Candles "Dicloberl": instructions for use

Candles "Dicloberl": instructions for use
Candles "Dicloberl": instructions for use

"Dycloberl" is a derivative of phenylacetic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Diclofenac sodium is the active substance present in this preparation. It has a decongestant, antipyretic and analgesic effect. This drug has various dosage forms, it is also produced in the form of suppositories. Candles "Dicloberl" are not recommended for use by children under 15 years old.

dicloberl candles
dicloberl candles

Medication use

You can use Dicloberl candles for the following ailments:

  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthritis in all its manifestations;
  • rheumatism and osteoarthritis;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis and Personage-Turner;
  • for migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sciatica and ossalgia (if painful sensations exist);
  • in case of infection or cold (if there is a fever)a;
  • adnexitis.
dicloberl candle instructions
dicloberl candle instructions

Many patients, feeling pain, get Dicloberl (candles). Instructions for use are inside eachpackaging.

Dosage and methods of application

dicloberl 100 candles
dicloberl 100 candles

Candles "Dicloberl" are used no more than several times a day, 50 mg each, and if the dosage is 100 mg, then only 1 time per day rectally. When a person feels the first signs of a migraine, you should immediately apply this drug. After emptying the bowel, it is necessary to insert the suppositories deep into the anus. The doctor must prescribe the correct treatment, which can be prolonged if there are diseases of a rheumatic nature.


There is an instruction in each pack of Dicloberl. Candles have the following contraindications. Cannot be used if:

  1. There is an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. The person has diseases such as asthma, anemia and the triad.
  3. Poor blood clotting.
  4. There are ulcers and erosions in the stomach.
  5. Injured rectum and has hemorrhoids.
  6. Children under 6 years of age.

Candles "Dicloberl" have many contraindications, so you need to use them very carefully. Women in position should not use this drug, as spontaneous miscarriage may occur in the early stages of pregnancy. In a child, the drug causes the development of heart disease and non-closure of the anterior abdominal wall.

Important points

Elderly people and people who have heart and kidney failure, as well as those who use diuretics, should use Dicloberl only underspecial medical supervision. The state of the kidneys must be constantly monitored.

dicloberl suppositories instructions for use
dicloberl suppositories instructions for use

Exceeding the dosage of this remedy can cause:

  • fainting;
  • headaches;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorientation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea.

Suppositories "Dicloberl" 100 and 50 mg are sold in blisters of 5 or 10 suppositories.

Parallel use with other drugs

Doctors are allowed to combine with other drugs "Dicloberl" (candles). Instructions for use, however, states that interaction with some products can lead to various consequences.

When using the drug "Dicloberl" in conjunction with diuretics, the effect of diclofenac on the body is weakened. When they are used together with inhibitors, kidney function is impaired in the body. Probenecid together with this drug slows down the excretion of diclofenac from the human body.

Use of Dicloberl in gynecology

dicloberl suppositories in gynecology
dicloberl suppositories in gynecology

Candles "Dicloberl" in gynecology are usually used for painful periods and inflammation of the ovaries. Many girls and women at the very beginning of menstruation may have severe pain that makes them unable to work. These candles are successfully used in this area. Under the influence of internal temperature, the suppositories inserted into the vagina quickly dissolve inside and immediately enter the diseased organ, whichspeeds up the healing process. They need to be used every 6 hours.

dicloberl candles price
dicloberl candles price

Usually inflammation of the ovaries is treated for a long time and can become chronic. This drug in the initial stages of the disease effectively relieves pain and tension in the inflamed tissues of the female body.

Candles "Dicloberl" helped many patients to establish a normal menstrual cycle. After trying them once, the ladies advise this drug to their friends who have the same gynecological problems.

Reviews and prices

Each pharmacy has its own supplier of drugs, so their cost may vary. Do you need to purchase Dicloberl (candles)? The price for them varies from 50 to 110 rubles. This drug is quite cheap, but helps with many diseases. Full information about it is contained in the instruction enclosed in the package of Dicloberl. Candles, as described in it, can be used for acute pain.

Numerous reviews tell about the positive results that appeared after using this tool. Women's problems were solved after one or two applications. The pains that arose in the joints and muscles after the first signs of inflammation with the use of a drug such as Dicloberl almost completely disappeared. Regardless of the gender of the person, this medicine helps everyone who needs it.

Although the instructions say that pregnant women are not recommended to use these suppositories in the third semester, doctors sometimesThey are prescribed to reduce back pain. It is necessary to use the drug under the strict supervision of a gynecologist in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

The main positive factor of these suppositories is their rapid absorption into the rectum. Many people prefer to use suppositories rather than pills and injections. After using the tablets, you can get some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the substance diclofenac itself does not reach the sore spot in full.

The main disadvantages of this tool is the following:

  1. There is no special applicator in the package that can be used to administer suppositories.
  2. He has many contraindications.
  3. Many elderly people have joint problems, but they are not recommended to use the described drug.
  4. Pregnant women often have back pain, but you can use Dicloberl only under the supervision of a doctor.

Of course, most people with pain use this medicine because of its low price and effectiveness. Many online pharmacies offer Dicloberl not only for retail purchases, but also in bulk. The greater the quantity of the purchased item, the lower its price.

Everyone should constantly monitor their he alth, visit a doctor. A specialist will help identify many of your body's problems in the early stages. The main thing is to regularly undergo medical examinations.
