Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?

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Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?
Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?

Video: Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?

Video: Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?
Video: Olimp Hospital - Tanıtım 2024, July

There are many useful substances in nature, but few people know what rutin is. It's a vitamin! The same gap in the knowledge of most people and at the expense of what products it is contained in, as well as its benefits to the human body. Sometimes there is such a situation: people believe that rutin is vitamin PP, since they are denoted by the same letters.

But in fact, the above substances are completely different and individually affect the body. Vitamin P is flavonoids, and vitamin PP is niacin, or B3.

Which vitamin routine?

This substance is widely distributed in nature. Rutin is vitamin P, that is, a kind of natural compound that combines a group of active biological substances called flavonoids. This association includes more than 150 elements: esculin, hesperidin, catechin, anthocyanin and others.

The American scientist Albert Szent-Gyeri first discovered rutin. This is a vitamin, in his opinion, which actively helps patients with hemorrhagic diathesis. This substancescientist isolated from lemon peel in 1863. Since the main action of this element is to reduce vascular permeability, A. Saint-Gyeri then called rutin "vitamin P" from the first letter of the word permeability, which means "permeability" in English.

rutin is a vitamin
rutin is a vitamin

It turns out that the above compound has the ability to partially cover the body's need for ascorbic acid. Therefore, it is often classified as vitamin C2, or C-complex.

It should be noted that today this substance is known under many names: rutin, vitamin P, bioflavonoid concentrate, bioflavonoids, bioflavonoid extract, bioflavonoid complex and others. Also sometimes there are such designations of it as citrine, catechin and hesperidin.

Rutin is a vitamin that primarily gives color to many plants. Also, to some extent, he plays the role of their protector from pathogenic bacteria, many parasites and fungi, repels pests, while at the same time attracting beneficial insects. It is rutin, that is, bioflavonoids, that is located under the skin of vegetables, fruits and berries, thus giving them a bright color and a truly delicious aroma.

Once in the human body, this vitamin is metabolized during the digestion process into a special substance called "quercetin". It is a natural antioxidant and continues to play its role as a protector, but now of human cells.

In nature, rutin exists in two colors: yellow and yellow-green. This vitamin consists of a disaccharide and quercetin (glucose and rhamnose).

Useful properties of vitamin P

Many valuable substances cannot be produced by the body, for example, like vitamin E. Rutin is included in the same group, therefore it is very valuable for human life.

rutin vitamin r
rutin vitamin r

This vitamin has the following abilities:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • actively counteracts the appearance of cellulite, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, purple spots on the skin (purpura);
  • prevents bleeding;
  • improves the absorption of vitamin C, enhances its effect;
  • increases the body's defenses against infections and bacteria;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • is a diuretic;
  • slows down heart rate;
  • stimulates the functionality of the adrenal cortex;
  • acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent;
  • relieves the symptoms of many allergic reactions, including asthma.

Indications for the use of vitamin P

vitamin e rutin
vitamin e rutin

Rutin is actively used in the following diseases:

  • varicose veins;
  • superficial thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • hemorrhoid symptoms;
  • lymphostasis;
  • retinopathy;
  • post-thrombotic syndrome;
  • trophic disorders after radiotherapy;
  • swelling and pain wheninjuries.

Also, experts note the positive results of the routine in the fight against "orange peel", that is, cellulite.

Deficiency and excess of this vitamin in the body

If there is a deficiency of vitamin P in the human body, then the following changes occur in it:

  • capillaries become brittle;
  • hemorrhages form under the skin;
  • slight bruising;
  • pain in legs and shoulders;
  • there is general weakness and loss of strength;
  • show signs of illness;
  • hair falling out;
  • acne develops;
  • there are symptoms of periodontal disease.

An excess of routine in the body does no harm, since excesses of this vitamin are easily excreted naturally.

Rutin (vitamin): what foods contain it?

what vitamin rutin
what vitamin rutin

The sources of these bioflavonoids are the following foods:

  • citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges);
  • all varieties of grapes, cherries, apricots, apples and plums;
  • rosehip;
  • berries of raspberry, mountain ash, blackcurrant, chokeberry, blackberry;
  • vegetables (red bell pepper, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, sorrel, garlic, lettuce);
  • buckwheat;
  • green tea.

For example, 100 ml of chokeberry contains about 2000 mg of vitamin P. This berry is considered the champion in its content.

For the pharmaceutical industry, rutin is extracted from the Daurian and Siberianlarches.

Vitamin P Destroyers

There are several substances that can destroy rutin in the body. These include:

  • tobacco;
  • alcohol;
  • antibiotics;
  • aspirin;
  • cortisone.

In order not to provoke a deficiency of vitamin P in the body, people first need to give up bad habits and minimize the use of antibiotics and aspirin. Secondly, such patients are strongly advised to supplement their diet with citrus fruits.

How to use vitamin P

Rutin is used for medicinal purposes as follows: 25-50 mg three times a day. For example, in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, positive results can be observed already after two weeks of regular use of the drug. If therapy is stopped, this effect persists for a month.

rutin vitamin in which products
rutin vitamin in which products

It should be noted that there are still situations when it is necessary to increase the dose of rutin to the patient. For example, when this drug is used to prevent and treat dermatological reactions to radiation treatment. In these cases, specialists prescribe the maximum allowable doses of rutin (in most cases they are quite high). Under such conditions, patients take this drug until the symptoms disappear (during the whole course of therapy).

Contraindications to the use of routine. Side effects

This vitamin is not recommended for medicinal purposes in the following situations:

  • first three months of pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.
  • rutin is vitamin pp
    rutin is vitamin pp

In addition, experts note the occurrence of some side effects when using the routine:

  • gas accumulation in the intestines, heartburn, belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • appearance of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • tides;
  • headache.

At the first sign of any adverse symptoms, the patient should immediately seek medical attention and consult a doctor.

Rutin is vitamin P, or bioflavonoids, which are necessary for the human body, like any other natural substance. Its deficiency can lead to serious he alth problems.
