Cheap fungus ointments: a list of drugs, instructions for use

Cheap fungus ointments: a list of drugs, instructions for use
Cheap fungus ointments: a list of drugs, instructions for use

Fungal diseases are very common among people of any gender and age. Itching, burning, white plaque and scab - all these symptoms are characteristic of this disease. This article provides a list of cheap fungus ointments that will effectively remove all manifestations of the disease.

How do ointments and creams for skin fungus work?

Dermatomycosis - this is how fungal skin lesions are called in medical language. The causative agents of the disease are microscopic spores of dermatological fungi. They are present in varying amounts on the surface of the epidermis of 80% of the total population. In cases where the immune system is weakened, fungal mold begins to multiply uncontrollably. As a result, a person begins to notice a white coating on the skin, feels itching and burning, scabs may begin to form from the dead layers of the dermis. An overview of fungus ointments will be presented below.

Ointments and creams for surface application can stop the growth of bacteria and stop the increase in the affected area of the skin. This process is made possible by specialantibacterial ingredients. There are ointments, the action of which is an extensive effect on dermatomycosis, and there are those that kill only one specific type of fungus. Of course, it is more efficient to use funds with extensive action. It is possible to find out which type of fungus has affected the skin only after scraping for analysis in a dermatovenerological dispensary. Do not be afraid to contact a dermatologist-venereologist for a consultation. Sometimes only he can prescribe a remedy for the fungus, which will relieve pain for a long time.

Image"Clotrimazole" from the fungus
Image"Clotrimazole" from the fungus

Varieties of antifungal agents

You can classify all pharmaceutical products from ringworm into the following groups:

  • ointments and gels - can be used on any part of the skin;
  • varnishes with antifungal components - are used only for damage to the nail plates on the fingers and toes;
  • sprays - as effective as ointments, but more expensive;
  • drops and tablets - used for extensive skin lesions, when the course of the disease is complicated by additional symptoms (the fungus can spread inside the body).
cheap sulfuric ointment for fungus
cheap sulfuric ointment for fungus

List of inexpensive fungus remedies

Cheap ointments from the fungus on the legs and arms are in the greatest demand. They are effective in most cases if the disease is still at an early stage.

Here is a list of cheap fungus ointments:

  • Salicylic ointment has been used since Soviet times. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription,the cost is about forty rubles. Of the minuses, one can single out an unpleasant odor that impregnates the patient's clothes and bed linen.
  • Sulfur ointment acts on ringworm due to the natural antibacterial effect of sulfur. The price of a jar of sulfuric ointment varies from fifty to one hundred rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
  • Zinc ointment smells pretty good and doesn't leave marks on clothes. Can be used for ringworm on the surface of the genital organs, as it does not irritate the surface of the skin.
  • "Terbinafine" - an ointment with a selective effect on dermatomycosis. It has a healing effect very quickly, but not on all strains. This ointment will be written separately below.
  • "Clotrimazole" is another ointment with a selective effect on fungi. Unlike sulfuric, salicylic and zinc ointments, it has a more powerful effect on candidal fungus.

Antifungal ointments for the intimate area

Dermatomycosis very often spreads in the genital area in both men and women. People are often embarrassed to address this problem to a venereologist and are looking for workarounds for treatment. In a pharmacy, any pharmacist will advise you to read the instructions for use for Clotrimazole ointment. The price of this tool varies from two hundred to three hundred rubles.

cheap ointments and creams for fungus
cheap ointments and creams for fungus

"Clotrimazole" is effective for dermatomycosis, it is a relatively cheap ointment for fungus. Does not have an irritant effect - therefore it canbe used on any part of the body. An hour after application, it relieves itching, burning. After about three to four days, it completely cures ringworm of the initial degree. Apply the ointment as often as possible - preferably at least five times a day.

Ointments for use on hands and fingers

You can classify all cheap ointments from the fungus on the hands into groups according to the principle of action of the main active ingredient:

  1. Based on purified fluconazole: "Diflucan", "Micomax". They have antiviral activity on the surface of the epidermis, part of fluconazole is absorbed through the skin into the blood and has a slight antibacterial effect from the inside.
  2. With the active substance terbinafine: "Lamisil" and "Terbizil". Available both in tablets and in the form of ointments. Prevent the reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

In terms of cost, fluconazole-based products will cost less. You can opt not for ointments, but for tablets (for example, "Fluconazole" costs about fifty rubles) - just take two capsules, this is enough for the almost complete destruction of pathogenic fungal spores inside the body and, as a result, on the surface of the skin.

Terbinafil-based drugs will cost more, but they are effective against a larger number of pathogenic fungi. The cost of "Lamisil" is about three hundred rubles. The cost of "Terbizil" is about two hundred, but the concentration of the active substance in this ointment is lower than in "Lamizil".

Cheap ointments for fungus in childrenand teenagers

For children under ten years of age, it is undesirable to use fluconazole-based products. Instructions for use for Clotrimazole ointment (price about three hundred rubles) does not prohibit admission for children - it would be optimal to opt for this remedy. It can be used for ringworm on the nails, feet, hands. The drug will effectively relieve irritation, itching and burning within an hour after application.

For children, you can also use sulfuric and zinc ointment - but they will have a therapeutic effect much longer. so the best choice for treating fungus in babies is Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole.

Another great drug for babies is "Zalain". An antimycotic drug based on the safe and effective substance sertaconazole.

What are the best cheap remedies to use for foot fungus?

Legs are the most common location for ringworm. Approximately 45% of cases of fungal disease come precisely to the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet. One of the most inexpensive and effective remedies is Terbinafine ointment for foot fungus. At the initial stage of the development of the fungus, it will relieve symptoms on the second day of admission. Apply the ointment to the affected area as often as possible - five to eight times a day.

fungus cream
fungus cream

Another very cheap remedy is sulfuric ointment. Healing with her will have to wait a little longer, about three to four days. It should be applied at least five times a day. at night do compresses under a medical bandage. Notit is worth pulling the affected area tightly, just cover it at night to prevent smearing of the ointment.

Also at home, s alt and soda baths can be used to treat foot fungus. You need to dissolve a kilogram of sea s alt in five liters of moderately hot water and immerse your feet in it for half an hour. Such a bath will give an antibacterial effect, partially dissolving mycotic spores.

Zinc ointment in the fight against ringworm of various nature

This remedy was used by our grandmothers in the fight against fungus. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating effect in the treatment of dermatological diseases of any degree of complexity, which include mycosis. This is an inexpensive and effective ointment for foot and hand fungus. It is not recommended to apply it to the genital area due to the irritating effect on the thin epidermis.

The effectiveness of zinc ointment depends on the overall clinical picture of the disease. At the initial stage of the development of ringworm, it can quickly relieve symptoms, but in the later stages it will be practically useless.

zinc ointment for fungus
zinc ointment for fungus

Sulfur ointment for fungus at home

Very often people are afraid to go to a venereologist or a dermatologist, preferring to treat fungal diseases at home. Sulfur ointment has been used for decades for this purpose.

The standard sulfur content in such products is 10%. This amount is enough to kill fungal spores.on the surface of the epidermis. Sulfur ointment also has emollient properties, relieves itching and burning. In comparison with fluconazole-based products, sulfuric ointment loses: the same "Clotrimazole" gives a visible and tangible result after a few hours from the start of use, and sulfuric ointment begins to act only on the second or third day. It is precisely because of this slow action that modern doctors practically do not prescribe sulfuric ointment to their patients, and people use it mainly for self-treatment of dermatomycosis at home. Today, there are more effective means.

sulfuric ointment for fungus
sulfuric ointment for fungus

Salicylic ointment in the fight against ringworm

Another remedy that became popular in the Soviet years. The cost of the ointment is extremely low - it will cost no more than a hundred rubles per jar. It will last for a long time, it should be stored in a dark and cool place (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for example).

salicylic ointment for fungus
salicylic ointment for fungus

Salicylic ointment from the fungus does not help quickly, but for sure. If the patient has not noticed the effect after two days of constant use of the ointment, do not despair, you need to continue using it. The visible effect occurs approximately on the fifth or sixth day of using the ointment. Completely go away itching and burning. Salicylic ointment can be used in the fight against the fungus of the feet, nails, hands. It is not recommended to apply it to the genital area due to the irritating effect on the thin epidermis. This tool, despite its age, still remains oneof the most effective.
