Does it hurt to put a spiral after childbirth?

Does it hurt to put a spiral after childbirth?
Does it hurt to put a spiral after childbirth?

Intrauterine devices for contraception use more than 200 million women worldwide. Some people use this type of contraception for a long period, periodically changing the IUD. Patients who have never tried this method of contraception are wondering if it hurts to insert the spiral.

does it hurt to put a coil after childbirth
does it hurt to put a coil after childbirth

Choosing a contraceptive method

Currently, women are offered a large number of different methods that have advantages and disadvantages. And the choice of the type of contraception depends on the general condition of the woman and the presence of concomitant diseases. Few can be advised to choose oral contraceptives due to problems such as premenstrual syndrome, problems with conception, thyroid and adrenal diseases. Not everyone is happy with taking pills, as there is a possibility of forgetting to take a pill, which can lead to various disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Coitus interruptus most often leads to pregnancy, and the use of vaginal suppositories, pills is not always convenient. Condoms are a good method of contraception, but most often they do not suit men,especially if this is your regular partner.

Benefits of the IUD

The intrauterine device is the easiest, safest and most effective way to control births. But doubts arise: is it painful to put an intrauterine device, what complications are possible, how long-term wearing of an intrauterine contraceptive affects reproductive he alth.

Types of IUDs and their effects

There are various intrauterine contraceptives. In general, they are a T-shaped device, which is an effective form of reversible birth control. The IUD has been used for quite a long time - from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. The most commonly used spirals with wound wires made of copper, silver, gold. Some IUDs use 2 types of metals. Recently, the Mirena spiral has been very popular, which has a container with levonorgestrel and provides a constant release of this hormone, which contributes to the complex contraceptive action and, in some cases, the treatment of bleeding or hormonal disorders.

The main action of intrauterine contraceptives is spermicidal, as well as an increase in uterine tone, thickening of cervical mucus and the formation of aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. A copper IUD is also used for emergency contraception if inserted within five days of unprotected intercourse.

does it hurt to put a spiral reviews
does it hurt to put a spiral reviews

How the spiral is placed

In order to understand whether it hurts to put a spiral, you need to know how to install the IUD. Each intrauterine device comes with a guidewire for ease of insertion.

Using mirrors, the cervix is brought out so that it is accessible for manipulation.

After treatment with furacilin or miramistin of the external opening of the cervical canal and taking with bullet forceps, an intrauterine probe is inserted to determine the length, location, physiological bends of the uterus and the patency of the internal os. A restrictive ring is installed along the length of the probe on the conductor so that the spiral is adjacent to the uterine mucosa in the bottom area. Then a conductor with a spiral is inserted, and after removing the conductor, the spiral should be located in the uterine cavity, and the control antennae in the vagina. The cervix is treated with an antiseptic solution and the speculums are removed.

After the introduction, the woman is recommended to exclude sexual activity, lifting weights for a week. It is recommended to take a prophylactic dose of antibiotics for 2-3 days to prevent inflammatory diseases.

Pain relief manipulation

Does it hurt to put a spiral? Reviews of women who use this type of contraception indicate that this procedure is basically painless. The most unpleasant sensations occur when pulling up the cervix before inserting the probe and when it passes through the internal opening of the cervical canal.

does it hurt to put a mirena coil
does it hurt to put a mirena coil

Basically no anesthesia is used. For particularly sensitive women, the cervical canal is treated with dicaine solution, administered intravenouslydexalgin, tramadol or intravenous anesthesia.

When is it better to put a spiral

IUD can be placed at any time. Some doctors prefer the 4-7th day from the beginning of menstruation. Everyone who is offered to come to the antenatal clinic at this time is interested in whether it hurts to put a spiral during menstruation. At this time, pain is minimal, since the cervical canal is ajar for the release of menstrual flow and the pain threshold is reduced.

When is it better to put a spiral after childbirth and abortion

After childbirth, the IUD can be inserted after 48 hours. But it is desirable to carry out this procedure 21 days after birth. It is necessary to make sure that there are no inflammations and pregnancy, venereal diseases. For this, an ultrasound is performed and a smear is taken. Does it hurt to put a spiral after childbirth? Most often, during this period, the introduction of the IUD is painless, since the uterus has not yet fully contracted and the cervical canal is completely open. After a caesarean section, the introduction of a spiral is carried out after 3-4 months, not earlier, since an unformed scar on the uterus is a contraindication for the introduction of a contraceptive. Many doctors are of the opinion that the insertion of an IUD immediately after childbirth does not make sense, since the myometrium is constantly contracting to restore the structure of the no longer pregnant uterus and pushes out the coil.

Does it hurt to put an intrauterine device
Does it hurt to put an intrauterine device

After an abortion, the introduction of the IUD is possible immediately after curettage. However, the doctor must be sure that there are no remnants of the fetal egg left to prevent inflammation.and septic conditions. Does it hurt to put a spiral during this period? In this case, the woman does not feel any pain, because the cervical canal is open; both abortion and IUD insertion are performed under intravenous anesthesia.

Mirena Coil

Recently, the Mirena IUD, a contraceptive that constantly releases progestogen hormone from a special container, has been in great demand. Does it hurt to put the Mirena coil? This question interests many women with endometriosis who are offered the introduction of this IUD for therapeutic purposes. The morbidity of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor and compliance with the rules of administration. Pain may occur in the first weeks after the coil is inserted. They can also accompany copious bleeding from the genital tract. All this passes within 1-2 months.


does it hurt to put a spiral
does it hurt to put a spiral

After insertion, various complications are possible, which should refer the woman to a doctor urgently. In the early days, there may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen and protracted heavy periods. Subsequently, an exacerbation of chronic processes of the pelvic organs is possible. And therefore, the question of whether it hurts to put a spiral is not so important, it is important not to miss complications after its introduction. It is especially worth being attentive to your feelings in the first days: if the pain does not go away within 1-2 days or there are pains in the abdomen, which may be accompanied by fever, it is urgent to visit a doctor to exclude a formidable complication - perforation of the uterus. In some cases, independent expulsion of the helix is possible. This is observed in cases where, after the introduction of the IUD, a woman was engaged in hard physical labor or had an active sex life.

IUD Removal

After the expiration of the contraceptive action of the spiral (from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of IUD), it must be removed. The removal procedure is painless.

does it hurt to put a spiral during menstruation
does it hurt to put a spiral during menstruation

After removing the cervix with mirrors, the doctor pulls the control antennae and removes it from the uterine cavity. In some cases, in the absence of inflammatory diseases, cervicitis, infectious colpitis and good tolerance, the removal and insertion of a new spiral can be done in one go.
