Glass eyes: pathology or state of mind

Glass eyes: pathology or state of mind
Glass eyes: pathology or state of mind

The eyes are a complex mechanism responsible for more than just visual perception. They show emotions, mood, state of he alth. The iris and pupil help in the diagnosis of certain pathological conditions.

glass eyes
glass eyes

Everyone has heard the phrase "glass eyes", but not everyone knows what it means. So they say about a person who has no emotions. Such people are indifferent to everything that happens, devastated, detached.


Characterizing some people, ophthalmologists use the wording "glass eyes". It is commonly understood as a person suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. This clinical sign is observed during poisoning, the negative effects of opiates and other substances, as well as intoxication.

Usually, drug addicts always have significantly dilated or constricted pupils - it depends on the type of drug they use. Some of them are aware of the steady state of the pupils, so they use eye drops to help hide their addiction.

Glass eyes are a characteristic sign of drug addiction. Clinical conditionmanifests itself in conjunction with other pathologies: fussiness, sweating, impaired appetite, etc. If suddenly a loved one shows similar symptoms, then this may indicate drug addiction.

Glass eyes may indicate an ophthalmic problem. Sometimes this term is called a change in color, transparency of the conjunctiva, cornea. A veil may appear in front of the gaze, which is also called glass eyes. In such situations, the help of an ophthalmologist is needed, who will help establish the diagnosis and identify the true cause of the change in vision.

human glass eyes
human glass eyes

Ophthalmic causes

Glass eyes in humans can be observed with the following pathologies:

  1. Keratitis. This is an inflammatory process in which the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye change. Keratitis can be viral, infectious, mechanical, allergic. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by clouding of the cornea, increased lacrimation, blepharospasm. Patients complain of a foreign body sensation in the eye.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Pathology is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease is manifested by hyperemia of the mucous membrane, swelling, pain. Patients complain of sand in the eyes, photophobia, headaches.
  3. Corneal dystrophy. This group includes a number of diseases associated with genetic disorders without inflammatory course. Dystrophies develop without relationship with any pathology. During this process, all layers of the cornea are affected.

Glitter in the eyes and state of mind

In ancient Egypt, women with sparkling eyes were considered very attractive. To achieve a similar effect, the Egyptians put lemon juice in their eyes. Later, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity began to drink a few sips of alcohol to expand the pupils.

The reason for glassy eyes in a person can speak of his state of mind: joy or happiness. All this causes the appearance of a natural sparkle in the eyes that attracts attention.

Similar changes appear in pigment cells. It is they who determine the state of a person and convey it with a gleam in the eyes. The organs of vision are connected with the nervous system, and they show how a person reacts to what is happening. Even after death, people have an iris reaction to light for some time.

For a long time, scientists have studied the phenomenon of glass eyes, the causes of which are states of mind. They found that brilliance is manifested not only with a feeling of happiness, but also with severe depression.

People who are satisfied with life, the eyes radiate a special radiance. They often say about such people “the eyes shine with happiness.”

During depression people try to hide their tears. This leads to glare on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Eyes like glass cause
Eyes like glass cause


The classic manifestation of a gleam in the eye is fatigue. This effect is associated with prolonged eye strain: while reading, working with papers, a computer. Such radiance is not a disease, butcan lead to serious pathologies.

Perfect eyes

There are a number of signs that define beautiful and he althy eyes. These include:

  1. Beautiful eye cut. It should be perfect in relation to all facial features. The eyes and their sockets must be free from defects.
  2. Eyelids that completely close the eyes, but do not hang down. They should protect the eyes well from negative factors.
  3. The iris, centered on the white of the eye.
  4. Clear and even color of the iris.
  5. Internal well-being reflected in the look.
Glass eyes in humans
Glass eyes in humans

As can be seen from the above, glassy eyes do not always indicate the presence of pathology or addiction to drugs. This symptom can manifest itself with fatigue, depression, prolonged work at the computer, with prolonged mental stress. All this leads to a glassy eye effect.
