Doctors around the world are sounding the alarm. Today, the fight against allergies is one of the first places in their work. Among the many symptoms, one of the most common will be just allergic conjunctivitis. In Russia, the drug "Opatanol" has appeared relatively recently. Many patients write that eye drops stop allergic manifestations well and have a preventive effect when used prophylactically. Read about how Opatanol is evaluated by doctors' reviews in this article.

How can you tell allergies from other eye diseases?
Most of the drugs designed to stop the manifestations of allergies are not used in the practice of treating other diseases, this fully applies to Opatanol. The drug is designed to relieve the symptoms of allergies in the eyes, it is used only locally and is ineffective in other eye diseases. So, allergic manifestations in the eyes are allergic conjunctivitis, in which a number of unpleasant symptoms occur:
- Swelling, redness of the eyelids, around the eyes.
- Redness of the conjunctiva(mucous eyes and eyelids),
- Severe itching of the eyes, burning sensation.
- Profuse and non-stop lacrimation.
As a rule, rhinitis and sinusitis of an allergic nature also join conjunctivitis. But they are absent in allergic conjunctivitis to insect bites or cosmetics.

What can cause allergies?
These unpleasant symptoms occur as a reaction to an allergen irritant. Among these irritants may be:
- Natural factors: plant pollen, dust, animal hair, insect bites.
- Cosmetics: soaps, make-up, shampoos, gels, etc.
- Household irritants: dust, household chemicals, building mixes and materials.
When the first signs of allergy appear in the eyes, it is very important to stop the symptoms, for which eye drops are used.
As a drug that can effectively eliminate the manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis, doctors often prescribe "Opatanol" (eye drops). Patient reviews also indicate that in many cases these drops give a good and quick result when applied. However, patients often complain about the high cost of funds. So why do doctors prescribe this drug so often?

"Opatanol": composition
"Opatanol" has a complex composition, but the main active ingredient is only olopatanol hydrochloride. The remaining components are preservatives (chloridebenzalkonium) and stabilizers (disodium phosphate, sodium chloride), as well as water.
Opatanol (eye drops) has a pronounced antihistamine and weak anti-inflammatory effect. Reviews of scientists indicate that this is ensured by preventing the release of histamine and the production of cytokines by olopatanol, as well as stabilizing mast cell membranes, suppressing their functional activity.

Method of action of the drug
The result of the action is a decrease in vascular permeability, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the possible contact of the allergen with mast cells of the mucous membrane of the eye, which eliminates unpleasant allergic symptoms. At the same time, the drug does not affect other receptors (histamine H1, dopamine, cholinergic receptors and serotonin).
With prolonged use, the drug accumulates in the body, but no negative effects on the receptors and the body as a whole were found. Its long-term use does not require dosage adjustment. The antiallergic effect is most pronounced 2 hours after instillation of the drug "Opatanol" (drops). Reviews of doctors indicate that long-term use is not addictive and the therapeutic effect is not reduced.
When does this drug work?
Ophthalmologists prescribe "Opatanol" for all types of allergic manifestations:
- For seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
- For spring keratoconjunctivitis.
- For hay fever.
- For the prevention of seasonal manifestationsallergies.
The drug is indicated for long-term use, it can be used up to 4 months. However, in some cases, prolonged use can cause dry eye syndrome, so Opatanol, reviews of ophthalmologists confirm this, is recommended to be used together with drugs that moisturize the cornea of the eye.
Prolonged prophylactic use of these eye drops (2 weeks before plants start flowering) avoids the use of corticosteroids. And in the case of their simultaneous use, the action of the latter is enhanced by Opatanol. Reviews of doctors note a significant increase in their overall therapeutic effect.
The drug is well tolerated by children, effectively relieves allergic manifestations, can be used for a long time. So characterize the drug "Opatanol" (eye drops) reviews. Ophthalmologists also prescribe it for children.

Where will this medicine not help?
It is not recommended by ophthalmologists to use this drug for the treatment of other types of conjunctivitis: viral, bacterial, in these cases it is also not recommended to use "Opatanol" instructions for use. Reviews of doctors claim that such treatment will not be beneficial.
Therefore, before using Opatanol, it is better to go to the doctor, especially since the drug is sold in pharmacies by prescription.

When should this drug not be used?
To absolute contraindications toapplication will also be referred to:
- allergic reactions to drug components (including olopatanol);
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding time;
- Infant age up to 3 years.
Ophthalmologists and instructions note that studies on the use of the drug for pregnant and breastfeeding women are not described. However, in cases where the expected benefit exceeds the possible harm, Opatanol is prescribed. Reviews (for children over 3 years of age, the drug is successfully used) argue that it should be prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor.

What do they write about side effects?
Among the side effects are often called dry eyes with prolonged use. Therefore, many ophthalmologists recommend using simultaneously with "Opatanol", which in itself is not cheap, and drops for dry eyes (like "artificial tear"). And they also do not differ in budget prices.
Another disadvantage patients and ophthalmologists call the appearance of unpleasant sensations during instillation, such as burning, blurred vision, short-term redness of the mucous membrane of the eye (in this regard, it is not recommended to drive a car immediately after instillation).
The appearance of allergic manifestations to the components of the drops is most often noted by doctors when using these eye drops as a warning of seasonal allergies (alas!).
Undesirable effects are rare or extremely rare, which makes this drug in demand.
About analogues
There are a lot of medicines for the treatment of allergic manifestations in the eyes. Among the budget counterparts are Allergodil, Lekrolin, Alergokrom, Ifiril. Cromo Sandoz, Lastakaft, Ketotifen will be in the same price category as Opatanol.
Most drugs are aimed specifically at eliminating allergic symptoms. And they have a similar effect. At the same time, Opatanol receives good reviews more often, there are no drugs with the same active ingredient.

Instead of a conclusion
In general, when describing this drug, ophthalmologists note its rapid action and high efficiency. They also say that the drug is not addictive and can be used for a long time without affecting the body as a whole.
Among the advantages, many patients name only 2 instillations per day and compatibility with almost all local ophthalmic preparations. Very often, Opatanol receives positive reviews from ophthalmologists and patients.
Among the disadvantages, patients call its high cost, the shelf life after opening is only 14 days. And doctors note the need for additional instillation of drugs to moisturize the cornea.