Headache always brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. This is a fairly common ailment that can overtake any person anytime and anywhere. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can see a lot of all kinds of drugs that promise to save you from a headache in just seconds. But is it really so and are these miraculous remedies suitable for everyone? Unfortunately, contrary to advertising, the effect of these medicines is sometimes very disappointing. Yes, and these drugs have a huge number of contraindications.
What to do in this case, how to get rid of a hated headache? An ordinary, well-known to many domestic people since childhood, "Asterisk", will come to the rescue. Do you remember this balm in an unusual tin jar? Its smell cannot be confused with any other medicine. And its useful properties are simply innumerable! Thanks to these qualities, the Asterisk balm won people's love a few decades ago.
Balm properties
"Asterisk" is considered a universal remedy created byonly from natural substances, without any chemicals. Vietnamese balm for the treatment of various vices has been used for a very long time. "Asterisk" helps with headaches, runny nose and many other problems. Yes, and this tool has a lot of advantages.
- The drug does not need to be taken orally, which prevents negative effects on internal organs. But the intake of modern medicines greatly affects the state of our bodies, affecting the digestive tract, nervous system, provoking the development of side effects.
- Vietnamese balm is very easy to use. All you need to do is to rub a little of the product into the desired place, massage lightly, and after a few minutes it will begin to work.
- "Asterisk" is designed exclusively for external use and is not capable of causing the development of side effects.

Once the balm was extremely popular. Users were attracted by the affordable cost of the ointment, its compact packaging and memorable design. It was convenient to take the "asterisk" with you, because it occupied a minimum of space, whether it be a handbag, pocket or first aid kit. And the effect of applying the balm has always been on top.
But over the years, this affordable, convenient drug has been superseded by improved drugs with stronger, systemic effects. Although, to be honest, it’s completely in vain, because the balm effectively and quickly copes with various problems and has proven itself well in eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Perhaps that is whysome people still use Asterisk for headaches.
What helps
The main cause of headache is irritation of the nerve endings of the venous sinuses, vessels or meninges. This problem occurs most often in violation of the activity of the spinal cord, increased pressure, defects in the vascular system or inflammation of the brain.
Made on the basis of natural ingredients "Asterisk" relieves the headache of any pathogenesis. She quickly and effectively copes with the problem, regardless of the initial causes of the migraine.

Mechanism of action
If you suffer from constant discomfort in the head area, it is definitely not worth saving yourself with Vietnamese balm alone - in this case, you should consult a doctor. "Asterisk" from a headache quickly helps due to the high content of essential oils. They have the necessary cooling, soothing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the Vietnamese balm includes the following substances:
- camphor;
- Vaseline;
- menthol;
- essential oils of rosehip, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon and mint.

Asterisk for pregnancy headaches
In the instructions offered for the Vietnamese-made pencil and ointment, it is said that the product has not undergone any research on the body's reaction during the gestation periodchild. That is why the manufacturer does not guarantee that the use of this drug will not harm the expectant mother or baby. True, there are no contraindications to the use of "Asterisk" for headaches. But despite this, it is still best for pregnant women to refrain from using this drug.
Even a doctor cannot guarantee you complete safety and recommend a balm while carrying a child. After all, essential oils can affect the body in different ways. That is why some people, due to individual characteristics, may experience adverse reactions in the form of urticaria, allergies or swelling.

Do not forget that in pregnant women, all phenomena in the body proceed quite differently. So do not self-medicate using "Asterisk" for headaches during the period of bearing a baby. Pregnant women are advised to give preference to herbal teas and compresses.
Where to smear "Asterisk" from a headache
According to reviews, acupressure of certain zones with migraine allows you to get rid of the problem much faster and more efficiently. In this case, the "Asterisk" should be applied to:
- outer corners of eyes;
- whiskey;
- temporal bones just above the ears, in the hairy area;
- outer edges of the eyebrows;
- just above the bridge of the nose, near the eyebrows.

How to use the balm correctly"Asterisk" from a headache? The medicine is used exclusively as an external agent. The balm should be gently rubbed with light circular movements at one of the proposed points. To do this, take a little ointment with your index finger and gently rub it in, moving it clockwise. Then wash your hands and lie down. After 15-20 minutes, the headache will disappear.
In the place you massaged, there may be a slight burning sensation at first, but do not worry - after a couple of minutes it will pass, this is how essential oils work.
Features of the drug
Maybe our compatriots simply lost faith in the balm just because the waiting time for the effect drags on for a long time. Perhaps they simply do not trust drugs that need to be applied externally. But be that as it may, now it is very rare to find "Asterisk" on pharmacy counters, and even in home first-aid kits.
But in their homeland, the Vietnamese drug is still quite in demand. Most likely, the Vietnamese trust domestic medicine and have repeatedly been convinced of the effectiveness of a natural drug.

But despite the fact that now the balm is rare, and young people are completely perplexed at the mention of the "Asterisk", you can still find those who remain true to the old traditions and medicines. And no wonder, because this tool has a number of advantages.
- Ointment is not addictive and side effectsreactions.
- The preparation contains natural ingredients: essential oils, plant extracts.
- Can be used not only for migraines, but also for discomfort in other places, such as the lower back.
- The balm does not have a specific smell that reminds of the clinic and the ward.
- The ointment has a minimal list of contraindications.
Like any other medicine, Asterisk has some contraindications for use. It is undesirable to use it for women who are carrying or breastfeeding a child. Children under 5 should not use it.
In addition, Vietnamese balm is contraindicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma or individual intolerance.
Keep in mind that the drug must be applied in a thin layer, otherwise, a burn may occur. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, ulcers, damaged skin, and various wounds.

User responses
Does Asterisk help with headaches? User reviews will help you understand this issue.
According to patients, the Vietnamese balm has many benefits, but does not always help get rid of the problem. Many users complain of reddening of the skin at the site of application of the drug, as well as a burning sensation that cannot be tolerated.
Others consider this remedy to be universal, talking about its high effectiveness in colds, joint pain, and eveninsomnia.
According to reviews, "Asterisk" from a headache helps within 15 minutes. According to users, it is best to apply the product on the whiskey.