There are medications that are simply indispensable in any home first aid kit. And one of these is deservedly considered the Levomekol ointment, which is loved by all domestic citizens. Which antibiotic group is contained in this preparation, how to use it correctly and what does it help with? You will learn about all this further.
Some information
A remedy called "Levomekol" has long been a permanent inhabitant of the first-aid kits of many Russian families. What is the reason for the drug of such demand and what is it used for? The answer is quite concise: this tool is multifunctional, affordable and very convenient to use.
"Levomekol" is an ointment that has proven itself excellently in the last century. This is an external preparation that has an antibacterial effect, which improves the regeneration of damaged tissues. Many users ask themselves: "Is Levomekol an antiseptic or an antibiotic?". After all, the tool has a disinfectant,wound healing and even systemic action. One miniature tube of "Levomekol" contains both an antibiotic and a reparant, which effectively cleanses the wound and promotes its accelerated healing.
Today, the ointment is considered a very popular, affordable and effective drug, which is actively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Many patients use this medication in the fight against acne and other rashes, and almost always remain satisfied with the effect obtained. Numerous enthusiastic responses in the network confirm this.
It is noteworthy that "Levomekol" is intensively used not only at home, but also among doctors. This ointment is often called the surgeon's assistant. And all because it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, at the same time being an effective reparant that accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues. So, when applied, for example, to a fresh burn, seam or wound, the drug cleanses this area and promotes faster regeneration.
"Levomekol" - antibiotic or not
This drug is a combined remedy for external use. The ointment has an antibacterial and regenerating effect, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and destroys many harmful bacteria: streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and intestinal microorganisms.
The ointment has a smooth texture and thick consistency. The product has a white color with a slightly pronounced yellow tint.
The ointment does not have a strongspecific smell and does not stain clothes. You can see the packaging and design of the drug in the photo. "Levomekol" is available in aluminum tubes, 40 g each, and dark jars with 100 or 1000 g of ointment. Instructions for use are always attached to the product.
Is Levomekol a hormone or an antibiotic? This question will be answered by the composition of the drug, represented by two active ingredients.
The main component of the ointment - levomycetin (chloramphenicol) - is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Its main function is to disrupt the production of protein within pathogenic bacteria, which gradually leads to their death. A positive effect is felt by patients within a few hours after applying Levomekol ointment.
An antibiotic of which group is contained in the preparation? This is a broad-spectrum substance that is active against gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, as well as strains of microorganisms resistant to the main antibacterial components - sulfonamides, penicillin, streptomycin.
It is noteworthy that the drug does not affect he althy cells in any way. Levomycetin penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and restores damaged tissues.
The second active ingredient of the ointment is methyluracil, a metabolic stimulant. This substance is intended for the regeneration of damaged skin areas and accelerated relief of inflammation. In addition, the ingredient activates the local production of leukocytes, which makes it possible to protect the body from infection in the future.

Another useful property of methyluracil lies in the dehydrating effect, due to which the ointment eliminates puffiness.
In one gram of the drug, the ratio of active ingredients is: 7.5 mg of chloramphenicol and 40 mg of methyluracil. For their uniform distribution and convenient application, auxiliary substances are also used: polyethylene oxide-1 500 and polyethylene oxide-400. These components have an adsorbing effect and help to eliminate toxins from the body.
Now you know if Levomekol is an antibiotic or not. Of course, this drug has a strong effect, however, it is thanks to him that the remedy has such a powerful effect.
Useful properties
Many cosmetologists, dermatologists and other specialists often advise their patients to use the drug in the fight against various problems. And it is not surprising, because the properties of "Levomekol" are practically incalculable. The tool really has many useful qualities:
- antimicrobial action is achieved thanks to chloramphenicol - it destroys pathogenic bacteria, including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and streptococci;
- has a regenerating effect due to methyluracil - it easily penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates the production of new cells, and also normalizes the structure of damaged tissues;
- has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect;
- dehydrates, eliminates excess fluid, whichleads to the elimination of edema;
- activates cell metabolism;
- accelerates wound healing and tissue repair, such as acne;
- acts as an immunostimulant, stimulating the production of interferon, which has an antiviral effect - this effect is extremely important in preventing the spread of acne on the skin.

Indications for use
The action of "Levomekol" can be aimed at both treatment and prevention of certain ailments. Most often, this medicine is recommended by doctors for the following conditions:
- purulent infected wounds;
- edema;
- trophic ulcers;
- pronounced inflammation;
- second and third degree burns;
- purulent pathologies, like boils;
- damages requiring cleaning from dead particles and pus;
- some diseases of the epidermis;
- dental problems;
- hemorrhoids.
As a prophylaxis, the product is applied to wet calluses, bedsores, foci of eczema, fresh stitches, cuts. In addition, "Levomekol" contains an antibiotic that is incredibly effective in dealing with hemorrhoids, sinusitis, acne, otitis, balanoposthitis. In gynecology, swabs with ointment are often used to treat inflammation of the appendages, erosion of the cervix, and healing of sutures in the vagina. The duration of therapy is selected individually, depending on the severity of the pathology and the characteristics of the organism.
Among other things, in the reviewsyou can find a lot of useful information about how else it is permissible to use this tool. Can Levomekol be used after hair removal? According to users, this ointment allows you to get rid of small pustules that occur after this procedure. And some reviews contain information that it is Levomekol that helps eliminate itching and burning after insect bites.
As you can see, the scope of the ointment is very wide. But despite the positive reputation of the drug, one should not forget that this remedy is potent. Each person decides for himself whether to use the ointment or not. "Levomekol" is an antibiotic, and its too frequent use can lead to unpleasant consequences. Don't forget about it.
How to use "Levomekol"
There is a misconception that the drug being studied is a panacea for all skin problems. However, in fact, the ointment is certainly effective, but not omnipotent and is not able to get rid of all diseases. So, the drug will not be able to help you with bruises, scabies and nail fungus. But if you use the ointment for its intended purpose, you will surely be satisfied with the effect obtained.
According to the instructions, the product can be used from the age of three. The drug should only be used externally. It is best to additionally use gauze or napkins. With their help, close the wound, and apply a bandage on top. It must be changed at least once a day, until the damage is completely cleared. It is undesirable to close the woundpolyethylene or other material that does not allow air to pass through.
According to the instructions, you can use the ointment for a maximum of four days, without fear of side effects and other unpleasant phenomena. If the application lasts more than a week, there is a risk of osmotic shock. That is why on the 5th-6th day, doctors transfer patients to other drugs that promote tissue repair.

In parallel with "Levomekol" it is desirable to use antihistamines, fortifying medicines, vitamins, as well as calcium gluconate.
If the ointment does not bring a positive result, you should consult a doctor.
What helps remedy
Now you know whether "Levomekol" is an antibiotic or not, what properties the ointment has and in what cases it should be used. But now it's time to learn the main thing - how to apply it correctly in different situations:
- From acne. The active substances of the drug enter the pores, draw pus out of them, eliminate redness and stop inflammation, suppressing pathogenic microflora. The product should be applied pointwise if the rash is minor. If a large area is affected, the skin must be treated completely 1-2 times during the day. You can use a compress. Before the procedure, it is desirable to steam the skin.
- From herpes. Firstly, it is worth saying that no drug can completely cure this virus, and Levomekol is no exception in this case. But you can muffle unpleasant symptoms with the help of ointment. To do this, it is necessary to point-treat the wounds on the lips. After a while, you will notice that the pain subsides, and the ulcer itself dries up and disappears from the face.
- From hemorrhoids. It is recommended to use "Levomekol" during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. Due to the wound healing effect, the ointment stops inflammation, destroys pathogenic microflora and reduces pain. It should be applied to the skin in the anus, after washing it with soap. The session should be repeated every day at bedtime for a week.
- From boils. When using the ointment, staphylococci die, which provoke the disease. For treatment, applications should be used: apply a little on gauze and place on a sore spot. Change the bandage 3-4 times a day until the abscess opens and its contents come out. But even after that, the ointment needs to be used for a few more days - for accelerated wound healing.
- From wounds and burns. With such injuries, the ointment should be used in combination with a bandage. They need to be changed every day. A maximum of 3 g of the drug can be used during the day.
- From sinusitis. Abundantly soak the turundas with ointment, place them in the nostrils and lie down for half an hour. Sessions should be repeated 2-3 times a day, not longer than a week. Before the procedure, it is advisable to rinse the nose with saline.
- From corns. "Levomekol" helps to heal the wound faster and prevent its infection. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad and apply to the damaged area. Repeat the proceduretwice a day.
- From otitis media. Apply the ointment to the turundas and put them in the ears, leaving them overnight. The course of therapy is 3-6 days.

Side effects
Among the negative manifestations that uncontrolled use of the ointment can lead to include signs of allergies, such as rashes, itching, hyperemia, burning and urticaria.
Very rarely, local or angioedema, as well as dermatitis, may appear.
In addition, the use of the ointment can lead to a feeling of fatigue, weakness.
If the drug is used to treat gynecological pathologies, the development of thrush is not excluded.
In all situations described, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Here are the main restrictions for applying the ointment:
- first months of pregnancy;
- individual intolerance to the composition;
- skin cancer;
- under one year of age;
- fungus;
- psoriasis.
It is forbidden to use the product in parallel with cytostatics, sulfonamides and pyrazolone derivatives.
How to replace "Levomekol" if for some reason the ointment is not suitable? There are medicines that contain the same active ingredients. We are talking about synonyms of the drug - ointments "Netran" and "Levometril". They are used in exactly the same way as Levomekol and have the same indications.
But people whothe composition is not suitable, you should pay attention to analogues with the same properties, but other components. These include:
- "Levomycetin";
- "Levosin";
- "Streptonitol";
- "Lingezin";
- "Fugentin";
- "Protegentin";
- "Fastin";
- Salicylic-zinc paste with chloramphenicol.

Only before using the chosen product, do not forget to consult a doctor.
What is the opinion of people who have experienced "Levomekol" on themselves? The drug often receives laudatory reviews from cosmetologists who advise an ointment for rashes on the face. And the enthusiastic feedback from users only confirms the high effectiveness of the remedy in the fight against various ailments, especially acne.
Praise the drug and gynecologists, and pediatricians, and even veterinarians. The homogeneous texture of the product flawlessly covers damaged skin areas, stopping inflammation, swelling and eliminating purulent contents.
What else pleases Levomekol ointment? Perhaps the affordable cost of the drug, which ranges from 120-150 rubles.
According to the reviews, this tool can help from a wide variety of problems really effectively and as quickly as possible. Many users call this drug a real salvation from various troubles. According to them, Levomekol effectively copes with its tasks and rarely leads todevelopment of side effects. In addition, the ointment has a minimal list of contraindications, which allows you to use it without unnecessary fear. The only important thing is to follow the rules described in the instructions.

Now you know if there is an antibiotic in Levomekol and what useful properties this drug has. To use this tool or not, of course, you decide. But remember that no one is immune from burns, wounds and skin problems. So you will certainly feel better if you have in your first aid kit a product with proven effectiveness, tested for decades and confirmed by numerous reviews.