Medicinal plants are becoming more and more popular every day, as scientists manage to discover more and more of their beneficial properties. Dandelion root is in great demand for oncology. In this article, we will look at its beneficial properties, as well as recipes on how to use it correctly. You can read all this information further.
Dandelion root is a real salvation
As you know, many folk medicines from plants can fight the symptoms of cancer, as well as stop the development of this disease. Unfortunately, most medicinal herbs have not yet been tested for their ability to fight cancer cells, which cannot be said about dandelion root. In oncology, this remedy is used very often. This is especially true for breast cancer.

In fact, dandelion root has incredible healing properties,that is why it is so valuable in medicine. It not only has a healing effect on all organs, but also fights cancer cells. Scientists have learned about such properties not so long ago.
However, before taking dandelion root for oncology or any other herbal remedy, you should definitely consult your doctor. Do not forget that cancer is a very dangerous and rapidly spreading disease, so treat it with all seriousness, because the outcome can be extremely deplorable. At the first symptoms of cancer, immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. It does not hurt to consult a specialist with a genetic predisposition.
What is the effectiveness of dandelion root
According to recent medical evidence, dandelion root contains powerful polysaccharides, which are very similar to polymers found in certain types of mushrooms, which have antitumor properties.

Studies do confirm that dandelion root in oncology is able to fight cancer cells, but only as an auxiliary method of treatment. Consuming just one plant is unlikely to produce positive results.
Dandelion root for oncology: treatment of breast cancer
During studies conducted in New Mexico, dandelion root was found to be able to cope with non-invasive breast cancer. This medicinal plant can destroy cancercells. Based on this, scientists concluded that the dandelion root (medicinal properties in oncology are described in this article) is able to prevent the spread of tumor cells or metastases.
Non-invasive breast cancer is a form of the disease that is usually limited to the lobes of the mammary glands or the milk ducts. Most often, these cancer cells do not spread to other breast areas. However, if the oncological disease is invasive, then the dandelion root alone will definitely not be able to cope with it.
Apoptosis of cancer cells
According to scientific data, dandelion root can have a preventive effect on breast cancer, which can be caused by chemical carcinogens. This medicinal plant can program the death of future cancer cells. In other words, dandelion leads to apoptosis of cancer cells.
A few words about dandelions
Many people are interested in the question of how to brew dandelion root for oncology. Such a decoction or tea is able to destroy oncological formations. After using such a drink, bad cells will begin to break down. As a rule, this happens within a few days.

Before considering the recipes, you need to understand what the dandelion itself is. In fact, this is a herbaceous perennial plant, the height of which can reach fifty centimeters. It has a thick tap root. This plant can be easilyrecognize by paying attention to its flowers. They are painted in a bright golden yellow color. Usually their diameter is three to five centimeters. The plant is very common throughout the world. It can be found in fields, meadows, and also right on the roads.
How to collect properly
It is very important to ask yourself how to cook dandelion root for oncology. Collection is recommended in August and September, when the leaves begin to fade, or in the spring - in April or May. When harvesting, try to thoroughly clean the roots of the plant from the ground, as well as from small roots. You won't need them. After this procedure, rinse your plants with cold running water. Leave small roots as they are, but large ones are best cut into two parts. Now dry them well in the open air. This is done until juice is released from them. As soon as this process is over, spread the dried roots on the fabric prepared in advance in a warm but ventilated area. Try to spread all the bottom parts of the dandelions in one layer, so they will dry much faster.

Also, plants can be dried in the oven or using a special dryer. In this case, the drying temperature should be about forty to fifty degrees Celsius. You can store the medicine you have prepared in a dry, well-ventilated area for no more than five years. After this period, all the beneficial properties of dandelions will disappear.
Rootdandelion for oncology: method of application
In order to prepare such a he althy decoction, you need to take three tablespoons of prepared roots and pour two cups of boiling water over them. Boil this composition for another fifteen minutes and strain. It is recommended to use the prepared remedy twice a day, one glass each. This is best done thirty minutes before meals.

Infusion of dandelion root is really very effective in fighting cancer cells, gradually destroying them. In summer, it is best to use fresh dandelion, and in winter, dried.
Important warnings
In no case do not collect dandelions in the city, as well as in its environs. After all, you know that such zones are thoroughly saturated with exhaust gases and other harmful substances. It is best to go for plants in the forest or in the meadow. It is in such places that they will be the most environmentally friendly.
Never self-medicate. Cancer is a very dangerous disease that has many varieties (today there are about two hundred of them). So, each of these varieties needs its own methods of treatment. Only a doctor, using an individual approach, will be able to determine which medicine is right for you.
Dandelion root in pharmacies
It is only natural that people are interested in how to take dandelion root for cancer. After all, this medicinal plant has not only a therapeutic effect,but also preventive. In pharmacies, you can buy dandelion root in the form of tablets, teas, infusions, capsules and extracts.

According to experts, dandelion root can be taken alone or combined with other beneficial herbs. Doctors recommend using it to stop the spread of pathological cells in the body.
Adult patient will need about 500 mg of the extract of this plant per day. This dose is recommended to be divided into several applications. The remedy can also be given to children. However, in this case, strict medical supervision is needed.
Are there side effects
If you decide to treat cancer with a medicinal plant such as dandelion, be sure to consider that it can lead to side effects. First of all, dandelion can affect the urinary system. The roots of this plant contain just a huge amount of potassium, which has a diuretic effect. Also, its use can lead to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget about its ability to lead to allergic reactions. Therefore, dandelion root should be taken with extreme caution.
Reviews about the treatment of doctors and patients
In fact, dandelion root is not very often used in oncology. Reviews of doctors really confirm that this plant is able to stop the progression of the disease. However, complete recoveryit is impossible to use this method, especially when it comes to severe stages of oncology. Experts recommend this remedy in combination with other drugs, as well as with chemotherapy. Only in this way can the disease be completely eradicated.

However, patients are satisfied with such a drug as dandelion root. Many people use it for prevention purposes, as well as in the very early stages of the disease. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that such a valuable product can be absolutely free if you assemble it yourself.
Once again I want to repeat that you can not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor, and he will tell you whether treatment with dandelion roots is relevant. Stay he althy and take care of yourself.