Wrong lifestyle, sedentary work, poor-quality clothes and bad habits - all this sooner or later leads to problems with the prostate gland in men. When the first symptoms appear (pain when urinating, weak sexual activity), you should seek help from a specialist. It is impossible to do without medical treatment. Good results in prostate therapy are shown by the drug "Prostamol". Cheap analogues can also be found in pharmacies. However, it is undesirable to use pills without consulting a doctor.
Medication form and composition
The drug is presented in the form of oval-shaped soft gelatin capsules. The contents of the capsules are a brownish liquid with a characteristic odor. It is undesirable to bite the drug. It is taken orally with plenty of water. The main active ingredient of the drug is an alcohol extract of the sabal palm fruit. Succinylated gelatin, black iron oxide, titanium dioxide, glycerol, and purified water are used as excipients. The drug is supplied to pharmacies in cartons.

The medicine belongs to the category of phytopreparations and is widely used for urinary disorders in men. The medicine "Prostamol Uno" can also be prescribed to women. Russian analogues can be found in pharmacies without any problems. However, before using the medicine, it is worth consulting with a therapist.
In most cases, men are prescribed Prostamol. Cheap analogues also show good results. It is worth buying them in pharmacies that have all the necessary licenses. The drug can be used for functional urination caused by benign or malignant prostatic hyperplasia. For the fairer sex, the drug is prescribed for urination disorders, nocturnal diuresis and pain syndrome. With cystitis in women, the drug "Prostamol" can be prescribed as an adjuvant. Cheap analogues can also be used.

The medicine has practically no contraindications. It has an herbal base. Therefore, you can use the capsules during pregnancy or lactation. Medicine is also not contraindicated for children. However, before use, you should consult a pediatrician. In some cases, hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug may occur. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is worth canceling the remedy and consulting a therapist.
It is worth taking Prostamol Uno medicine correctly. Instructions for use, analogues, reviews - all this is worth clarifyingbefore starting treatment. In most cases, experts prescribe one capsule per day (320 mg). The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Capsules should preferably be taken without chewing with plenty of water. The medicine should be used daily at the same time after meals. Cases of overdose in medical practice have not previously been identified. However, experts advise taking the drug in the prescribed dosage. This is especially true for patients who are prone to allergic reactions. Any analogue of "Prostamol" cheap should also be taken in the indicated dosage.
Side effects
Unpredictable symptoms may develop if the patient takes the drug at an increased dosage. In most cases, symptoms such as itching, urticaria, and skin rashes develop. Most often, these symptoms are observed in allergy sufferers. When the first unpleasant reactions appear, you should stop taking the medicine and go to a specialist for a consultation.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity can manifest itself in the form of indigestion. The patient may increase gas emission, nausea appears. In rare cases, vomiting and diarrhea develop. When such symptoms appear, experts recommend taking activated charcoal and seeking medical help. The specialist will prescribe an analogue of "Prostamol"cheap, which will not cause such reactions.
The analogues of the drug, which are most often used in medical practice, will be described below.
This herbal remedy is often used for functional disorders of urination in men and women. The active ingredient is an extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree. Titanium dioxide, purified water, gelatin are used as excipients. This analogue of "Prostamol" in Russia is very popular. Patients claim that the medicine can be found in almost any pharmacy at an affordable cost. For one package you will have to pay about 700 rubles.

Capsules "Palprostes" is prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia in men. Women can use the medicine for cystitis, which is viral in nature. However, in this case, the capsules will be included only in the complex therapy. The drug "Palprostet" quickly relieves inflammation and relieves pain.
The medicine is presented in the form of yellowish gelatin capsules. As the main active ingredient, a lipidosterol extract of saw palmetto fruits is used. Additionally, the composition of the product includes components such as polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, gelatin, yellow iron oxide. Phytopreparation can be prescribed only to men with functional disorders of urination caused by prostatic hyperplasia. In the treatment of cystitis in women, the medicineineffective.

Analogues of Russian-made Prostamol show good results. But they must be used strictly according to the appointment of a specialist. Doctors say that the treatment regimen is set individually in accordance with the form of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. In most cases, it is recommended to take one capsule twice a day.
This analogue of "Prostamol Uno" patient reviews are positive. After a week of therapy, a good result is noticeable. In most cases, the drug is used as part of complex therapy.
If you need to replace Prostamol, cheap analogues can be recommended by a doctor. Hyperprost tablets are popular in state medical institutions. The main active ingredient of the drug is tamsulosin hydrochloride. As auxiliary components, indigo carmine, titanium dioxide, gelatin, purified water are used. The medicine shows good results in functional disorders of urination in men. In women, the drug is used in the complex therapy of cystitis.
The Russian analogue of Prostamol belongs to the low price category. The medicine can be purchased at a pharmacy for only 300 rubles. However, the reviews are mostly positive. Patients note that a positive trend is observed within a few days after the start of treatment. Additionally, the drug removes pain during urination.
Tulosin capsules
Could not be found inpharmacy drug "Prostamol"? Instructions for use, analogues, treatment regimen - a qualified specialist will tell about all this. The doctor will help you choose a high-quality domestic substitute. Good results, according to patient reviews, are shown by Tulosin capsules. The drug is based on tamsulosin hydrochloride. Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, methacrylic acid copolymer are used as auxiliary components. The composition of the shell includes substances such as talc, polysorbate, aqueous solution.

Like the previous drugs, the remedy is used for functional disorders of urination. With caution, the drug is prescribed to people with chronic renal failure. In rare cases, patients develop hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
If it was not possible to find the Prostamol Uno remedy, cheap analogues are always present in pharmacies. Tulosin capsules are an excellent option. You will have to pay about 500 rubles for packaging.
These tablets are also based on tumsolosin hydrochloride. Additionally, substances such as talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, microcrystalline cellulose, triacetin, calcium stearate are used. The medicine has practically no contraindications. It is not suitable only for allergy sufferers.
How to replace the drug "Prostamol"? Analogues reviews of specialists and patients are quite good. It is worth choosing a drug based on financial capabilities. But in mostcases there is no point in overpaying. After all, almost all of the above drugs have the same effect.