In our turbulent times, many are under stress. To combat it, it is not necessary to take antidepressants or go to a psychotherapist. Medicines with a similar effect come to the rescue. There are a large number of such drugs that have an anti-stress effect. "Novopassit" is a medicine for calming the nervous system. It belongs to natural, or phytoantidepressants.

But besides this, it helps with many disorders of the central nervous system. The composition of "Novopassit" is such that it can be used by almost everyone.
What is the drug made of?
What is the composition of Novopassit? The instruction says that it does not contain chemicals - the main components of the drug are herbs that are used to treat certain diseases.

When used together, the effectiveness of each component increases, which allows for a good calming effect with a small dosage. The herbs that make up Novopassit have their own healing properties and act selectively.
Melissa officinalis
This herb has a sedative, relaxing andcalming effect. In addition, it promotes concentration, improves memory. She helps women during critical days to survive pain and spasms. It has hemostatic and choleretic effects, which will be useful for patients with stomach ulcers. When using lemon balm, nervous trembling disappears, heart rate and blood pressure normalize. With chronic fatigue, mental and physical overwork, the life rhythm is restored and the anxiety state disappears.
Valerian rhizomes are mainly used. They have such useful properties as reducing anxiety, relieving spasms and headaches, and increasing efficiency. Neurosis, hysteria, nervous excitement and insomnia pass, while blood circulation improves, especially in the coronary vessels, and high blood pressure decreases to normal numbers. The emotional background is normalized.
St. John's wort

This famous herb only finds and heals damaged cells. St. John's wort normalizes the conductivity and sensitivity of nerve endings. At the same time, strength is restored, emotional stress is removed. Menopause, PMS, neurosis with headache and insomnia are the main diseases of the nervous system that St. John's wort treats well. At the same time, the heart rate, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored, the general and peripheral circulation is normalized.
Passiflora incarnate
Aerial parts are used in medicineplants. Passionflower is used for asthenia, neurasthenia, menopausal syndrome and in the treatment of alcoholism. Has anticonvulsant action. It helps well with hypertension, atherosclerosis, various encephalopathies, withdrawal from alcoholism, post-infectious asthenia. When used in combination with intravenous administration of novocaine, dizziness and tinnitus are eliminated in Meniere's disease.
The action of other ingredients: hops, hawthorn, elderberry
Without common hop seedlings, it is impossible to treat neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, cardioneurosis.
Leaves and flowers of common hawthorn improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, thus ensuring a normal heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and also dilate blood vessels in the periphery and in internal organs. Hawthorn helps to stop the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and reduces the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex.
Black elderberry flowers have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxic substances, s alts, and reduces the likelihood of epileptic seizures. A good effect is noted on capillaries: the wall is strengthened, permeability decreases and elasticity increases.
Guaifenesin. What is this?

Novopassit contains guaifenesin, an analogue of a natural substance obtained from the bark of the guaiac tree, which grows in America. It has a good anxiolyticeffect, safe to use and absolutely non-toxic. Its main anxiolytic action is the elimination of anxiety, fears, emotional stress, blocking obsessions. When using guaifenesin, headaches, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, autonomic reactions disappear.
Issue Forms
The drug is available in two dosage forms. The first is Novopassit tablets. The syrup is better known among consumers. The liquid form is represented by a dark liquid with a rather specific odor. Sometimes a precipitate is possible, which disappears after shaking the vial. Orange flavor does not help in eliminating the unpleasant odor, but it should be noted that the syrup acts immediately, its calming and anxiolytic effect appears after a few minutes. The effect after taking the tablets occurs after 15-20 minutes, but they are convenient in that they can be carried in a purse and taken if a stressful situation suddenly arises. And it is important to know what else, in addition to herbs, is part of Novopassit liquid. This is alcohol, which is 12%, because all herbal tinctures are made on the basis of ethanol. Therefore, due to the unpredictability of the consequences, the use of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with the liquid form of Novopassit.
The composition of the tablet is almost the same as that of the syrup, but this dosage form consists of dry extracts of the same herbs. The excipients are colloidal silica, magnesium stearate, lactose, opadry.
For what diseases can the drug be used?
There are many indications foruse of the "Novopassit" agent. The composition of the drug is such that it can be used not only for the treatment of excitability of the nervous system. Symptoms and diseases for which an antidepressant is indicated:
- irritability;
- anxiety, fears;
- fatigue;
- insomnia;
- absent-mindedness;
- a state of constant nervous tension;
- neurasthenia;
- memory violation;
- persistent headaches, migraine;
- dyspepsia;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- cardioneurosis;
- VSD of hypertensive or mixed type;
- climacteric disorders;
- threatened miscarriage;
- postpartum depression.

For eczema, psoriasis and urticaria, Novopassit calms the patient and relieves skin manifestations.
In various forms of Novopassit, the composition (syrup or tablets) is almost identical. The tool can be used by almost everyone. It is not recommended to take it if there is intolerance to the components, myasthenia gravis (fatigue and muscle relaxation), children under 12 years old, patients with diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, with brain injuries.
Do not drink alcohol when using, as the effect can be reversed: calmness is replaced by excitement or even aggression. It is not recommended to be treated with this drug by people whose activity is associated with concentration of attention (for example, a driver, a proofreader,accountant, etc.).

You can see how natural the composition of Novopassit is. The instruction, however, warns that it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, since studies on these groups of people have not been conducted. However, in some cases, gynecologists prescribe pills while maintaining pregnancy in the early and late stages. This is due to the fact that the composition of Novopassit in tablets is medicinal herbs without alcohol.
Side effects
The instruction says that various complications are rare, but drowsiness, dizziness, lethargy, apathy, diarrhea or constipation are possible. Reviews of many users report that these symptoms are very rare when using Novopassit. The syrup, however, has an unpleasant taste and smell, but you can get rid of them if you drink juice or acidified water.
Dose and route of administration
It is necessary to start using the drug with a small dosage: from half a teaspoon or half a tablet. Sometimes this is enough for people with a small body weight. The recommended dose of the drug "Novopassit": the syrup is applied three times a day in a teaspoon after meals, it should be washed down with water. You can use it with meals to eliminate unpleasant aftertaste and aftertaste.
Pills are also taken three times a day. When a stressful situation arises or when fear or anxiety appears, you can drink 1-2 additional tablets. Accumulation does not occur, so the drug can be usedlong time. Doctors advise taking it for no more than a month to prevent addiction, then take a break and, if necessary, continue taking it for another 1 month.

Phytoantidepressant analogues
The drug "Novopassit" is significantly superior in composition, soothing effect to its counterparts. Among the drugs, several medications can be distinguished that have the same actions as Novopassit, but after reading the instructions for use of Sedasen, Afobazol, Nota, etc., you can see that these drugs, in addition to herbal extracts contain chemicals and at a more affordable price, their effectiveness is less. This is due to the fact that the largest number of active ingredients - 8 herbs and guaifenesin - is part of Novopassit. The composition of the drug "Nobrassit" is similar, but it is produced only in the form of a syrup, moreover, its cost is higher than that of "Novopassit".