Despite the fact that this plant has such an ambiguous name, it surpasses many well-known modern medicines in its medicinal properties. His name is a fool. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this herb have been known for a long time. In medicine, all parts are used. This is due to the fact that useful substances are contained in the whole plant. For example, its leaves contain a huge amount of various chemical compounds: alkaloids, xanthostrumine, iodine and ascorbic acid. The seeds also contain iodine, resins, fatty oils.

To the Aster family, and specifically to the cocklebur genus, there are two types of plants that are actively used in traditional medicine:
- Cocklebur goiter (common) lat. Xanthium strumarium.
- Cocklebur needle (prickly) lat. Xanthium spinosum.
Plants of the first and second species are actively used not only in traditional medicine, but also as separate extracts that are part of medical preparations. At the moment, in any pharmacy, you can find medicines that include cocklebur. Therapeuticthe properties and contraindications of this plant have been fully studied, so there is no problem in choosing the right drug for yourself.
Botanical Features
As for the botanical characteristics of plants, both the first and second species are upright annual grass, which can often be found in fields, landfills and along roads. As for the common cocklebur, it has a pubescent reddish and branched stem. Its leafy cover has a heart-shaped structure, the fruits themselves have thorns, thanks to which the subsequent resettlement of the species to nearby territories occurs.
Despite the fact that this plant has a large number of biologically active compounds, in fact it is poisonous, so its use in traditional medicine should be based solely on one's own solid knowledge in botany and medicine, supported by an appropriate document of education.

Xanthium spinosum
Prickly cocklebur has a slightly different appearance, so confusing them, most likely, will not work. Its leaves are elongated and elongated, in the lower part of the notched stem - tripartite. Cocklebur prickly has such a name because of the presence of needles, which are located almost at the very base. As for the chemical composition, it is almost identical to the ordinary one, and the application is also similar. In order to prepare a medicine for themselves from this plant, they use not only leaves, but also seeds, and even roots. At the same time, we must not forget that the plantthis species is also poisonous, so if you do not know anything about the exact dosage, then it is best to enlist the help of specialists.
During flowering cut off the upper part of the plant, which is above the ground. Seeds are harvested during their maturation, and roots - only in autumn. The cocklebur herb will only be useful if it is properly harvested, stored and prepared.
As for the stem of the plant and leaves, immediately after harvesting them during the flowering period, it is necessary to spread them out on an ordinary newspaper under a canopy, preferably in a dark place. After this raw material has dried out, it must be stored exclusively in a dry room, preferably in paper and canvas bags. Shelf life is 3 years, after this time the plant loses its medicinal properties.

Plant benefits
The herb has a very strong blood-purifying effect. Studies also show that there is also the ability to suppress the activity of cancer cells, the removal of spasms of smooth muscle muscles is noted, due to which the plant is actively used in the treatment of asthma attacks.
In addition, in folk medicine and as one of the components of the drug, cocklebur herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic for the treatment of not only many skin diseases, but also internal organs, as well as:
- inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
- intestinal colic;
- hemorrhoids;
- dyspepsia;
- scrofula;
- throat tuberculosis;
- cancer of the larynx and skin;
- urticaria;
- lichen;
- articular rheumatism.
This is not the whole list of ailments that the cocklebur successfully copes with. The use of this plant is relevant for problems with the thyroid gland and for the normalization of hormone levels due to the high content of iodine.
Dose forms
Cocklebur in pharmacies can only be in the form of dried herbs, it also happens in combination with other herbs. This is due to the fact that this plant is not used in the official medicine of the Russian Federation. It is used as infusions, and cocklebur juice is also used. Despite this, in China, this herb has been known for a long time and is even enrolled in the state pharmacopoeia.
Decoctions from the fruits and roots of this plant are very popular among the people and are used not only as an external remedy, but also inside, but again, you need to be as careful as possible, since the remedy can cause a burning sensation followed by a burn.
In particular, tinctures made from fresh juice with the addition of vodka are very popular in Russia. They also make compresses, lotions and ointments, and even smoke crushed seeds - all this speaks of the uniqueness that cocklebur has. Medicinal properties and contraindications have not been officially studied and are not actually listed in medical lists, but despite this, practicing folk healers provide extensive information about its use.

Almost any medicinal plant has certain side effects, and in this regard, the cocklebur is no exception. The medicinal properties of this plant are very extensive, but you should not forget about possible contraindications due to the fact that it is very toxic. If the maximum allowable dosage is exceeded, it is imperative to immediately call a doctor who will take a number of measures aimed at cleansing the stomach.
Treatment with cocklebur is contraindicated:
- for constipation;
- pregnant;
- with individual hypersensitivity;
- with exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Common cocklebur: medicinal properties and recipes
For diarrhea: for 200 ml of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, infused for another hour, after which it is necessary to add water to the original volume. Take by mouth 1 glass 3 times a day.
In diseases of the thyroid gland: for 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs, then mix thoroughly and let stand for 2 hours. Next, you need to strain the tincture and take it orally throughout the day 3-4 times.
Urticaria, lichen, eczema: either freshly squeezed plant juice is taken or you can mix it 1 to 1 with vodka, then take very carefully 20-30 drops before meals, 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should be no more than 1 month.
With impotence: you need to take 1 cup of boiling water and 2 teaspoons of herbs, give a decoctionbrew for 1 hour, then strain. Then you can take half a glass 2 times a day before meals, morning and evening. You can also use the infusion in a ratio of 1 to 10, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. In order for male strength to be restored, it is necessary to complete a 2-month course.
With kidney stones: 1 tbsp is taken for 1 cup of boiling water. a spoonful of dry grass and infused until it cools completely. Take by mouth half a cup 2-3 times a day.
For cancer of the lungs, throat or stomach: take 250 ml of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of crushed cocklebur. Next, the tincture must be wrapped in a warm cloth and let it brew for 30 minutes, after which you can use 1 glass after meals 3 times a day.

Ointment and juice
Not only dry extract tinctures are very popular, but freshly squeezed juice is also useful, which contains cocklebur, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which deserve special attention.
In order to make a concentrated product, you need to take fresh, thoroughly washed grass. The cocklebur must be ground in a meat grinder or blender and squeezed out the juice from the resulting slurry through cheesecloth. The dosage for an adult is no more than 20-30 drops for two doses per day (in this case, the juice is diluted with water). If the treatment of children is implied, then the dosage is calculated based on the age of the child - 1 drop per 1 year. No more than 10 drops at a time, 2 times a day. In order for freshly squeezed juice to be preserved for a longer period, it can bepreserve with alcohol 1 to 1. Keep the tincture in the refrigerator.
In order to make an ointment, you also need to take a fresh cocklebur (a photo of the plant will help you not to make a mistake) and grind it. After receiving the gruel, 1 tbsp is taken. a spoonful of semi-finished product and 200 grams of melted duck fat, everything is thoroughly mixed. Next, you need to boil the ointment for 1 minute, then insist in a warm place and strain slightly. This ointment is applied to the problem area of the skin.

Don't forget
Herbs and their healing properties have been known and actively used since ancient times, but despite this, before you independently take up treatment or preparation of a drug, you must always consult with a qualified specialist who can tell you how best to prepare and take medicine. Self-medication should be abandoned, as this can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
But in any case, from all of the above, it becomes clear that cocklebur will help cure a lot of diseases. A photo of this plant can help in finding it, if you still decide to turn to traditional medicine.