Anti-gangrenous equine polyvalent purified liquid concentrated serum is used to treat and prevent gas gangrene. Next, consider the instructions for its use.
Dose form and composition of therapeutic serum
Presented antigangrenous serum is produced in the form of a solution for injection. The active substances are antigangrenous antitoxins. The excipient is sodium chloride.

Drug description and indications
Anti-gangrenous serum is transparent or slightly opalescent, and in addition, colorless or with a slightly yellowish tint. This liquid has no sediment.
What are the indications for the administration of antigangrenous serum? As a rule, it is used for wounds with crushed tissues. For example, the remedy is used to treat and prevent gas gangrene.
How to use
With a prophylactic purpose, gangrenous antitoxin is administered intramuscularly as soon as possible immediately after the injury. For therapeutic purposes, serum is used intravenously, extremely slowly, by drip, usually mixed with a solution of sodium chloride for injection heated to thirty-six degrees. Serum is injected first at a rate of 1 milliliter every five minutes. And then pour 1 milliliter per minute.
Anti-gangrenous serum must be administered by a doctor, or the procedure should be performed under his supervision. The amount of solution directly depends on the clinical condition of the patient. Usually, the therapeutic dosage of antigangrenous therapeutic serum is 150 thousand units.

According to the instructions for use for antigangrenous serum, before it is administered, the patient is required to undergo an intradermal test to check the patient's general sensitivity to the protein. Serum is injected in a volume of 0.1 milliliter by intradermal method into the flexor surface of the forearm. For this, a syringe with a division value of 0.1 milliliter and a thin needle is used. Accounting for the reaction is carried out after twenty minutes. The test is considered negative if the diameter of the redness that appears at the injection site is less than one centimeter. The test is considered positive if the edema with redness reaches one centimeter or more in diameter.
If availablenegative intradermal test, anti-gangrenous serum is injected subcutaneously into the region of the outer shoulder surface or into the subscapular sector in the amount of 0.1 milliliter. If there is no reaction after half an hour, the entire prescribed dose of serum is injected intramuscularly into the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer upper square of the buttock or into the anterior region of the thigh (if the medicine is used for prophylactic purposes) or intravenously (when it comes to treatment).
It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to the use of this therapeutic serum, but nevertheless, its use must be agreed with the doctor. Direct injections are also performed with the help of a specialist.

Gas gangrene
Gas gangrene is a very severe infectious process that develops as a result of wound infection with anaerobic bacteria that live in the ground, and are also found in street dust. Patients with extensive wounds, accompanied by massive crushing of muscle tissues and the appearance of areas with extremely poor blood supply, are especially prone to the appearance of such a pathology.
Gangrene is a disease that can be caused by bacteria from the Clostridia group, which normally live in the intestines of herbivores, from where they penetrate into the ground, onto clothes, and so on. In some situations, they can be found in feces, and in addition, on the skin of he althy people. Parasites reproduce exclusively in an oxygen-free environment. But in the presence of oxygen, they can persist as spores for a very long time. Next, let's talk about the treatment and prevention of gas gangrene.

Gangrene is the necrosis of body tissues, which is accompanied by their decay. Therapy of the disease includes emergency surgical treatment in combination with active general medical support. The wound is widely opened by means of stripe incisions (wide longitudinal incisions are made throughout the entire segment, a dissection of the skin, its own fascia and subcutaneous tissue is made). All non-viable tissue is excised, the wound is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. If there are suspicious areas on the adjacent segment, a strip cut is also made.
Wounds must be left open and loosely drained with gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution. During the first three days, dressing is performed three times, then every day, once.
In the presence of rapid progression, the involvement of the entire soft tissue in the process and the necrosis of the limb, amputation or disarticulation is performed. Amputation is carried out by the guillotine method, cutting off all layers at the same level. The wound is left open, stripe incisions are made on the stump. The wound is then drained using gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide solution.
Immediately after the diagnosis, a massiveinfusion therapy using albumin, plasma, protein and electrolyte solution. With the development of anemia, a blood transfusion is performed. Antibiotics are administered in high doses intravenously or intraarterially. In the postoperative period, patients are prescribed hyperbaric oxygen therapy. An intravenous injection of antigangrenous serum is performed. When the pathogen is installed, as a rule, monovalent serum is used. And with an unidentified pathogen - polyvalent.
Treatment and prevention of gas gangrene should be timely and comprehensive.

Prevention of pathology
The main means for the prevention of gas gangrene is the implementation of adequate and timely primary treatment of the wound surface along with the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics. In the process of processing, all non-viable tissue should be excised, and in addition, the bottom and edges of the wound. It should be remembered that antibiotic treatment is mandatory for any extensive wound, especially for heavy contaminated lesions and those accompanied by crush tissue. Prophylactic use of antigangrenous sera is not effective enough and may cause the patient to develop anaphylactic shock.

Patients with gas gangrene are isolated, they are given a separate nursing post. As for the dressing material, it is immediately burned, and instruments withlinen are subjected to special treatment. Clostridia spores can have a fairly high resistance to boiling, in connection with this, the instrument must be processed under conditions of increased pressure in a steam sterilizer or in dry ovens. Any medical procedures must be carried out only in rubber gloves, which, upon completion, are burned or immersed in a disinfectant composition (for example, in Lysol, chloramine or carbolic acid).