tincture on vodka: recipe, application features, benefits and reviews

This amazing oriental spice is used today not only in cooking. Today, the medicinal properties of ginger are well known. Infusions, decoctions and teas have been used by man since ancient times as a reliable natural medicine

Nail fungus, vinegar treatment: effectiveness and application features. How to use vinegar to treat nail fungus

Nail fungus, vinegar treatment: effectiveness and application features. How to use vinegar to treat nail fungus

Some people are rather careless about fungal diseases. They underestimate the microorganism itself and do not think about the complications that it can cause