Rinse the sinuses with saline, as a rule, is carried out for the treatment and prevention of certain colds, as well as for allergic rhinitis. Such non-pharmacological treatment allows you to get rid of mucus. If you regularly use saline nasal irrigation at home, you can reduce the need for various drops, as well as antibiotics.

Why you need to rinse your nose
Saline nasal wash used:
- For medicinal purposes in various diseases of the nose, as well as in allergic rhinitis. Also, the composition can be used as a prophylactic agent. Saline perfectly removes not only mucus from the sinuses, but also allergens, including various bacteria.
- To moisturize the mucous membranes. Nasal lavage with saline is best done in autumn and winter. The mucous membranes of the nose, as a rule, perform protective functions. They do not allow all kinds of bacteria and viruses to enter the body. If the mucous membrane dries up, then its protective capabilities are significantlyare declining. As a result, viral infections penetrate into other organs. This is why sinus lavage is so important.

What is saline
For washing the nose at home, it is recommended to use normal saline. This is a specially prepared composition of pure water and sodium chloride. A similar solution can be prepared independently at home.
Of course, certain rules must be followed during the manufacturing process. Experts say that for best results, you should use a saline solution in which the ratio of s alt and water is 0.9%. This composition is unique. It is much softer than water. In addition, saline is not able to damage the cell membranes of the mucous membranes. Due to these qualities, the composition is widely used in medicine. Usually, saline is used for washing the nose, diluting some drugs. It is worth noting that the drug is also used in its pure form as an antiseptic.

How to prepare the remedy
Saline solution for washing the nose at home can be done independently. To prepare the composition, it is enough to mix clean water and table s alt. In this case, certain proportions must be observed. So, how to prepare a saline nasal rinse? You need to take a glass of water, the volume of which is 250 milliliters, 2.5 grams of s alt. It's about half a teaspoons. It is this proportion that allows you to prepare a 0.9% saline solution. It should be noted that this amount of s alt in water corresponds to the content of this component in the blood plasma.
Saline for washing the nose of a newborn is slightly different from the usual one. To prepare it, you should resort to other proportions. For 250 milliliters, you can take no more than two grams of s alt. In this case, it is worth using special measuring containers. The composition of saline nasal wash is very simple and does not require large expenses to prepare.
How to properly perform the procedure
Suitable for saline nasal irrigation for newborns and adults. However, many do not even know how to properly carry out this procedure. You can do a nose wash as follows:
- With the help of a special device, which is a product that looks like a teapot with a handle and a narrow neck. Use saline for washing the nose of a newborn should be very careful. An adult can carry out the procedure over the sink. In this case, the head should be tilted to the side. The liquid must be poured into the nostril. At the same time, you should not close your mouth, since the liquid must pour out through it. If you want the solution to come out through the second nostril, then during the procedure you should pronounce the sound “and”.
- The second way is to use a rubber bulb. In this case, washing should be carried out as indicated in the first paragraph. The difference is that you need to insert a syringe into the nostril, andthen slowly press on it. This must be done carefully.
If you don't have a rubber bulb at hand, you can take a little solution in your palms, and then draw in each of the nostrils in turn. After that, you need to pinch your nose and tilt your head forward or throw it back several times. In the first case, the liquid will flow out through the nostrils, and in the second case, through the mouth.

How to wash your baby's nose
Saline solution for washing the nose, the price of which is 35–50 rubles, can be purchased at a pharmacy. For children, such means as Physiomer, Marimer, Aqualor, Quicks, Aquamaris, Aqualor Baby are suitable. What to choose a saline solution for washing the nose? The price in this case plays an important role. After all, the usual composition is several times cheaper than imported counterparts. Therefore, before using any remedy, you should consult with specialists.
The above methods of washing the nose are not suitable for babies. To clear the nose of a small child, it is necessary to drip a few drops of liquid into each nostril. The procedure should be carried out 3 to 5 times during the day.
To rinse the nose of an older child, you need to tilt his head so that the nostrils are parallel to the floor. You can use a syringe or pipette to instill a child's nose. A good option is inhalation, which is carried out using a nebulizer. The main thing is not to scare the baby.

Rules for rinsing the nose
To achieve the best result, you should follow some rules:
- Ready-made saline solution for washing the nose at home should not be very cold or hot.
- If breathing is difficult, vasoconstrictor drops should be used before the procedure.
- In the process of washing the nose, the pressure of the jet should be controlled. It shouldn't be too strong.
- After the procedure, do not go outside for 60 minutes.