Dental prosthetics is a branch of dentistry. He is engaged in the replacement of teeth (lost), restoration of their tissues, as well as the structure and operation of the chewing apparatus.

According to the method of fixation in the human mouth, prostheses of missing teeth are divided into three different types:
- non-removable;
- removable;
- combined.
All three types of prosthetics require a lot of experience from the specialist. Only in this case, the process of replacing lost teeth will be successful, and the patient will regain a brilliant smile.
Prosthetics require special care to last. First of all, this concerns the removable dental apparatus. It must be cleaned, otherwise the prostheses will very soon become unusable. For this, there is a special drug called "Corega" (tablet). About what this tool is and what features it has, we will tell below.
Form of cleaning product, composition, packaging
Korega effervescent tablets for prostheses go on sale in cell packs of 6 pieces. In turn, theyplaced in a cardboard box.
What does the drug in question contain? The composition of this remedy is as follows: sodium carbonate, potassium monopersulfate, sodium bicarbonate, proteolytic enzymes, sodium perborate, tetracetylethylenediamine, PVC-30, peppermint essential oil, blue dye, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, citric acid, sodium benzoate, polymethylsiloxane and 8000 polyethylene glycol.

Mechanism of action of the cleaning agent
Many people have no idea what a drug like Corega is. A tablet with this name is familiar only to those who have significant problems with their teeth and use dentures.
So how does the remedy in question work? It contains a number of active ingredients that promote disinfection and cleansing of prostheses (dental). In addition, this drug exhibits deodorizing properties.
Korega denture cleaning tablets help prolong the life of the dental unit. But this is only subject to active care and regular use of the product.

Experts say that the unique formula of the drug in question allows you to quickly and effectively remove food debris in places that are inaccessible for mechanical cleaning of the prosthesis with a toothbrush. Regular use of this product (tablets) helps to remove such (complex) contaminants from the surface of the dental structure as plaque from tobacco, strong tea or coffee. Thanks to the presencein the preparation of antiseptic components, it disinfects dentures well. Moreover, placing them in a specially prepared solution for eight hours is a good way to sterilize the structure.
So how do Korega denture tablets work? Regular use of this product for cleaning the dental apparatus allows not only to extend its service life, but also to maintain the original color. It cannot be said that the drug in question significantly reduces the risk of developing irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums, which are typical for the use of dentures.
Indications for use of the drug
What is the purpose of using such a tool as "Korega"? The tablet is used to disinfect and clean removable dentures. As a rule, it is recommended to use it from the very first day of wearing a dental structure.
Instructions for use
"Korega" - tablets for cleaning dentures, which are very often used in dental practice.
Before using this tool, the design should be carefully prepared. It is thoroughly cleaned of food debris using a hard-bristled toothbrush. Next, the prosthesis is lowered into a special freshly prepared solution made from the aforementioned preparation. To do this, use one full glass of warm boiled water and one tablet of cleaning agent. After dissolving the latter and laying out the dental structure, it is left in this form for ¼ hours. During this time, the removable apparatus,replacement teeth should be completely clean.

If the patient needs to sterilize the prosthesis, then it is left in the prepared solution for the whole night (at least eight hours). Once the structure is processed, it should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. This procedure is carried out within a few minutes. After that, the prosthesis is dried with a paper towel.
It should immediately be noted that "Korega" - tablets for cleaning removable dentures. This drug is strictly forbidden to be used for the purpose of processing a structure located directly in the oral cavity.
Unwanted events
Does Corega cause side effects? A tablet with this name almost never causes unwanted effects. However, it should be noted that with poor rinsing of the residual solution from the prostheses, patients noted reddening of the oral mucosa, a burning sensation and irritation at the location of the structure.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Can the agent in question be used during gestation? The instructions do not allow this. Moreover, it is possible to clean prostheses with a special solution during lactation. But this is only if the structure was thoroughly washed after treatment or sterilization with the drug.
Terms and conditions of storage
Corega tablets are recommended to be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight at an air temperature of 14-24 degrees. TermThe shelf life of this drug is three years. After its expiration, the use of tablets is prohibited.

Similar drugs
What can replace the remedy in question if it was not in the local pharmacy? Drugs with a similar effect include the following: Stomatofit A, Carboderm, Vaseline, Strataderm, Dermalex, Stomatofit.