Nicotine pills are products containing nicotinic acid. There is a drug on sale, which is called “Nicotinic acid”, it is produced in the form of tablets. In addition to this medication, on pharmacy shelves you can find other medicines containing this element. "Nicotinic acid" is a vitamin remedy, referred to as vitamin PP.
Consider the instructions for use for nicotine tablets.
Pharmacological properties
Nicotinic acid is a compound similar in structure to nicotinamide. The use of this substance is important for stimulating blood circulation, normalizing brain activity, metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates. This vitamin is of great importance in the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. It helps to reduce the level of lipoprotein, cholesterol and triglyceride - elements that contribute to high blood pressure,clog blood vessels, form blood clots, limit blood supply.

On sale you can find nicotine tablets, as well as drugs in the form of an injection solution.
Indications for prescribing pills
Vitamin taken orally. The agent is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of pellagra, mild forms of diabetes, heart pathologies, ulcers of the digestive organs, liver diseases, gastritis with low acidity, enterocolitis, poorly healing skin lesions, to eliminate spasms of the vessels of the brain, limbs, kidneys. Also, this drug is included in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, neuritis of the facial nerve, various infectious pathologies.
Nicotine tablets are contraindicated in hypertension and hypersensitivity. With high individual sensitivity to this agent, the acid can be replaced with nicotinamide, except when the drug was prescribed as a vasodilator.
Instructions for the use of drugs
For prophylactic purposes, nicotinic acid tablets, according to the instructions for use, are prescribed for adults at a dosage of 15-25 mg, for children - 5-20 mg per day. For the treatment of pellagra, adult patients take the drug at a dose of 100 mg up to four times a day for 15-20 days. Children are given 5-50mg at the same frequency.
Nicotine hair growth pills are very effective.

It is known that vitamin PP hasproperties that improve hair quality and prevent premature hair loss. Nicotinic acid cleanses the scalp of dandruff, strengthens the roots, enhances hair growth by 4-6 cm per year. If necessary, courses of treatment can sometimes be repeated at intervals of one month. To treat hair and eliminate dandruff, tablets are taken orally in the dosages indicated by the doctor, and are also used externally, adding a tablet dissolved in water to shampoo, and all kinds of hair masks are also used. For external use, a solution of this substance is more suitable.
Side effects
Despite the completely safe composition of nicotine tablets, the drug can cause some side effects, which include:
- Cardiovascular system: flushing of the skin of the face and upper half of the body with a burning sensation and tingling, lowering blood pressure, collapse, orthostatic hypotension.
- CNS and structures of the peripheral nervous system: dizziness, paresthesia.
- Alimentary tract: with prolonged use - fatty liver.
- Metabolism: with prolonged use - a decrease in glucose tolerance, hyperuricemia, an increase in blood levels of LDH, AST, alkaline phosphatase.
- Other reactions: allergy.

Benefits of these drugs
What is the use of nicotinic acid in tablets? This substance, as well as its derivatives (nicotinamide and nikethamide)are included in the category of water-soluble vitamins PP. These compounds can be converted into each other and have similar vitamin activity. A lack of vitamin PP contributes to the development of pellagra, which is manifested by dementia, dermatitis and diarrhea.
Nicotinic acid is involved in the synthesis of enzymes, most oxidative and reduction reactions in the body, lipid and carbohydrate cellular metabolism. In the body, this acid is converted into nicotinamide, which binds to the hydrogen-transporting enzymes codehydrogenase. This substance is able to be synthesized by the bacterial flora in the intestines from the dietary tryptophan.
Why nicotinic acid is prescribed in tablets, many people are interested.
What is the effect of this drug?
Pills contribute to the following therapeutic effects:
- normalization of the concentration of blood lipoproteins;
- expansion of small blood vessels, including the brain;
- lower total cholesterol;
- strengthening blood microcirculation;
- anticoagulant action and detoxification of the body;
- improve heart function;
- providing a hepatoprotective effect (if the dosages are exceeded, they can provoke fatty liver);
- positive effect on fat metabolism;
- eliminate dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Vitamin PP combines with proteins, creating various enzymes, due to which energy is releasedfrom proteins, carbohydrates and fats that enter the body. Nicotinic acid is involved in the following biological processes:
- circulation;
- release of cellular energy and cellular respiration;
- metabolism;
- heart activity;
- sleep and mood;
- functionality of connective tissues and muscles;
- regulation of cholesterol levels;
- functionality of digestive organs;
- secretion of gastric juice.
Daily Value of Nicotinic Acid
The norms of nicotinic acid that a person needs every day are known, they depend on age:
- up to 1 year - 506 mg;
- 1 - 6 years - 10-13mg;
- 7 - 12 years old - 15-19mg;
- 13 - 15 years old - 20mg;
- adults - 15 – 25 mg.

In some cases, the need for nicotinic acid increases. In this regard, the tablets "Nicotinic acid" are used for prophylactic purposes:
- with severe mental and physical stress;
- after burns and severe injuries;
- in old age;
- with alcoholism and drug addiction;
- for chronic pathologies, cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms, pancreatic insufficiency;
- with nervous tension and severe stress;
- children with metabolic disorders (chromosomal abnormalities of the congenital type);
- during lactation and pregnancy;
- with nicotine addiction (smoking contributes to the loss of vitamin PP).

Other drugs based on nicotinic acid
This substance is an integral part of the following drugs that can be found on the domestic pharmacological market:
- "Vitaiodurol" is a drug that contains nicotinic acid and is used in the complex therapy of eye diseases.
- "Vicein" - a medicine that is produced in the form of eye drops containing vitamin PP.
- "Xanthinol nicotinate" is a medicine that combines the properties of nicotinic acid and theophylline preparations. It normalizes collateral circulation, dilates peripheral vessels and has an antiplatelet effect. The substance blocks adenosine receptors and phosphodiesterase, which leads to an increase in the level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the cell and stimulation of the synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. The drug normalizes oxygenation, nutrition and tissue microcirculation. With prolonged use, it has an anti-sclerotic effect, activates the processes of fibrinolysis, reduces blood viscosity, the content of atherogenic lipids and cholesterol.
- "Nikoverin" - a medicine containing nicotinic acid and papaverine. It has analgesic properties, dilates the vessels of the heart, brain, lungs, relaxes the muscles of the intestines, bronchi. Has a positive effect on lipid metabolism, lowers cholesterol.
- "Nikospan" - a combined drug preparation, which contains drotaverinehydrochloride and nicotinic acid, so its therapeutic effect is due to the action of the components. Nicotinic acid normalizes the processes of tissue respiration, participates in the metabolism of fats, dilates blood vessels. Drotaverine relaxes the structures of muscle tissue. The combination of these medicinal components allows you to eliminate the pain caused by vasospasm.

Nicotine Pill Reviews
Patients who were prescribed the tablet medication "Nicotinic acid" note that this remedy has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is very well tolerated, practically does not cause adverse reactions. Only in a few cases did mild nausea and dyspepsia occur.
As for the direct effect of the drug on the body in the treatment of diseases, patients say that "Nicotinic acid" is prescribed for the complex therapy of a wide variety of pathologies: diseases of the eyes, blood vessels, heart, digestive organs. The reviews also indicate that nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets is simply irreplaceable.