"Indovazin" is a medicine for external use with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and angioprotective effect.
The drug is produced in the form of an ointment and gel for external application in aluminum tubes of 45 grams. The medicine has a denser mass, unlike the gel, and is prescribed for people with dry skin. What does Indovazin ointment help with?
The main active ingredients of the drug are indomethacin and troxerutin. Ethyl alcohol acts as an additional substance.
Healing properties
The drug is a combined medicine for external use. Indomethacin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, as well as analgesic and anti-edematous effect.
When the medication is applied to the patient's skin, pain is reduced, swelling subsides, and recovery processes are accelerated. What does Indovazin ointment help with?
Included in the structure of the drug "Indovazin" troxerutin refers to bioflavonoids. This component belongs to the group of angioprotectors, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, improves the elasticity of capillaries, and has a pronounced venotonic effect.
Under the influence of the drug, the fragility of blood vessels decreases, the outflow of blood from the legs improves. With severe violations of microcirculation, the trophism of disturbed tissues improves. What is Indovazin ointment used for?
When applying "Indovazin" on the surface of the epidermis, the active substances enter into its deep layers, reaching the capillaries. The active components of the drug lower the local body temperature and improve the general condition of the source of the lesion.

What helps "Indovazin"?
Ointment is prescribed to people to eliminate the following pathological conditions:
- Venous insufficiency.
- Varicose veins (pathological changes in the veins, accompanied by their sac-like expansion, increase in length, the formation of convolutions and knot-like tangles, which leads to valve failure and impaired blood flow).
- Edema.
- Bursitis (inflammation of mucous bags mainly in the joints).
- Stagnation.
- Feeling of fullness in the calf muscles.
- Fibrositis (a disorder characterized by pain and stiffness of the trunk and limbs, as well as the presence of a number of specific painful areas).

Does Indovazin ointment help with bruises? The drug is recommended for the following problems:
- Inflammatory processes along the vein.
- Thrombophlebitis (inflammatory process in the inner venous wall with the formation of a blood clot).
- Complications due to thrombophlebitis.
- Tendovaginitis (a complex inflammatory process that affects the muscle tendon and its vagina).
- Inflammation of the periarticular bag.
- Periarthritis (a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the periarticular tissues of large joints: the joint capsule, its ligaments, surrounding tendons and muscles).
- Soft tissue swelling.
- Stretches.
- Dislocations.
- Bruises.

Before treatment with Indovazin, the patient is advised to carefully read the instructions for use, since the medication has a number of the following contraindications:
- Open wounds.
- Last trimester of pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding.
- Under 14 years of age.
- Individual intolerance to components.
- Disorders of the blood coagulation system.
The drug is advised with extreme caution to patients with the following ailments:
- Bronchial asthma (a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, characterized by asthma attacks of varying duration and frequency).
- Allergic rhinitis(allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa).
- Polyps of the nasal cavity (outgrowths of hypertrophic mucous membrane of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses).
Cautiously recommend a drug with oral drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What is Indovazin ointment used for?
This product is for external use only. The drug is applied to the affected skin with a thin layer and rubbed with massaging movements. The ointment is applied only to clean, dry epidermis 3-4 times a day.
Duration of treatment with medication according to the annotation is 10 days. In the absence of the expected pharmacological effect or with the progression of the pathology, the sick person should contact a medical specialist.

Can I use the drug during pregnancy?
Ointment "Indovazin" for sprains and other problems with the musculoskeletal system is not recommended for women in the first trimester of the "interesting position", since at this time all the internal organs of the unborn baby are laid, and the active components of the drug can disrupt this process.
The use of the drug in the second trimester is possible only in a situation where the likely benefit to the mother is slightly higher than the risk to the fetus.
According to reviews and instructions for use, Indovazin ointment inthe last trimester of pregnancy is not recommended for expectant mothers. The use of the drug at this time can lead to bleeding and premature birth, since the active ingredients, although in small quantities, are still absorbed into the blood.
The use of the drug during lactation is prohibited, since the components of "Indovazin" partially pass into breast milk, and then into the baby's body. If it is necessary to use the medicine for nursing mothers, it is important to think about stopping lactation.
Side effects
As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare situations with increased sensitivity, certain negative reactions are likely to occur:
- Burning.
- Itching.
- Rashes.
- Hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels of the circulatory system of any organ or area of the body).
- Local temperature increase.
- Urtic rash (a disease characterized by blistering of the skin).
These symptoms are not dangerous and in most cases do not require discontinuation of treatment.
Drug Interactions
Indovasin ointment for bruises is not recommended in combination with heparin ointment, as this increases the likelihood of bleeding.
The drug is able to increase the pharmacological effect of drugs that provoke photosensitivity. With extreme caution, the medication can be used with oral drugs from the group of non-steroidalanti-inflammatory, as well as with "Aspirin".
"Indovazin" is not applied to open wounds, as this can lead to severe bleeding. To avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions, it is not recommended to apply the drug on a gauze bandage and leave it on the skin for a long time.
After using "Indovazin" on the epidermis, wash your hands well so that the ointment does not get on the mucous membranes of the eye. In case of accidental contact of the drug with the visual organs or mucous cavities, the place should be rinsed well with water.

The drug does not affect the central nervous system and does not suppress the speed of psychomotor reactions. In people with increased sensitivity, when applying the drug "Indovazin", a burning sensation and a local increase in body temperature may be felt. After 10-15 minutes, these phenomena disappear and do not require discontinuation of therapy.
Since there is no information regarding the safety of the drug on the child's body, Indovazin cannot be used by people under 14 years of age.
Medications that have similar effects with "Indovazin" are considered:
- "Hepatrombin".
- "Ginkor".
- "Venoruton".
- "Troxerutin".
- "Venolife".
- "Troxevasin".
- "Venorutinol".
Before changing the drug with its substitute, it is important to consult withdoctor.

"Troxevasin" or "Indovazin", which is better?
The last drug has two active ingredients, one of which is troxerutin, which is also the active component of Troxevasin.
According to the reviews of athletes, the ointment "Indovazin" also contains indomethacin, which has a pronounced anti-edema, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, when eliminating certain diseases, the drug has a stronger effect compared to Troxevasin.
How to store "Indovazin"?
The drug can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. The ointment must be kept in a cool place, away from light and children. Shelf life - 2 years. At the end of the expiration date, the drug should be discarded.
With the help of a complex composition, Indovazin ointment has a combined effect, which helps to use the drug in several areas of medicine at once: surgery, traumatology, phlebology, in a variety of pathological processes:
- Bruises.
- Injuries.
- Varicose lesions.
- Bursitis (acute, subacute or chronic inflammation of the synovial bag, which is accompanied by abundant formation and accumulation of exudate in its cavity).
The ointment is easy to apply and absorbs well into the skin without the need for dressings. The drug is produced in tubes,which are convenient to take with you. The responses about the drug are mostly positive, since the drug helps to quickly eliminate pain - this is what all patients with bruises and traumatic disorders of the musculoskeletal system are waiting for. What does Indovazin ointment help with?
With varicose veins of the legs, swelling is quickly eliminated. Of the adverse reactions, patients note the development of mild itching, sometimes hyperemia in the area of application, which disappear on their own after stopping treatment and do not require medical intervention.
As a rule, Indovazin ointment is recommended to reduce pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. The effectiveness of treatment using this drug is confirmed by the responses of real patients who got rid of unpleasant symptoms and restored the working capacity and habitual way of life of a person.