Ointment "Chlorhexidine": composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Ointment "Chlorhexidine": composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Ointment "Chlorhexidine": composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Today, pharmacies do not find Chlorhexidine ointment, but there are multicomponent medicinal formulations containing this antiseptic. The substance has long established itself as a reliable remedy for topical use. Under the name "Chlorhexidine" suppositories and solutions are produced. Consider the features of this antiseptic substance, then turn to the trade names of creams and ointments containing it.

General information

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic. Molecularly, it is 1,6-di-(para-chlorophenylguanido)-hexane. For medicinal purposes, the substance bigluconate is used. It is a dichlorine-containing biguanide transformation product. Structurally, it is most similar to bigumal. The antiseptic agent shows activity relative to negative, positive in the study of Gram bacteria. It is used in the fight against treponema, chlamydia, ureaplasma, bacteroids, neisseria, gardnerella. The drug is ineffectiveagainst tuberculosis mycoplasma. Helps with infection with protozoa and herpetic viruses. Does not affect spores, viruses.

ointment "Chlorhexidine", application
ointment "Chlorhexidine", application

Stability observed after skin treatment with antiseptic. Due to this, ointments containing chlorhexidine are used to cleanse the epidermis, and solutions have found wide application in surgical practice. The substance is able to remain on the skin in an amount that provides a bactericidal effect. Activity is observed in the presence of suppuration, blood, although the parameters are reduced.

Pharmacology nuances

Chlorhexidine, which is part of some ointments, is widely used in various fields of medicine. This substance (mainly in liquid form) is used to treat the doctor's hands, the operating field, and instruments. Chlorhexidine can be used in case of septic, purulent processes. They wash wounds, body cavities. The tool is used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Mostly for such purposes, a 0.5% solution of chlorhexidine is used. In surgical practice, the laid surfaces are treated with liquid twice, keeping a couple of minutes between events. To quickly sterilize the instrument, it is immersed in the medicinal composition for five minutes. For hand disinfection, a 0.5% alcohol-based product is suitable. It is also used to work with burns, wounds. For hand disinfection, twice the saturated aqueous solution of chlorhexidine can be used.

Dose forms

Abroad, chlorhexidine is used forproduction of "Disteril". In this product, the antiseptic in question is contained in a concentration of 1.5% in the form of bigluconate. Another 15% is reserved for benzalkonium. The composition contains a coloring component. Benzalkonium increases the disinfection effect. Thanks to the dye, you can immediately see which areas have been treated. The tool has found use in surgical practice for the treatment of the surgical field. They disinfect equipment used in clinics.

Ointment with chlorhexidine "Sibicort" is in demand. The antiseptic in question is contained in an amount of 1%, the same amount is reserved for hydrocortisone. It is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drug that treats eczema, dermatitis, bacterial infection.

Chlorhexidine is an integral element of a number of toothpastes, mouthwashes. The substance is used to make dental gels used for applying applications to mucous membranes.

Image"D-panthenol", ointment with chlorhexidine
Image"D-panthenol", ointment with chlorhexidine

Ointments: names

There is no Chlorhexidine ointment on the domestic market, but there are several medicinal products that contain the antiseptic in question. These include the already mentioned above "Sibicort". In addition, chlorhexidine is included in dental products:

  • "Dentamet".
  • Dicloran Denta.

Chlorhexidine is one of the elements of Bepanthen Plus. It is also included in the tool "Pantoderm Plus". Chlorhexidine is present in medicines:

  • Bemilon.
  • "D-Panthenol PlusAntiseptic.”

About popular products in more detail: "Sibicort"

This ointment based on chlorhexidine contains 10 mg of antiseptic and the same amount of hydrocortisone in one gram of the product. The drug is produced in tubes with the presence of 20-100 g of the drug. The tool belongs to the class of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-itch drugs. It is prescribed if chronic eczema is concerned, dermatitis, aggravated by bacterial infection, has been identified. Do not use this ointment in case of hypersensitivity to active ingredients or excipients. The product is not used if there are lesions on the skin caused by syphilis, tuberculosis. Viral infection is a contraindication for use.

Image"Lexpanthenol Chlorhexidine Ointment"
Image"Lexpanthenol Chlorhexidine Ointment"

As noted in the instructions for use of the cream with chlorhexidine "Sibicort", this drug can cause an allergic response of the body. It is possible to increase the susceptibility of light radiation. Hydrocortisone included in the product can cause skin atrophy, acne, thinning of the integument, erythema. There are cases when the integument in the application area burned, they became dry and irritated. Possible redness of the skin, itching, swelling.

With prolonged use, application over large areas, under impervious materials, systemic negative effects may occur. These include purpura, acne, hypercortisolism, telangiectasia. With prolonged use, there is a risk of secondary infection of the skindefeats. There is a possibility of hypertrichosis. Chlorhexidine, which is part of Sibicort, can cause dryness, dermatitis. Covers may be sticky for the first few minutes after application. When using the product in the fight against gingivitis, the following are possible: deterioration in the ability to perceive taste, the appearance of tartar, discoloration of the teeth.

Bepanthen Plus

Chlorhexidine cream is for external use only. The tool is produced in the form of a matte homogeneous white product. A yellowish tint is allowed. There is a specific faint aroma. The substance should be homogeneous, soft. One gram contains 50 mg of dexpanthenol and ten times less chlorhexidine in the form of hydrochloride. Paraffin, macrogol, water, lanolin, alcohols, pantolactone were used as additional ingredients. The drug is packaged in tubes with a capacity of 3.5-100 g. The drug belongs to the class of antimicrobial drugs that activate regenerative processes and suppress inflammation. Thanks to the antiseptic, the cream is effective against bacteria typical of the skin - these are almost always present on the body, they penetrate into damaged areas, especially when contaminated. The second main component, in turn, is soon transformed into pantothenic acid. This substance is important for the formation and regeneration of cells.

As you can see from the instructions for Bepanthen Plus chlorhexidine cream, the medicine relieves soreness as it cools the treated area. It protects the integument from infection and stimulates regeneration. Easilyapplied, spread, removed from the skin. The product is non-greasy and non-sticky. No kinetics available at this time.

Technical info

It is recommended to use ointment with chlorhexidine "Bepanthen Plus" for infection of superficial skin lesions, for the treatment of nipple cracks during breastfeeding. Indications are chronic focal processes (pressure sores, hard-to-heal ulcers) and wounds caused by surgical intervention. "Bepanthen Plus" is used in case of small lesions, for which there is a high risk of infection.

The drug is spread in a thin layer once or several times a day over the surfaces that need it. The skin needs to be cleansed first. An open method of treatment and the use of dressings are allowed. The use of the drug can provoke the appearance of hives, itchy areas.

According to the instructions for the ointment with chlorhexidine "Bepanten Plus", the drug is prohibited if the diseased area is located in the auricle, and also in the case when the wound is very dirty, deep. Do not use the product if high sensitivity to any component of the product is detected. During breastfeeding, pregnancy cream is used carefully, without treating large areas. During the period of use, you need to protect your eyes from the penetration of medicine into them. It is strictly forbidden to take the ointment inside.

Nuances and rules

Bite, stab wound, very dirty wound, large area, depth - all this requires specialized medical intervention and is not treatedcream "Bepanthen Plus". Be aware of the risk of tetanus. If the use of a cream with chlorhexidine does not reduce the size of the damage, the wound does not heal in one and a half to two weeks, you should consult a doctor. Such a measure is forced by a strong reddening of the edges, swelling of the zone, pain, fever. Such manifestations indicate the risk of sepsis.

No overdose reported. "Bepanthen Plus" is not used simultaneously with other antiseptics, as there is a possibility of negative mutual influence.

Chlorhexidine, instruction
Chlorhexidine, instruction


On sale there is a rather popular ointment with chlorhexidine - "D-Panthenol". Instructions for use of this drug states that the product is made in the form of a cream that is white or close to this shade, having a uniform structure. The drug is packaged in tubes with a volume of 25-50 g. One hundred grams of the product accounts for five dexpanthenol and 0.776 g of chlorhexidine in the form of a bigluconate 20% solution. Alcohols, macrogol, water, pantolactone, lano-, vaseline, dimethicone, propylene glycol were used as additional ingredients.

Officially, the remedy is classified as a stimulator of regenerative processes, belongs to the group of drugs that improve trophism, tissue repair. The ointment is intended for external use. The tool belongs to the class of combined drugs, fights microbes, inhibits the activity of inflammatory foci, locally improves regeneration.

"D-Panthenol" - a cream with chlorhexidine, which is transformed into pantothenic acid in skin cellsdue to the presence of the active substance. The antiseptic shows an effect against vegetative varieties of bacteria, positive and negative in the Gram test. The tool is effective against yeast and lipophilic viruses, eliminates dermatophytes. For bacterial spores, an antiseptic is dangerous only when the temperature rises. Using the product allows you to clean the covers, disinfect them with a minimal risk of an irritation reaction. If you apply the cream on the wound surface, it will protect it from infection and speed up regeneration.

Ointment "D-Panthenol"
Ointment "D-Panthenol"

Do's and Don'ts

Like the identical drug "Panthenol plus Chlorhexidine", the cream "D-Panthenol" is intended for the treatment of small wound surfaces, if there is a risk of infection. These are minor burns and scratches, damage due to scratching the skin, minor cuts, abrasions. The drug is used for superficial infectious foci on skin lesions. It is used to treat nipples that are covered with cracks during lactation. You can use the remedy for chronic wound healing. This is observed if there are bedsores, the product helps with trophic ulcers. It is used to treat wounds after surgery.

Image"Panthenol Plus Chlorhexidine"
Image"Panthenol Plus Chlorhexidine"

As you can see from the instructions for ointment with chlorhexidine "D-Panthenol", the drug is designed for external application from one to several times daily. Before using the pharmaceutical product, the surface of the wound is cleaned. Can be applied toinflamed areas. Open treatment and dressings are allowed. Using the product can cause itching, urticaria. Do not use the medication for the auricle, with severe contamination, severe injury, deep damage, high susceptibility of the body to the components of the composition used by the manufacturer.

Pantoderm Plus

Pantoderm Plus ointment containing dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine is popular with patients. The drug is produced in the form of a creamy mass for local external application. The product is white or as close as possible to this color. The concentration of the active ingredient is 5%. It is packaged in tubes of 30 g. 100 g of the drug contains 5 g of dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine bigluconate in the amount of 0.076 g. The manufacturer uses water, paraffin, alcohols, propylene glycol, pantolactone, macrogol, dimethicone, squalane as additional ingredients.

The drug belongs to the class of combined. Designed for outdoor therapy. The instructions for use of the ointment with chlorhexidine "Pantoderm Plus" indicate: the antimicrobial effect of the drug, the ability to inhibit inflammatory processes, activate regenerative ones. The drug is intended for the treatment of a small wound process, the course of which is accompanied by the risk of infection. It is used in the presence of bacteria in superficial skin lesions. They treat the nipples of nursing mothers if they are bothered by cracks. The ointment is used after surgery and for chronic wounds. The product is intended for application to the skinonce a day or more. Areas are pre-cleaned. You can use the ointment alone or apply under a bandage. Application may provoke allergies.

Ointment "Chlorhexidine", instructions for use
Ointment "Chlorhexidine", instructions for use


In the instructions for use of the Bemilon chlorhexidine ointment, it is noted that the product is intended for external use. One gram of the product contains 1 mg of betamethasone and five times more chlorhexidine. The drug is packaged in tubes of 15-30 g.

Ointment with chlorhexidine for mucous
Ointment with chlorhexidine for mucous

Means fights bacteria, inflammatory processes. This is a combined medication, both antimicrobial and GCS. Betamethasone is a steroid with a local effect. The remedy is effective against allergies, inflammation, edema, proliferation, itching. It has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, more significant than that of other fluorine derivatives of corticosteroids. Systemic exposure is minimal as only a small amount is absorbed through the skin. When applied to the integument, the accumulation of neutrophils is prevented, exudation and the generation of cytokines are weakened. The drug inhibits the transport of macrophages. As a result, granulation, infiltration weaken.

With chlorhexidine, the ointment fights germs, eliminating both Gram-positive and Gram-negative varieties. The remedy is effective against dermatophytes, yeast.

Technical data

"Bemilon" is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis, necrobiosis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema. It's being usedwith various forms of erythema, for the treatment of lymphocytoma, lymphoplasia. The drug is indicated in some types of lupus, with lichen planus, itching of the skin due to various causes. It is prescribed for phlebotoderma.

The drug is intended for external application two to three times a day. The product is distributed in a thin layer over diseased skin, lightly rubbed into the surface. If the course is mild, a single use daily is sufficient. If the case is difficult to treat, occlusive dressings can be used. This option is not suitable for children. At a minor age, with facial lesions, the ointment is used for no more than five days in a row.

Usage nuances

Use can cause acne, stretch marks, itching, burning, dry skin, follicles, prickly heat, hypertrichosis. Prolonged use is accompanied by the risk of atrophic processes, local hirsutism, purpura, and a decrease in pigmentation. There is a risk of telangiectasia. Too long treatment courses can cause systemic effects, which are usually caused by steroid drugs.

You can not use the remedy for syphilis, tuberculosis, viral invasion on the skin. Contraindications are skin neoplasms, trophic areas of ulceration due to varicose veins, rosacea, acne, and skin reactions after receiving the vaccine. "Bemilon" is not used to treat skin rashes in children under one year of age, if they are caused by diaper rash. Do not use the product with increased susceptibility of the composition.

Analogues of ointment withchlorhexidine "Bemilon" are drugs:

  • Combine Duo;
  • "Sulfodecortem".

Dental drugs

The substance in question is very popular in dentistry as well. On sale there are ointments with chlorhexidine for the mucosa. The most famous products are presented in pharmacies under the names "Metrogil Denta", "Dentamet", "Dicloran Denta". Consider their features using the example of the first mentioned remedy.

Metrogil Denta is a mucosal chlorhexidine ointment manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. It is presented for sale in packages of 5-20 g. One gram of the product contains 16 mg of metronidazole benzoate and 2.5 mg of chlorhexidine in the form of a bigluconate 20% solution. As additional ingredients, the manufacturer used water, sodium, disodium compounds, saccharin, levomenthol, propylene glycol, carbomer. Dental gel is made in white or close to it shade, there is a slight opalescence. The product is soft. This is a combined antimicrobial agent.

Due to the presence of metronidazole in the composition, the drug is effective against anaerobic life forms that provoke periodontal disease. These include prevotella, fusobacter, borellia, bacteroids and some other varieties. Chlorhexidine provides an antiseptic effect, eliminates neisseria, chlamydia, treponema, ureaplasma, bacteroid. When prescribing the drug, it is taken into account that acid-resistant forms are resistant to this antiseptic. The use of the gel does not provoke violations of viabilitylactobacilli.

Kinetics, indications and contraindications

The ability to absorb active elements with local application of dental gel is close to zero. Accordingly, there are no kinetic parameters for the drug in question.

"Metrogil Denta" is prescribed for the treatment of infection, foci of inflammation in the oral mucosa, periodontal disease. The drug is used in different variants of the course of gingivitis, periodontitis. It is indicated for cheilitis, Vincent's gingivitis, aggravated by ulcers and tissue necrosis. "Metrogil Denta" helps with a combination of periodontal disease and gingivitis, is effective for stomatitis with aphthae. It is used if wearing prostheses provoked inflammatory foci, prescribed for periodontal abscess, periodontitis, alveolitis.

ointment with chlorhexidine
ointment with chlorhexidine

Pharmaceutical product not recommended for minors. It is not used for pathologies of the central nervous system, PNS. It is impossible to prescribe a remedy for blood diseases, including previously recorded ones, as well as with increased susceptibility to active and auxiliary components, nitroimidazole transformation products.

About application experience

As noted by people who used "Chlorhexidine" in the form of a solution or ointments with this component, the product effectively disinfects covers, objects. The substance reliably treats inflammatory foci. It is extremely rare for people to notice the occurrence of an allergy. The drug is safe, as recognized by those who used it, but it is very cheap, so it is available to almost everyone.
