Kegel trainers. Kegel simulator for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis: the principle of operation, photos, reviews, instructions

Kegel trainers. Kegel simulator for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis: the principle of operation, photos, reviews, instructions
Kegel trainers. Kegel simulator for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis: the principle of operation, photos, reviews, instructions

Kegel exercises have been known since the 40s of the last century. They were invented and developed by the gynecologist Arnold Kegel. They strengthen the muscles of the intimate zone and the small pelvis, the weakening of which leads to various unpleasant conditions in the fair sex. He also invented a device for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis. Kegel trainers have improved over time, and now they help women improve the quality of their sex life, cope with the problems of the genitourinary system.

What is the device?

Kegel exercise machines are based on special Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. The procedure with their use is safe and painless. The first device that was developed by a gynecologist was called the perineum meter. It was equipped with a manometer, which could determine how strong the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis not only improved the qualitysexual life, but also got rid of a number of diseases. The simulators have passed clinical trials, where they showed good results. The effect was in 93% of cases out of 100%.

All devices based on Kegel exercises operate on the principle of resistance. This is an old model of devices, equipped with a rubber pear, a pressure gauge, and more modern devices with feedback. All of them are made of special safe materials.

Kegel simulators: types

Recently, several types of devices have been used to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. Among them, simulators stand out:

  • aimed at strengthening intimate muscle tissue;
  • with special feedback (equipped with a sensor that allows you to control the correctness of the procedures using a pressure gauge and display);
  • pelvic expanders;
  • with laser;
  • chair-shaped.

In order to choose one or another device, you need to consult a gynecologist. As practice shows, the effectiveness of training the pelvic floor muscles with the use of special devices increases many times higher than performing Kegel exercises without a simulator.

kegel pelvic floor trainer
kegel pelvic floor trainer

Today, the following brands of exercise equipment are the most popular:

  1. Magic Kegel Master. Makes the vaginal muscles strong, gives them extra tone. Sexual sensations become more vivid, helps to experience an orgasm. Removes stagnation of blood flow in the pelvic organs. Restores the elasticity of the vagina after delivery. Solves the problem of urinary incontinence. It consists of two smooth balls coated with silicone and resembles the shape of a skittles. It has a special application that allows you to connect to your smartphone and control the exercise. Works in six modes: beginner, new mother, mistress, planning a child, honeymoon and improve tone.
  2. PelvicToner. Easy to use, affordable and effective. Restores the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, treats urinary incontinence. Effective in the prolapse of the uterus and vagina. It helps to reduce the vaginal size, eliminates the symptoms of menopause. Helps to achieve orgasm. Gives tone to the muscles of the intimate zone. Designed in the USA and made in England. The parts are made of medical polypropylene with antibacterial impregnation, and the springs are made of stainless steel. Powered by progressive resistance.
  3. AirBee. Helps to achieve special sensitivity in the genital area. Stimulates the processes of blood circulation in the pelvis. Promotes rapid recovery of the vagina after childbirth. Delays the approach of menopause. Improves the quality of sex. Helps to feel the intimate muscles and master them. Improves family relationships. It has eight vibration modes. Works offline.
kegel trainers
kegel trainers

Some try to make such a device on their own, but such a device does not always give the desired result and can harm the body. The Kegel simulator, the photo of this device is below, has been tested more than once anddesigned taking into account all the physiological features of the structure of the female body.

kegel trainer reviews
kegel trainer reviews

The principle of operation of simulators

Classic trainers consist of a flexible chamber for the vagina, a special Kegel control element, a massage chamber, a compressor, a button to reduce pressure. The kit also includes a pressure gauge, a bracket and a tee with a connecting tube.

Can be mastered both independently and with the help of special courses that teach how to use the Kegel simulator. The principle of operation is simple. The vaginal camera is inserted into the vagina. In the future, with the help of the deposit, the pressure in the chamber increases, and it increases in size. There is pressure on the vaginal walls from the inside and a direct massage of the intimate organ. Other parts of the small pelvis are also involuntarily massaged. Feedback devices are equipped with a sensor that captures all movements and helps to control the correctness of the exercises.

Thus, almost everyone is shown the Kegel simulator, the instruction for which fully describes all the exercises that must be performed to achieve a particular goal, and indicates all the nuances of using the device, effectively affects the female body. Helps to restore the intimate area after childbirth, improve sex life and cure some gynecological diseases.

Indications for use

kegel trainer instruction
kegel trainer instruction

Kegel Pelvic Strengthening Machine helps to cure ailments such as:

  • incontinenceurine;
  • weak sexual sensations;
  • prolapse of the uterus and vagina;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • menopause;
  • stretching of the vaginal ring after childbirth.

The above conditions develop gradually, and the pelvic strengthening machine helps to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of ailments in the future.

Kegel exercises prepare a woman for the birth of a child and quickly recover after delivery. Reduce the size of the vagina and increase the sensitivity of the erogenous zone. Treat diseases of the urinary tract. Increase blood supply in the genital area. The device for the muscles of the small pelvis has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and improves well-being.


kegel simulator working principle
kegel simulator working principle

The Kegel Pelvic Muscle Strengthening Machine is not recommended for use during pregnancy, as intense muscle contraction can cause miscarriage. The ban on the use are sexual infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and gynecological diseases that require immediate treatment. They should not be used during genital intercourse. Exercises "Full compression of the vaginal muscles", as well as "Resistance" are not performed when the uterus and vagina are lowered.

Special warnings

Kegel simulators are not used if there are unpleasant and painful sensations. Their further use is possible after consultation with a doctor. The device must be individual. The device cannot be upgraded andchange. Such actions lead to a breakdown of the simulator and to a failure in its functioning. The device must not be subjected to impacts or drops, as this may cause its deformation. When stored, the machine must be kept out of sunlight and moisture.

Kegel machine: how to use?

kegel trainer photo
kegel trainer photo

The classic trainer, depending on the purpose, is used as follows:

  1. Massage. Insert the camera into the vagina and connect to the simulator. On the device, set the initial pressure level to 40 mm. For about 5-7 minutes, the chamber should contract rhythmically until a pleasant warmth appears in the lower abdomen. Massage begins with a slight compression of the chamber, gradually increasing the effort and frequency. This is to prevent discomfort and the gradual buildup of heat.
  2. Exercise "Full contraction of the muscles of the vagina." Insert the vaginal camera into the intimate area and connect to the device. With a supercharger, create an initial pressure level of 40 mm and close the bracket. Pulling in the abdominal muscle tissue and sphincter together, gradually increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity, squeezing the genital chamber.
  3. Task "Resistance". Open the brace and, together with the exercise “Full contraction of the muscles of the vagina”, act intensively on the body with the help of a massage chamber, gradually squeezing it with your hand. Determine the pressure indicator with a manometer.
  4. Exercise using the Kegel controller to increase the amount of contraction of the muscles of the vagina. Insert the lubricated controller into the vagina and use the compressor to create a pressure level equal to the original(40mm). Close bracket. Simultaneously squeeze the sphincter and muscles of the buttocks. The pelvis at this time takes the position of the bend. Check all actions on the manometer. Strengthens the gluteal region and the inner pelvis, which activates the muscles of the thighs through the Kegel machine.

The instruction describes in more detail all the manipulations that must be carried out when using the device.

How much does the device cost?

Kegel simulator is not sold in pharmacies, but it can be purchased through online stores. The simplest device costs around 1500 rubles. More complex devices equipped with feedback, having the ability to record and track the correctness of the exercises, cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. The price of some models reaches 40 thousand rubles.

Reviews about the device

kegel trainer in pharmacies
kegel trainer in pharmacies

Kegel simulator, reviews of this device are extremely positive, should only be used for its intended purpose. Women note after its application the strengthening of the inner walls of the small pelvis, a decrease in the size of the vagina. Ladies with the help of the simulator improved their sex life. Sexual sensations became brighter, sexual intercourse lengthened, the number of intercourse increased. Also, the fair sex noted an improvement in urinary incontinence and uterine prolapse. The device helped to recover faster after giving birth.
