A lot of antiseptic products are sold in pharmacies, differing in the specifics of use and cost. Many of them have long been used to disinfect skin wounds. That is what the green is. The instructions for using this medicine are quite simple. The nuances of using the tool are presented in the article.
Issue form
Instructions for brilliant green are usually indicated on the container. This tool is produced in the form of an alcohol solution - 2% and 1%. It is located in glass bottles, the capacity of which is 5 l, 1 l, 25 ml, 10 ml and 5 ml. As you can see from the reviews, people are in demand for the latest options.
It is produced in the form of a fine-grained powder, which is in a bag of 1 g. In pharmacies, you can find this drug in the form of a felt-tip pen, which is convenient to use because it cannot spill or splatter.

The solution has a mild antiseptic effect. With it, the destruction of gram-positive microbes, pathogenic fungi occurs. Medicinedisinfects open skin wounds without tissue damage. Absorption is moderate, due to ethanol disinfection is provided. The solution destroys staphylococcus aureus, diphtheria bacillus and other microbes. The dye stimulates repair, so wounds heal faster.
In the instructions for Zelenka, the components included in it are presented. It consists of:
- Brilliant green.
- Ethanol.
- Purified water.
The first component is often included in the composition of medicines for the treatment of skin wounds. For example, it is in the "corn liquid", where, in addition to brilliant green, salicylic acid is included. Zelenka is tried on when treating corns and calluses, as well as for treating wounds - cracks, abrasions, scratches. Judging by the reviews, the tool is in demand among most people.
Characteristic and action
The tool is a dye. It is presented in the form of a green-golden powder or golden-greenish lumps. Considered almost insoluble in alcohol and water, but soluble in chloroform. The solution has a rich green color.

Brilliant green is considered a highly active and fast-acting antiseptic. As the reviews confirm, many people use it to treat wounds. The bactericidal action affects microorganisms, blocking their spread. These include diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, some fungi.
In the instructions for brilliant green there is a list of cases when it can be used forwound disinfection. The medicine is used in the treatment of post-traumatic and postoperative wounds. It is also required in the following cases:
- Inflammation of the hair follicles.
- Erysipelas.
- Development of pyoderma.
- Infectious inflammation of the skin of the eyelids.
The solution is used in the prevention of infection in the presence of barley, carbunculosis, chicken pox, herpes infection. This tool is considered safe, so it is used even for newborns. For example, brilliant green is useful for treating an umbilical wound to speed up skin recovery.

For older children, the solution is used for insect bites. In this situation, the medicine has not only an antiseptic effect, but also dries up the rash, reduces the degree of itching intensity. According to reviews, the tool is indispensable at home.
Contraindications are indicated in the instructions for the use of brilliant green. The solution should not be used in case of individual intolerance. Experts do not advise applying the product to heavily bleeding wounds and affected weeping areas of the skin. As the reviews confirm, after using the solution, irritation and burning may appear, but it disappears very soon.
According to the official instructions for use, the brilliant green solution is incompatible with antiseptics, the active components of which are:
- Alkaline.
- Yodine.
- Chlorine.
This means they cannot be used together.
Brilliant green is part of some types of adhesive plasters that have a bactericidal effect. The instructions for the brilliant green solution say that it can be used as an impregnation for bandage dressings.
The medicine is applied externally with a thin layer on the wound of the skin. In this case, you need to capture a small area of \u200b\u200bhe althy tissue. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

The solution has a slight smell of alcohol. According to reviews, pharmacies usually sell medicines of 10-25 ml. You need to apply brilliant green with a special swab or cotton swab. It can be produced in the form of dropper tubes with a capacity of 1-10 ml, which are applied pointwise, so they cannot stain clothes. The cost is 10-30 rubles.
Zelenka is sold in the form of a golden-green powder with a glossy texture. It is slightly soluble in water, has no pronounced odor. Before use, it is dissolved in 57 ethyl alcohol. In its original form, the shelf life is not long.
Special Instructions
Instructions for brilliant green on bottles contain basic information on use. Special instructions to be observed:
- With contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, burning may occur.
- The solution should not be taken orally, otherwise acute intoxication and hypoxia will appear.
- When applied to the affected area of the skin, the agent penetrates into the general bloodstream in smallquantities.
Solution can be applied during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is stored at temperatures up to +25 degrees. Shelf life is 2 years.
Means of similar action include:
- "Antisept"
- "Bonaderm"
- "Hydrogen peroxide"
- "Septil"
- "Vitasept"
- "Bioantisept"
- "Methylene blue".
- "Hydroperite".
- "Ichthyol".
- "Chlorophyllipt".
- "Sterillium".
- "Manisoft".
- "Medosept".
- "Pharmasept".
How to eliminate brilliant green stains
An unpleasant consequence of using the product is green spots on the skin and clothes. With time, they are removed from the skin on their own. To speed up the process, you can use hydrogen peroxide or other means with alcohol. Suitable for acetone and bleach. Such products can only be used for completely he althy skin.

If brilliant green gets on clothes, it will be more difficult to remove stains, since this drug is a very stable dye. To eliminate contamination from the material, it is advisable to take the item to dry cleaning. At home, bleach or acetone is used. But this method is ideal only for cotton. For other fabrics, it is better to choose stain removers.
Brilliant green is a drug that has a highefficiency and low cost. You just need to apply it carefully so that you do not have to solve the problem of removing stains from skin and clothes.