Vitiligo lotion "Melagenin Plus": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Vitiligo lotion "Melagenin Plus": reviews, instructions for use, analogues
Vitiligo lotion "Melagenin Plus": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

50 million people around the world suffer from this scourge, and every year the number of patients with vitiligo is growing. What kind of disease is this, where does it come from, and how to deal with it - first things first.

Usually, the first signs of the disease appear in childhood or adolescence, in women, the disease can begin or develop intensively during periods of hormonal instability, for example, during pregnancy or menopause.

Vitiligo does not pose any danger to he alth, it is not contagious, does not imply the development of skin cancer, spots with impaired skin pigmentation do not itch or hurt. The only thing unpleasant about the disease is cosmetic problems and psychological discomfort.

Melagenin plus reviews
Melagenin plus reviews

Causes of vitiligo

Science still does not know exactly why vitiligo appears, what kind of disease it is and what consequences it can lead to. Among the reasons given are the following:

- autoimmune processes;

- malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system;

- prolonged severe stress;

- deficiency of the enzyme responsible for the production of melanin - tyrosinase.

Factorsrisk doctors believe:

- hormonal disorders;

-heredity - approximately one in five cases of vitiligo has a hereditary nature;

- diseases of the digestive tract (liver, gallbladder, etc.);

- prolonged exposure to sunlight, radiation, constant trauma to the skin, such as clothing, underwear.

Melagenin plus price
Melagenin plus price

When contacting a dermatologist, in addition to an examination, various examinations can be prescribed - blood tests, an immunogram, checking hormone levels, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, possibly consultations of other specialists: a gastrologist, neurologist, therapist, etc.

Vitiligo treatment

Those who have skin depigmentation should immediately tune in to the fact that the treatment process will be long and will require great patience and perseverance, while full recovery is not always achieved. But science and medicine do not stand still. Currently, a complex treatment is being used, including hormonal drugs, hardware treatment, diet and topical products, creams and lotions for vitiligo.

Diet for vitiligo should be saturated with minerals, vitamins and amino acids, you will have to give up fatty, spicy foods, it is reasonable to replace red meat with seafood.

Vitiligo what is this disease
Vitiligo what is this disease

What drugs can get rid of vitiligo

The choice of therapy depends on what caused the disease: drugs can be prescribed to strengthen the nervous system, immunomodulatory, photosensitizingmedicines in combination with hardware procedures for ultraviolet irradiation or sunbathing.

Hardware treatments involve the use of ultraviolet rays of a certain skin-safe length, this stimulates the growth of cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment, and helps surviving melanocytes to produce pigment.

There are also medicinal herbs with a photosensitizing effect: nettle, sage, St. John's wort. Infusions of marsh duckweed, strawberry juice, red pepper, parsnips, decoction of parsley seeds, etc. are often used.

As an important part of the treatment, special cosmetics are also used - creams, lotions that normalize skin pigmentation.

"Melagenin plus" - medicine from sunny Cuba

Because vitiligo affects people of different races, white and black, scientists around the world face the challenge of developing an effective treatment.

In 1973, Cuban pharmacists announced the creation of a fundamentally new drug obtained during many years of testing in the laboratories of the Center for Placental Histology. Melagenin lotion stimulates the synthesis of melanin in skin cells under the influence of sunlight, increases the number of melanocytes that produce skin pigment.

melagenin plus instructions for use
melagenin plus instructions for use

But the duration of treatment, the need to apply three times a day created inconvenience for patients, which led to the creation of an improved drug formula - Melagenin Plus. Instructions for use of the improved drug providesapplying the product to depigmented skin spots once a day, since the concentration of the active substance - the placenta extract - is increased, moreover, special exposure to an ultraviolet lamp is not required. This tool is completely safe - it can be used by pregnant and lactating women, children. The only contraindication is possible hypersensitivity to the components of the lotion. Some drugs reduce the effectiveness of Melagenin Plus, for example, furocoumarins, corticosteroids, etc., so you should consult a doctor before starting the drug. In rare cases, swelling, redness and itching may occur at the application site.

Safe and effective

Recovery from vitiligo with Melagenin Plus occurs in 86% of cases, this is the highest efficiency among external agents used for this skin disease. Confirmation of this is the numerous positive reviews about Melagenin Plus. Dermatologists note that pigmentation is restored only in those places where it is necessary, in areas of he althy skin, the drug has no effect. In general, according to reviews, lotion treatment is well tolerated, the course lasts no longer than 2-3 months.

melagenin plus analogues
melagenin plus analogues

Those who used Melagenin Plus in their reviews write about cost-effectiveness - the lotion form is most convenient for rubbing in, vitiligo spots become less noticeable after the first course of treatment, this is noted by those who used the lotion and dermatologists. If necessary, you canrepeat the course, but only after a short break, because with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease. For faster results, it is enough to take sunbaths, natural ultraviolet light is enough to restore lost melanin.

In reviews of Melagenin Plus, they also note that it is suitable even for sensitive skin, without causing reactions of dryness or irritation. In addition, the relatively low cost of the drug, as well as a long shelf life, provide a wide demand. But you need to remember that it is not easy to find it in pharmacies, delivery is possible by prior order, which may affect the price of Melagenin Plus.


Specificity of "Melagenin plus" lies in the uniqueness of its active ingredient - placenta extract. And although it has been produced for several decades, there are still no analogues of Melagenin Plus. The pharmacy may offer drugs prescribed for vitiligo, but the invention of Cuban scientists is the safest. True, the price of Melagenin Plus is quite high and amounts to about 4,000 rubles.

lotion for vitiligo
lotion for vitiligo

"Melagenin plus" is also good for restoring normal skin color in case of chemical, thermal burns, scars. Judging by the reviews of Melagenin Plus, many used it to make areas of injured skin less noticeable, and this gave a positive result.

Special Instructions

Vitiligo disease littlestudied, it is still difficult for doctors to choose a treatment that will act equally effectively for all patients. The individual characteristics of each determine the success in the fight against vitiligo. In order to increase the chances of winning with this disease, Cuban pharmacists give several recommendations.

You need to rub the lotion with your fingers, not cotton pads, this gives the best result.

For the fastest effect, it is best to apply it in the summer, during the holidays. Summer tanning contributes to the filling of melanin spots from burns and vitiligo. This is noted by buyers in the reviews of Melagenin Plus.

It is possible to apply other cosmetics to the areas treated with lotion 30-40 minutes after applying the treatment.

Since the base of the lotion is alcohol, if it gets on the mucous membranes, itching may disturb, in cases where it is necessary to apply it on the mucous membranes, for example, on the eyelids or inguinal region, rubbing is not recommended.

skin depigmentation
skin depigmentation

Only under medical supervision

Like any drug, Melagenin Plus can be used after consultation with a dermatologist. The doctor will help to achieve the maximum result, stable remission, using all the methods available in the arsenal.

This will allow you to avoid undesirable consequences, choose a comprehensive treatment and correctly assess the state of the body as a whole.
