The inflammatory process that affects the tonsils in the nasopharynx is called adenoiditis. Often the disease occurs in children against the background of a cold, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections. Treatment of the disease should be carried out comprehensively. Quite often, nose drops are used for adenoids in children. It is worth remembering that only a doctor should prescribe drugs and their dosage.
How drops work
These funds help to avoid surgery, but their use is advisable only during the initial stage of the disease. Drops from adenoids for children have the following effect:
- eliminate puffiness;
- relieve inflammation;
- make breathing easier;
- reduce nasal discharge.

These medicines can only be used as directed by your doctor. The dosage largely depends on the age of the child.
Varieties of drops
The treatment of adenoids is required, since with itabsence, dangerous violations of the he alth of the baby occur. At the initial stage of the course of the disease, one of the popular conservative methods is the instillation of drops into the nose. In particular, the doctor may prescribe such remedies:
- vasoconstrictor;
- with moisturizing effect;
- hormonal;
- antibacterial.
Vasoconstrictive drops are considered the most popular. They are used not only for adenoids, but also for other problems, if there is difficulty in breathing. When using them, you can reduce the volume of the mucosa. Using drops from adenoids for children, you can restore breathing. This guarantees significant relief.
Use them at night to let the child breathe freely through the nose. In addition, they are appointed before performing the diagnosis, for a full examination of the tonsils. However, there are downsides to using it, namely:
- bring short-term relief;
- do not treat, but only eliminate the symptoms;
- drug effect diminishes;
- prolonged use may cause side effects.
After a while, there may be addiction to the drug. These funds include Nazol Kids, Sanorin, Nazol Baby, Naphthyzin.

Moisturizing preparations are a medicine with a solution of sea s alt. They eliminate mucus, have a vasoconstrictive effect. These funds improve the functioning of the mucosa. Drops "Aquamaris Baby" and "Aqualor Baby" help well.
In somecases require the use of antibiotics. Doctors usually prescribe them for inflammation of the adenoids. Without an inflammatory process, the use of this drug is prohibited, as addiction to its composition may form. Drops from adenoids for children contain antibacterial components that make breathing easier and reduce swelling. These include such as Polydex, Sofradex, Bioparox, Isofra.
Hormonal drops begin to act only after they accumulate in the tissues. Adenoids under their influence decrease, and the child's condition returns to normal. They should not be used by children under 3 years of age. The list of drops for adenoids in children includes such remedies as Avamys, Nasonex, Fliconazole. With prolonged use, there may be fragility of blood vessels and dryness of the nasal mucosa.
Vasoconstrictive drops
When choosing the best drops for adenoids in children, you need to pay attention to such tools as:
- "Nazivin";
- Otrivin;
- "Nazol";
- Naphthyzin.
The drug "Nazivin" contains oxymetazoline in its composition. Indicated for use from the first months of life. The medicine does not dry out the nasal mucosa and has a lasting effect. Among the contraindications, glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis should be distinguished.
The drug "Nazol" can be used from 6 years. It contains the same active ingredient as Nazivin. In addition, the drops contain essential oils, which have an additional anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. They are contraindicated inthyrotoxicosis, renal failure, and severe heart disease.

Good drops from adenoids for children - "Otrivin". The main active ingredient is xylometazoline. It moisturizes the nasal mucosa and eliminates irritation. Among the contraindications, it is necessary to highlight hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypertension, tachycardia or atrophic rhinitis.
The drug "Adrianol" contains phenylephrine in its composition. You can use it from birth. Drops reduce nasal congestion and swelling. Contraindications include kidney pathology, glaucoma, atherosclerosis, atrophic rhinitis.
Naphthyzin drops in the nose with adenoids in children have proven themselves quite well. The main component is naphazoline. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Designed for children over 1 year old. Contraindications include hypertension, hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, atherosclerosis.
Moisturizing Drops
When choosing drops for the treatment of adenoids in children, you need to pay attention to moisturizers. The best and most convenient are such as:
- "Aqualor Baby";
- Aqua Maris;
- Otrivin Baby.

The preparation "Aqua Maris" is purified sea water. Available in the form of drops or spray. The medicine is completely safe for children, therefore, it can be used from birth.
The preparation "Akvalor Baby" differs in the content of microelements. Hequickly eliminates inflammation. You can use it from birth.
Otrivin Baby is a sterile solution of sea s alt. It is produced in bottles of 5 ml. Can be used for baby from birth.
Antibacterial drops
They help to quickly eliminate inflammation. The most popular names for drops from adenoids for children are:
- Sofradex;
- Polydex;
- Bioparox.
The drug "Sofradex" contains the antibiotic framycetin sulfate. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Cannot be used to treat infants, and should be used with caution in children under 6 years of age. The course of therapy lasts a week. Assign 2 drops three times a day. Side effects can be expressed in the form of an allergy. Cannot be used for glaucoma and hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

Drops of "Polydex" in addition to the antibiotic neomycin contain hormonal and vasoconstrictive components. It is prescribed 2-3 drops twice a day. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and with allergies to the components of the drug. Rashes can be side effects.
The drug "Bioparox" contains the antibiotic fusafungin. It can be used from 2.5 years in a course of no more than a week. Side effects can be dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane, sneezing. Do not use in case of sensitivity to drug components.
Drugs with hormonal components
Well establisheddrug "Nasonex". It contains in its composition substances similar to natural steroids. Thanks to this, the drug quickly and effectively eliminates pain and swelling. In addition, this tool:
- reduces inflammation;
- eliminates the risk of rhinitis and seasonal allergies;
- Protects against allergens.
The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and acts only in the affected area. The drug does not affect the hormonal background of the child, does not cause weight gain and does not accelerate puberty.

Nose drops are prescribed for children from 2 years old. The course of therapy is 1 month. Before using the drops, you need to clear the nose of mucus. The effect comes almost in a day. It is advisable to bury them in the nose at the same time with an interval of 24 hours. Side effects are very rare. This drug has a very good local effect, strengthens the body, but it is impossible to cure adenoids with its help alone.
Avamys drops contain the main component fluticasone furoate. It can be used from 6 years old once a day. The course of therapy is a month. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved after 3 days.
The drug "Flixonase" contains the substance fluticasone. It helps to normalize breathing 24 hours after a single application. Can be used from 4 years old. A contraindication is an allergy to the active substance.
However, these drugs can provoke dryness of the mucous membrane and loss of vascular elasticity.
Drops "Lymphomyosot" refer to homeopathic remedies, which include animal, plant and mineral components. The drug has the following effect:
- immunostimulatory;
- detoxifies the body;
- anti-inflammatory;
- increases the protective effect;
- promotes lymph drainage.
It is due to the effect on the lymphatic system that the drug is widely used for adenoids. Despite the fact that it contains only natural ingredients, it must be used strictly according to the prescription.
Deserved fairly good reviews of the Sinupret drop. With adenoids for children, they are prescribed from a very early age. This is a homeopathic preparation, which includes only herbal ingredients. They reduce swelling, normalize the sense of smell, eliminate infection, and reduce nasal discharge.
Among the antiseptic agents, Derinat, Protargol, Miramistin, Collargol have proven themselves well. They eliminate pathogenic microflora, puffiness and have a mild antiseptic effect.

Before using them, be sure to use saline solutions to clean the nasal passages.
Complex drops
These are solutions that are prepared separately for each patient, they include more than 2 components. You can make them only in pharmacies where there is a prescription department. In the prescription, the doctor indicates the dosage and frequency of application.
Such dropsaimed at reducing secretions and eliminating puffiness. They also kill viruses, bacteria, allergens or fungi.
Complex drops for adenoids in children are prescribed if a runny nose does not go away for more than 10 days. You can also use combined products, in particular, such as Nasobek, Polydex, Vibrocil, Nasonex.
Other drugs
In addition to the main groups of drugs, other drops from adenoids for children are also used. Drug names:
- "Protargol";
- "Pinosol";
- "Vibrocil";
- Edas.
Protargol contains silver ions. It dries the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, has a slight disinfectant effect, and reduces heavy discharge.
Drops "Pinosol" consists of herbal ingredients. This remedy has an antiseptic effect and normalizes breathing. "Vibrocil" combines anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive action. It eliminates puffiness and makes breathing easier.
"Edas" - a broad-spectrum drug. It relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, and normalizes nasal breathing.
All these medicines have their own specific application features, so consultation with a specialist and following the instructions is required.
Rules for the use of drops
In order for the drops to bring the desired result and not harm the child, several recommendations must be followed, namely:
- wash hands with soap and water before treatment;
- cleanse the nose with saline or salinesolution;
- put the baby on the bed, turn his head to the side and tilt back a little;
- warm the medicine to room temperature;
- use a special pipette for instillation;
- drip drops in both nostrils.
During treatment, it is important to monitor the condition of your baby. If there is a pallor of the skin or a rash, then this may be a sign of an allergy. You should immediately stop taking the drug and visit a doctor.
What tools can not be used
Do not use any drops intended for adults. The thing is that their composition is somewhat different from their children's counterparts. The main difference is in the concentration of the active substance. This may cause side effects.
In addition, babies under 6 years of age are not recommended to use sprays, as their nasopharynx is not yet fully formed and this can lead to complications.
Drops for children from adenoids received mixed reviews. It all depends on the drug and its features. Many say that vasoconstrictor drugs dry out the mucous membrane, so they should not be used for a long time. Drops with an antibacterial effect are addictive over time. They can only be used strictly as prescribed by the attending doctor.
According to reviews, with adenoids, the drug "Protargol" helps well. It has a complex effect. Dries and reduces adenoid tissue. However, a doctor's consultation is required before using it.