He althy children are the happiness of parents. But in modern life, all children are exposed to the adverse effects of a polluted environment. Many microbes, most of which are resistant to survival, provoke endless colds and illnesses. Almost any illness, such as the flu or the most common chickenpox, can be accompanied by a runny nose. Even a visit to the kindergarten by absolutely he althy children does not exclude the occurrence of a runny nose. Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child will help to effectively get rid of the symptoms of rhinitis and nasopharyngitis.
What is rhinitis and its symptoms
Rhinitis, or scientifically rhinitis, is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the nasal passages. Viruses and bacteria, foreign bodies in the nasal cavity, and even allergies can serve as sources of rhinitis.

Rhinitis is an infectious disease and therefore has an incubation stage that lasts about two to four days. During this time, noor obvious symptoms. Only after the end of the incubation stage do signs of a typical runny nose appear. Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child, unlike most other medicines, is ideal for both children and adults.
Main signs of rhinitis
Rhinitis, like all other diseases, has a number of symptoms:
- There is difficulty in nasal breathing
- In the initial stage, nasal congestion is observed.
- Development of the common cold.
If the usual rhinitis turns into nasopharyngitis, the following symptoms are observed:
- Cough due to drying of the mucous layer of the pharynx (mouth breathing) and sneezing.
- "Red throat", that is, the mucous layer of the pharynx is exposed to hyperemia (redness).
- Painful swallowing.
- General "broken" condition.

Aminocaproic acid for a runny nose and cough can be taken for both rhinitis and nasopharyngitis.
The course of the disease and aminocaproic acid
In mild cases, rhinitis lasts about seven days. The liquid secreted from the nose, otherwise called snot, is clear. If in the first days it “flows” from the nose, then by the end of the 7th day the snot acquires a purulent composition. They become thicker with a yellow-green tint. Despite this turn, breathing becomes easier. Washing the nose with aminocaproic acid for children allows you to quickly relieve swelling of the sinuses.
In most cases with rhinitispossible complications in the form of bronchitis or otitis media. They appear when a bacterial infection joins infectious viruses. In severe cases, pneumonia develops. Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child can prevent the worst aspects of the course of the disease.
Severe case
For any disease, it is important to start treatment as early as possible. It is easier to defeat the disease at an early stage in order to avoid complications. Particularly effective is the intensive treatment carried out in the first two days after the onset of the initial signs of rhinitis. The best remedy is aminocaproic acid in the nose. When the drug is used, a protective antiviral and antibacterial effect occurs, which does not allow the development of the disease.
If the opportunity for intensive treatment is missed, rhinitis can progress to a severe stage, which often requires hospitalization. Hospitalization is usually prescribed:
- with severe difficulty breathing;
- in the presence of complications associated with purulent formations;
- when body temperature rises over 39.5 degrees;
- at the first sign of mental disorder;
- in the presence of seizures and hemorrhagic syndrome.
Allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis can be not only viral or bacterial in nature, but also have an allergic form. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are the same as those of normal rhinitis. You can add only varying degrees of itching in the nasal region and minor symptoms in the form of a headache or sleep disturbances. May occur incases such as:
- Seasonal exacerbations of allergies.
- Food allergies (congenital and acquired).
- Dependence on weather conditions.
- Household allergy to dust (when cleaning or reading old dusty books).

The remedy is also used for allergic rhinitis, removing all its symptoms.
Aminocaproic acid - what is it?
Usually medicine is used by surgeons to stop bleeding. There are no such effective analogues for stopping bleeding. Despite this property, aminocaproic acid has a number of other equally important qualities. Indications, use for a cold - one of them. By making the walls of the vessels more durable, this remedy not only helps to relieve the signs of rhinitis, but also has a preventive effect in case of a tendency to bleeding. Acting not as vasoconstrictor drops, but by strengthening blood vessels, the drug reduces the amount of secreted mucous fluid, providing free breathing.

Antiviral property
Aminocaproic acid has a remarkable antiviral property. It is effective not only in the fight against the flu itself, but also for its prevention. During a viral epidemic, it is recommended to instill two or three drops into the nose about five times a day. With immediate illness, unlike other drugs, aminocaproic acid can be instilled every three hours. It suits almost everyone, evenpregnant women and young children. Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child under one year old is possible with a daily dosage of up to three grams. But it is contraindicated for people who have various problems with the kidneys and heart, as well as cerebrovascular accidents.

So, this drug is a universal remedy. It is indispensable not only in surgery, but also at home. It is used most often for a runny nose aminocaproic acid in the nose. Indications for use, however, are much more extensive:
- surgery and post-operative rehabilitation;
- abortion bleeding;
- nosebleeds;
- rhinitis;
- nasopharyngitis;
- sinusitis;
- blood transfusion.
For various surgical interventions, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. If it is necessary to use for rhinitis or nasopharyngitis, it is also necessary to consult a pediatrician about the amount of the agent used. Aminocaproic acid effectively rinses the nose, getting rid of green and yellow thick snot. Can be successfully used for sinusitis. It is not necessary to make a puncture, which can severely injure the child. It is better to consult with an ENT specialist about the use of aminocaproic acid.
General Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of rhinitis and any other infectious diseases, daily prevention should be made a habit. Hereincludes constant monitoring of the cleanliness of the premises, mandatory washing of hands and rinsing of the nose after a walk, as well as the use of daily vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables. And, of course, aminocaproic acid in the nose is important for prevention. When the drug is used, the protective functions of the body increase, and a reliable barrier against viruses and bacteria appears. Eating organic food and exercising with moderate strength will be the key to a strong body.