In the article we will talk about what Vidal's lichen is. We will deal with this disease in detail, and also learn about how it is transmitted, what methods of treatment exist and are the most effective in modern medicine.
To begin with, Vidal's lichen is a limited neurodermatitis that belongs to the category of pink lichen. Ringworm is not inherently dangerous to humans, but the fact is that some manifestations of the disease can cause a certain discomfort in a person.

Also explain what neurodermatitis is. This is a skin disease that recurs over time. It is neurogenic and allergic.
Vidal's ring-shaped lichen has been little studied by scientists, so it is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of its occurrence. Note that this disease can be inherited. So, if someone from your family has experienced this disease, then you need to pay special attention to hygiene and monitor the condition of your skin. As we noticedabove a particular danger, this lichen does not pose for a person, but nevertheless it causes unnecessary stress due to very unpleasant symptoms. It is expressed in the fact that warts begin to appear on the body. The most unpleasant thing is that the disease is recurrent, so you will have to deal with it throughout your life.
Misconception, she is not contagious.
Now let's talk more about the reasons:
- Hereditary factor.
- Heavy stress.
- Nervous excitement.
- Depressive disorder.
- Impaired metabolism.
- Incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Climate change.
- Weak immune system.
Note that if you do not start treatment in time, you can greatly aggravate your situation, which will lead to the chronic form of depriving Vidal.
This form of lichen is called ring-shaped due to the fact that round-shaped spots form on the body, which remain on the affected areas of the body. But also sore spots can be covered with a rash, very itchy and create a lot of embarrassing problems for a person during his usual life.

Characterization of symptoms:
- Most often there is only one focus of inflammation, but in some cases there can be up to 3.
- Itches a lot.
- The infected area of the skin is ring-shaped, but the color almost completely merges with the skin and has a shiny head.
- The sore spot may darken over time.
As for the location of the spots, they are most often diagnosed on the back of the head, in the lumbar region, on the back of the thighs, on the inside of the cheeks, in the upper back, in the hollows under the elbows and knees, as well as in the female genital area organs.
The disease begins with a slight itching on the skin. It is at this stage that you should consult a doctor, because at this time you can still somehow influence the disease. After the first papules appear, the skin becomes very dry and gradually peels off. After that, warts appear on the skin, which have a pinkish tint. After a while, they become covered with scales.
Indirect causes
Let's consider a group of causes that can indirectly cause the appearance of this disease. For example, doctors believe that severe hypothermia, recent infectious diseases, or vaccination can provoke lichen. Also, if you have recently been bitten by some kind of insect, then perhaps it was it that infected you. So, pink lichen is carried by bedbugs, lice and fleas.

Sharp shape
Doctors distinguish two forms of Vidal's annulare in humans. The first form is acute. It is characterized by the fact that various neoplasms of a pinkish or light shade appear on the body, which are located in groups on a certain part of the body and have fairly clear contours. If you start treatment at this stage, you can stop the disease and prevent it from progressing further.
The second form is chronic. It is extremely undesirable for a person, because it gives him maximum inconvenience. Vidal's pink lichen in a chronic form can appear several times a month or even last for several years. Thus, it can appear the most unexpected moments, which can be very responsible for a person. The ailment is manifested by the fact that the skin thickens a little, after which dark brown neoplasms appear on it, which are rather rough to the touch.

How to help yourself?
If you want to be armed against lichen, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information that we have collected for you below. So, before the disease manifests itself, many people begin some pain in the joints, a general malaise of the body and a severe headache. In some patients, even a slight increase in lymph nodes was diagnosed. Therefore, always carefully monitor your he alth and respond to body signals.
Now let's talk about the manifestations of pink lichen. You can detect it by light spots that spread through the body quite quickly. As for their size, they usually do not exceed the size of a penny. Most often, lichen appears on the trunk, very rarely in the neck and limbs. If you have excessive sweating, then the hands and feet may also be affected. Also try to limit the use of showers and baths, as well as various water procedures, because this can aggravate the disease. It is noticed that inin this case, more spots appear.
In some cases, swelling may occur, resulting in one large spot. This greatly complicates further treatment and can provoke additional complications. If possible, avoid direct sunlight, completely discard various creams and medications that are not prescribed by a doctor.
As for the treatment of folk methods, it is generally customary to use a golden mustache to get rid of this unpleasant ailment. Tinctures, gruels and oils are made from it. Garlic, aloe and celandine are also effective against lichen. However, be sure to consult your doctor before using traditional medicine. In some cases, they can really help speed up recovery, but sometimes they can only increase the development of lichen.

So, Vidal's lichen, the photo and treatment of which we demonstrate in the article, is a rather rare disease that is not inherently dangerous for humans, but nevertheless can significantly ruin life.
Vidal's annulare: treatment
Let's start this chapter with the fact that if you suspect that you have this disease, you should contact a good dermatologist as soon as possible in order for him to establish an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for you. Note that if you self-medicate, this can greatly aggravate the situation and even provoke its more active development.
Whatconcerns from traditional treatment, it consists of the following elements:
- Special diet, which consists of an abundance of dairy products, plenty of vegetables and greens, as well as foods that contain a lot of iron. Also, doctors highly recommend the use of honey daily. During the diet, you can not add s alt to food.
- Special sleep regimen, which implies that a sick person should get enough sleep every day. In addition, he should not overwork and be too nervous, because this can provoke the progression of the disease.
- Taking special drugs that can muffle the development of the disease. If antihistamines do not provide adequate assistance, then the patient is prescribed antidepressants, which make it easier to tolerate the symptoms of the disease.
- Required intake of ascorbic acid and vitamins A and B.
- Careful and constant observance of all hygiene rules, as well as the use of antiseptics in all cases when necessary.
- Taking hormonal drugs. They are not assigned to everyone and not always, but in some cases it is simply impossible to influence the treatment of diseases without the intervention of hormonal agents.
- Complete rejection of synthetic clothing, as well as a ban on wearing woolen fur things.

Additional methods
These are not all treatments, because everything we have listed is mainly about the drug treatment of Vidal's lichen. But besides this, they can also appointultraviolet therapy, phototherapy, magnetotherapy and even acupuncture. All this is prescribed to the patient only if his situation is quite neglected and requires additional intervention, in addition to taking medication.
The doctor also notes that a person recovers faster if he has the opportunity to take hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, as well as undergo heliotherapy.
For a person who is faced with Vidal's lichen, whose photo we see in the article, it is very important to remember the most important rule, which is that lichen spots should never be combed, washed or treated with iodine. You should listen very carefully to the recommendations of your doctor, and also do not use various cosmetic and antiseptic products unless they have been approved by your doctor.
In principle, it is desirable to limit the effect of various chemicals on the skin as much as possible. The same applies to the case if you put things in order at home using various cleaning products, and work without gloves. Also, if the type of activity involves working with hazardous substances, then think about how to protect your skin from negative influences as much as possible.
Summarizing, we note that Vidal's annulare, the photo of which we see in the article, is a very unpleasant disease that brings a lot of discomfort. Nevertheless, in the initial stages it can be treated and quite successfully. That is why we strongly recommend that you immediately contact a dermatologist for any skin irritations who canmake a correct diagnosis and cure a disease that, in a chronic form, can accompany you all your life. Also, watch your lifestyle in general, eat right. Remember that many ailments arise not so much because of the wrong lifestyle, but because of severe overwork and constant stress. Learn to relax and listen to your body.

Also know that if you are undergoing treatment, then Vidal's lichen may disappear very suddenly, however, light or dark circles may permanently remain on the skin in those places where the disease was detected. If you go to a professional dermatologist, they may be able to cosmetically remove the stains.
As for the reviews, they are different. Doctors consider this disease quite tolerable, provided that a person immediately responds to ailments. When the situation is neglected, the disease brings many complications. People who have successfully recovered from the disease believe that the disease is not so terrible. In their opinion, the main thing is not to delay solving the problem and consult a doctor right away.
Partly such beliefs are due to the fact that the disease usually passes quite quickly, and patients do not have time to "be patient". Those with chronic lichen are constantly dependent on medications and consider lichen one of the worst human diseases. Which is quite logical.