All people take care of their he alth, but someone does it more actively, and someone lets everything take its course. If you belong to the first category of people, then we recommend that you read the reviews about Koltsov's FSC. These are special devices that will improve well-being, as well as restore vigor and activity during the day. Below we will talk in detail about the functional state corrector (FSC), and also pay great attention to reviews that will help you decide whether you need this device or not.
A bit of history
Before talking about whether there is any benefit from FSC, let's deal with who is their creator. So, Sergei Valentinovich Koltsov invented the functional state corrector. He is a fairly well-known Russian scientist who has been doing research in the field of bioinformatics technologies for several years. He created and regularly improves his device.

In the summer of 2008, he collected the necessary package of documents and began mass production of FSC. ForFor this, the scientist collaborated with a company called Center-Region. Today, the functional state corrector is very popular and in demand. The device is certified not only in Russia, but also in different countries of the world, and there are also all state-issued documents that confirm the complete safety of the corrector.
Reviews about Koltsov's FSC plates for the most part say that this is a very effective device that returns strength and lightness to the body.
Let's start with the fact that the FSC is an original and unique device, which is made in the form of a plate. Its inner part consists of two more plates, the material of which is magnetic plastic. It is an environmentally friendly material that is safe for humans and does not cause any side effects. In the corners of the plates there are 4 more similar devices that have the shape of a rectangle. They are made of magnetic rubber, which makes the device durable and of high quality. For transportation and storage, the plates are installed in a special plastic tube.
So, Koltsov's FSC really works? Let's deal with what this device is generally intended for. It must correctly adjust the biorhythms of a person, regulate the work of various body systems, for example, the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, etc. systems. The device is designed in such a way that it allows you to neutralize the influence of various pathogenic fields. In addition, it allows you to reflect negative psychoenergeticflows, such as evil eye, damage, obsession.

Mostly patients say that the effect of Koltsov's FSC plates is noticeable after a short period of time, but how can a person who is just going to buy this thing understand how it works and does he really need it? To do this, we will talk about three ways in which you can use the plates.
- Structuring of water or other liquids. Plates are used to process any liquids or water, thus charging them with the right energy. According to the manufacturer, any liquid begins to read information from the corrector of the functional state, after which it is converted into a “live” one in terms of cellular composition. Such a liquid is very useful for a person, it gives him strength and vigor, and also improves overall he alth. However, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in physics or chemistry in order to make sure that the device can actually affect the structure of water. Naturally, the manufacturer claims that this is the case, but it will still be better if you see for yourself.
- The second area of FSC use is protection from electromagnetic radiation. This is a rather urgent problem, because a person in the modern world is surrounded by a huge number of electromagnetic fields because he is constantly in contact with electrical devices: we have computers, mobile phones, televisions, microwave ovens, etc. It is believed that anyThe radiation that comes from electrical appliances has a bad effect on human he alth and destroys his he alth from the inside. Koltsov's plates allow you to protect yourself from such harmful effects because they are able to convert electromagnetic radiation into a safer one for humans. In other words, this device will allow you not only to recover from various diseases, including cancer, but also to cure those ailments that you already have.
- And the third direction of influence is the correction of the work of various body systems. Thus, FSC plates are able to influence the functioning of internal organs, due to which they begin to work correctly, the body adjusts to a harmonious state and begins to work efficiently and he althy.
Working principle
Koltsov's plates in action are various information blocks that are recorded on magnetic media. Also on the plates there is information about water crystals, which is transferred to uncharged water or liquid to improve its qualities. Researcher Koltsov's technology allows you to copy electromagnetic fields at the cellular level.
In simpler terms, the principle of operation of this device is that it contains “correct information”, which can have a beneficial effect on each individual system of the human body and on the whole space. According to the manufacturer, the "correct information" was recorded taking into account the magnetic rhythms of the earth, as well as cosmic radiation. According to Koltsov, his devices allow you to synchronize internal andexternal rhythms of man and the planet, which allows you to maintain he alth at the proper level.

Feedback on the use of FSC
In fact, there are different reviews, but positive ones prevail. Below we will consider in detail both those and those, but first we will talk in principle about the opinion that has formed in society regarding this device. We can say that people's opinion is divided in half: someone believes that the researcher Koltsov is a scammer who very skillfully plays on the basic needs of people and earns a lot of money out of thin air. And other people claim that the device really helped them, that it is effective, and its creator deserves the highest praise.
We cannot say for sure who is right and who is wrong, because we have not personally tested the functional state corrector. But we can try to understand the objectivity of certain claims and praises, as well as analyze scientific data and learn more about the opinion of doctors and highly specialized specialists about whether such a device has the right to exist and whether it can be effective from a scientific point of view.
Reviews from the manufacturer's website
Let's start by looking at reviews of Koltsov's FSC on the manufacturer's website. There are quite a few reviews that have real authors, where they indicate their city and age. What immediately catches your eye is that all the reviews here are positive. Each person talks about their specific problem, then writes about how their life has changed after buying a plateKoltsova.
So, there are different situations. For example, people who were addicted to alcohol write that they were able to overcome this addiction and finally feel that they can control their lives. They argue that it is enough to work correctly with the plates for several days, and the result will not be long in coming. There is a very interesting review from a woman who says that she poured boiling water on her leg, and then charged the water with a plate and drank it at night, and also applied the plate to her leg. According to her, in the morning there was no pain, and the skin healed very quickly. The age category of people who write reviews is approximately 30-60 years old. Younger people are hard to find here.
After analyzing the reviews on Koltsov's he alth corrector, we can say that they are too suspicious on the manufacturer's website, because they are overwhelmingly positive. But we will not stop there and consider different opinions, we will also find out the point of view of doctors.
Reviews on independent resources
So, we decided to look for other reviews on the Internet in order to provide the most complete and objective information. Already the first review, which we came across, showed that not everyone is delighted with this device. People write that this is absolutely not a scientific device, which is aimed only at making money dishonestly. They did not find any advantages in Koltsov's FSC plates, and in principle they called this device just a hoax, which very gullible people are "led" to.

We studied a specific review, which said that the FSC is absolutely not effective, but nevertheless, many people believe in it. How does this happen? Let's start with the fact that basically the consumers of this product are older people who have many he alth problems. How do they get such an amazing effect? Let's imagine a situation that was described directly on one of the resources.
So, a woman of advanced age begins to have a headache. She puts a plate on the sore spot and rests for several days, after which she claims that the plate really helped her and she feels much better. But if you think logically, then any person after the rest will feel better, and it is very difficult to track here: this result was achieved thanks to the plates really or simply due to calmness and rest.
And there are quite a lot of such situations, but they are most often described by relatives who have a more realistic view of the whole situation. They believe that the effect of self-hypnosis works here, because a large PR campaign has been created around the functional state corrector. It relies on the opinion of an allegedly large number of researchers, and is also told by a person who inspires confidence.
What should I pay attention to?
If you are skeptical about reviews of Koltsov's FSC device, then it is best for you to check the effectiveness of this device yourself. We only recommend paying attention to one of the many suspicious itemsinstructions. So, it says that if you put the collector on a tank of gasoline, the octane number of gasoline will decrease. It’s up to everyone to decide whether to believe in it or not, but it’s still worth considering, because this is a very strange statement that has no actual evidence. Wouldn't it be easier to experimentally show and prove this, instead of just writing about it to create an impressive effect?
Positive independent opinions
There are also good reviews that speak about the effectiveness of the functional state corrector. So, in such reviews about Koltsov's FSC plates, it is said that they can really relieve pain, cleanse the body and simply be a talisman. Also, people claim that the device is able to purify the blood. The only drawback they consider is the high cost of the corrector.
We found a review in which a woman says that she bought a device to cure her husband of drunkenness. She was told that she needed to purchase three plates at once. Note that there are several types of them, each of them has slightly different functional features. So, at first, the woman charged all liquids, including alcoholic drinks, with plates, and some she specially placed under her husband's bed. She claims that after a short time, the man really began to drink less, and it took about 2 months to completely recover from alcohol addiction. The woman emphasizes that the device really works without self-hypnosis, since her husband did not know that he was drinking a charged liquid, and also that heevery day in contact with the plates, but nevertheless he recovered anyway.

She talks about charging dairy products with plates, thanks to which the whole family stopped getting sick with seasonal diseases. The woman gives a few more examples when the device helped a small child with a burn. She writes that people who consider this device to be ineffective simply buy a craft, because you need to buy FSC from representatives you trust or on the official website.
Doctors' opinion
We move on to the most interesting, namely, what experts and doctors think about Koltsov's plates. Reviews of doctors about Koltsov's FSC are disapproving. Let's start with the fact that the principle of operation of the device is based on bioinformation fields, which supposedly have a beneficial effect on a person and his body. But it should be noted that bioinformatic technologies do not affect a person in any way, that is, they do not bring any benefit or harm. Their effectiveness has not yet been proven by anyone, and there is not even a theoretical basis that could be used as a basis for the manufacture of functional state correctors.
Information about bioinformatic fields has existed in science for several decades, but during all this time it has not been theoretically or practically proven that they can positively affect a person. However, here a new question arises, which concerns the certification of these products and the patent for them. After all, on the official website you can really find certificates of the statesample, which confirm that the device is registered and safe. But how many people are looking for these documents on the site and reading them?
Analysis of feedback on Koltsov's FSC plates shows that practically no one does this. It is enough just to mention that there are licenses and certificates, and people immediately believe this. Of course, the manufacturer does not deceive, there really are certificates, but what is written in them? Try to find these documents on the official website and read them carefully.

So, you will find that they do not say that this device is useful for human he alth or that it can help in the cure of this or that disease. There are many video reviews on the Internet from doctors who call these plates ordinary hot coasters, thus emphasizing their utter inefficiency and pointlessness.
However, on the Internet you can find several videos that present the opinions of various doctors, testifying to the effectiveness of this device. The video features a fairly large number of people who briefly describe the effectiveness of the device in short sentences. In the feedback on the use of Koltsov's FSC, doctors say that their patients have indeed received some improvements. At the same time, it should be noted that, basically, we are talking about such changes as raising the mood, curing headaches, and reducing the depressive state. Some doctors claim that after using the plates in some patients, even visuallytumors decreased after a few days.
FSC Koltsov "Source of Life", reviews of which are the most impressive, is a new version of an already well-known invention that allows you to quickly heal wounds and treat various skin pathologies. After analyzing all the video presentations of doctors, we note that each of them contains some advertising aspect.
So, people do not just talk about the effectiveness of the device, but emphasize that its new version is much more efficient, it allows you to achieve the desired result almost 2 times faster. In other words, all the information is aimed at encouraging a person to buy a new device that will help him even faster, even better.
However, the reviews after the application of Koltsov's FSC, which we found on independent resources, indicate a completely different result. So, doctors say that the device is absolutely useless, despite the fact that there was a stir around it. All this is the merit of smart marketers, but not the researchers who allegedly created a device that allows you to influence human he alth.
The opinion of narrowly focused specialists
We did not find specific reviews of Koltsov's FSC from people who would be specialists in the field of chemistry or physics, but we have carefully studied this issue and can say with full confidence that the influence of information fields on a person has not really been proven. In addition, the manufacturer claims that certain information is recorded on the plate, such as cosmic energy. It's absurd because it's impossible to writecosmic energy and make it somehow affect a person.

However, this all has a very strong effect on gullible and easily suggestible people who want to get a magic pill for all diseases. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the opinions of scientists about Koltsov's FSC, and it is desirable that these be independent opinions. But if you already own a functional state corrector, then we suggest testing it under experimental conditions with a professional who can scientifically demonstrate or disprove the effectiveness of this device.
Summing up the article, we note that we do not have a definite opinion regarding this device. Perhaps it is really effective and can positively influence a person, but you should also consider the option that the device may be completely ineffective. Recently, quite a lot of products with supposedly scientifically proven properties have appeared on the market. We do not urge you to abandon the use of Koltsov's plates or to purchase them, we only invite you to think logically. Do not trust the general opinion, but check everything for yourself.
As you can see, reviews of Koltsov's FSC are very different, regardless of whether they belong to ordinary people or doctors. Both those and others, in almost equal proportions, speak about the effectiveness or futility of this device. But you should not rely on reviews about Koltsov's FSC when buying. It is better to consult with your doctor or contact a narrow specialist whowill be able to inform you thoroughly on this matter.
Remember that your he alth depends on you. No matter what devices you use, no matter what pills you take, he alth is still based on proper physical activity, he althy sleep and rest, and moderate nutrition.