Drugs 2024, October

Sesame tablets: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Sesame tablets: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Sesame tablets help improve blood circulation and brain function, so the drug is widely used for neurological and psychiatric abnormalities. What positive effects are observed after taking "Sesame"? What are its contraindications and side effects? How to take this medicine correctly? What are its analogues?

Bifidobacterium bifidum: instructions for use, description of the substance, effectiveness, reviews

Bifidobacterium bifidum: instructions for use, description of the substance, effectiveness, reviews

Pharmacological agent "Bifidum BAG" is produced in the form of a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria bifidum, a combination of antagonistically active types B.longum and B.bifidum in the active state. The content of this drug includes five strains of them at a concentration of up to 1012 biologically active living probiotic cells in 1 ml of the product is more than 10 billion active living cells before the expiration date

Hyoscine butyl bromide: description, properties, application

Hyoscine butyl bromide: description, properties, application

The basis of all medicines is a certain active ingredient. In addition to it, the composition of the drug includes additional compounds. They may have little or no effect. Today's article will tell you about what is hyoscine butyl bromide

Anspasmodics for pancreatitis: list, composition and instructions for use

Anspasmodics for pancreatitis: list, composition and instructions for use

Pancreatitis is a group of syndromes and diseases characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. In this condition, the secreted enzymes are not released into the duodenum. They are activated in the gland and act on it in a destructive way. Pancreatitis is characterized by symptoms such as intense pain in the epigastric region, which is sudden, severe and persistent

Drug "Cerepro". Analogues, their description and reviews

Drug "Cerepro". Analogues, their description and reviews

Many patients are familiar with a drug like Cerepro. It has extensive indications for use, it is often prescribed by neurologists for the treatment of brain diseases

Effective drugs for pyelonephritis: review, instructions for use, contraindications

Effective drugs for pyelonephritis: review, instructions for use, contraindications

In the article, we will consider which drugs are the most effective for pyelonephritis. This is one of the most common nephrological pathologies. The disease can affect the renal pelvis along with the parenchyma, causing a violation of urination in combination with pain in the lumbar region. Such a disease can even end in an abscess

New analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug "Nanoplast": consumer reviews

New analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug "Nanoplast": consumer reviews

Lower and joint pains are familiar to many people. As a rule, most of them in such cases use anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, many of which contain hormones. But there are times when their use is undesirable. This is where the innovative tool "Nanoplast" will help, reviews of which indicate the high demand that it enjoys among consumers

Analogues "Elidel" for your skin. Are there more effective and cheaper means than "Elidel"?

Analogues "Elidel" for your skin. Are there more effective and cheaper means than "Elidel"?

The article talks about possible analogues of the "Elidel" cream, and also compares the pharmacological parameters of the drugs "Elidel" and "Advantan" (indications and contraindications for use, side effects)

"Esvicin": reviews of trichologists, composition, photo

"Esvicin": reviews of trichologists, composition, photo

The article talks about the new tool "Esvitsin", which, as the instructions say, can effectively influence hair growth, restore their structure and density. Is it really?

"Artrocin" (gel): instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Artrocin" (gel): instructions for use, composition and reviews

Gel "Artrocin" helps to quickly and effectively cope with pain in the joints, helps to restore the affected articular tissue, and also produces a warming effect

"Erespal" in the radar. Instructions for use, reviews

"Erespal" in the radar. Instructions for use, reviews

The drug "Erespal" in the RLS (Register of Medicines) is listed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor drug. Due to its activity, the production of biological substances, which play a significant role in the appearance of inflammation and bronchospasm, is reduced. To date, this medicine is one of the most effective drugs in the fight against cough, which is suitable not only for adults, but also for children from birth

"Polyoxidonium" for a child: reviews, instructions for use, composition and description

"Polyoxidonium" for a child: reviews, instructions for use, composition and description

"Polyoxidonium" is an immunomodulatory drug, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Facilitates the condition with broncho-pulmonary diseases. Increases the resistance of the child's body to the effects of local and generalized infections

Tea tree oil from papillomas: application features, effectiveness and reviews

Tea tree oil from papillomas: application features, effectiveness and reviews

At all times, people strived to look perfect. However, for a perfect body, only clean skin and hair, well-groomed nails and excellent makeup are not enough. Various skin growths (papillomas) can develop a real inferiority complex, as well as cause a negative feeling in strangers. How to remove papillomas with tea tree oil?

Panthenol-Teva ointment: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Panthenol-Teva ointment: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Panthenol-Teva ointment is intended for the treatment of not too serious skin lesions of various origins. Reviews from consumers about this tool on the Web are mostly only positive. Internet users consider the rather high cost of Panthenol-Teva to be the only drawback

Drowsiness pills: list, rating of the best, composition, indications and contraindications

Drowsiness pills: list, rating of the best, composition, indications and contraindications

The causes of drowsiness and fatigue can be extremely diverse. A sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disruptions, lack of sleep, vitamins and minerals have the same effect - a person sleeps on the go

Drug "Allochol" how to take: before meals or after? How to take "Allohol" for children?

Drug "Allochol" how to take: before meals or after? How to take "Allohol" for children?

The real scourge of our time are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the biliary system. Despite the abundance of medications that help relieve pain syndromes, patient reviews indicate that it is Allochol that is a reliable medicine, which also consists of natural ingredients

Allergy cream for a child: list, rating of the best, classification, composition, purpose, instructions for use and contraindications

Allergy cream for a child: list, rating of the best, classification, composition, purpose, instructions for use and contraindications

Every day the inhabitants of our big planet face the impact of aggressive environmental factors. Household chemicals in the kitchen and in the shower, dyes and artificial flavors in dishes, industrial allergens are in the air. All these factors test human he alth for strength, provoking the development of unwanted allergic reactions

Liquid methane: features and applications

Liquid methane: features and applications

Currently, energy supply is carried out mainly by burning mined minerals. Among them, natural gas is considered the most environmentally friendly type of fuel, which includes liquid methane

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective. The best candles for hemorrhoids: reviews

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective. The best candles for hemorrhoids: reviews

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus, resulting in the formation of internal or external nodes. The internal ones can be detected only by palpation of the rectum, and the external ones are located around the anus. To date, treatment can be quick and inexpensive, in any pharmacy you will be offered a variety of remedies for hemorrhoids and fissures: suppositories, ointments, tablets

"ACC" cough: instructions for use. "ACC 200": reviews, price

"ACC" cough: instructions for use. "ACC 200": reviews, price

Quite often, doctors prescribe their patients the drug "ACC" ("ASS") for coughing. Instructions for the use of this remedy, as well as its contraindications, indications and side effects will be presented in this article

Drugs to lower blood pressure. Medications that reduce blood pressure

Drugs to lower blood pressure. Medications that reduce blood pressure

In recent years, hypertension has become a common disease not only among the elderly, but also among the young. The danger of high blood pressure is that blood vessels and the heart are damaged. And in the future, serious consequences cannot be ruled out - heart attack, stroke, heart, kidney failure, angina pectoris. Only effective drugs to lower blood pressure can help

Analgin and hydroperite - a dangerous mixture?

Analgin and hydroperite - a dangerous mixture?

Everyone knows such drugs as analgin and hydroperit. They are sold in a pharmacy, they cost a penny. Analgin is taken for headaches, and they rinse their nose and mouth with hydroperite, wash wounds and even dye their hair. But in practice, they can find a completely different application. It turns out that from these completely harmless, inexpensive and non-toxic components at home, you can build a smoke bomb

Effective medicines for children from worms: list, instructions for use and reviews

Effective medicines for children from worms: list, instructions for use and reviews

The appearance of worms in the child's body is dangerous. Treatment of this disease must begin immediately. Therefore, the parent should know which medicines for children from worms are the most effective. The use of the best drugs is described in the article

Fluocinolone acetonide: description, application. Trade names

Fluocinolone acetonide: description, application. Trade names

Surely there is no such person who has never encountered an allergy. This condition manifests itself with various symptoms: sneezing, lacrimation, coughing, itching, redness of the skin, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and so on. All these signs interfere with the usual way of life. Therefore, drug manufacturers are developing new drugs to treat allergies. One of these is the substance fluocinolone acetonide

Homeopathic preparation "Nervochel" - reviews of specialists and patients

Homeopathic preparation "Nervochel" - reviews of specialists and patients

Medication "Nervochel" belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines, which means that it contains plant, animal and mineral components. Its main advantage is that it has a tangible therapeutic effect on the body, without contraindications for use, there are no side effects. The drug "Nervochel" reviews from patients and doctors is mostly positive

Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

It is a local drug. This ointment is applied to the affected skin. The drug is used in the treatment of psoriatic rashes, as well as in severe forms of neurodermatosis and eczema. With its help, you can very quickly eliminate any negative consequences of allergic reactions, whether it be itching, rash or swelling. The ointment "Sinaflan-Akrikhin" works no worse

"Demidov's elixir": phytopreparation from 17 plants

"Demidov's elixir": phytopreparation from 17 plants

Elixir "Demidovsky" is a domestic preventive phytopreparation, the therapeutic characteristics of which are based on plant extract. Seventeen unique medicinal herbs and trees of the mountains of Altai, Siberia, the Far East are the raw materials from which the "Demidov Elixir" is made

"Activist-gel": instructions, application and reviews

"Activist-gel": instructions, application and reviews

Diseases of the joints in recent years appear not only in aged patients. Pathologies are found in athletes, people with an unhe althy lifestyle, they become the result of other diseases, and so on. A variety of drugs are used to treat diseases. They can be medicinal or natural. The latter include "Activist" (gel). The article will give you an overview of this drug

Means "Stopangin". Instructions for use

Means "Stopangin". Instructions for use

The drug "Stopangin" (solution) is intended for topical use. The drug is a clear light red liquid with a specific odor

Contraceptive pills. Expert reviews

Contraceptive pills. Expert reviews

Today, millions of "family planning" women use birth control pills. Reviews of girlfriends, doctors encourage he althy women to experiment on their bodies, taking OK. This is what people call oral contraceptives. In this article we will try to figure out what birth control pills are. Feedback from experts will be a priority for us

Medicines for women. The drug "Duphaston" for endometriosis

Medicines for women. The drug "Duphaston" for endometriosis

Many women who dream of a child are faced with such a thing as endometriosis. What is it? By saying that you have endometriosis, doctors mean the growth of cells that form the inner cavity of the uterus, beyond it. The drug "Duphaston" with endometriosis helps to reduce pain and at the same time retains the possibility of conception

Brewer's yeast: reviews, indications for use, instructions, composition

Brewer's yeast: reviews, indications for use, instructions, composition

Beer yeast are single-celled organisms that belong to the fungi class. They have many useful enzymes and other components that are involved in accelerating the oxidation of carbohydrates. Brewer's yeast is a storehouse of mineral components. They contain magnesium along with phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and other components

Drug "Nucleopeptide": instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Drug "Nucleopeptide": instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Technologies for improving living organisms with the help of synthesized peptides and nucleotides have been working for the benefit of mankind in various fields since 1902. They are used in medicine, cosmetology, agriculture, including veterinary medicine

Drug "Levocarnitine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Levocarnitine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

It's time to talk about a drug called Levocarnitine. It "accelerates" the metabolism at the level of the cells of the human body, converts fatty acids into energy. This is an indispensable tool in micropediatrics, psychiatry, treatment of endocrinological and gastroenterological diseases. "Levocarnitine" has the ability to increase stamina, promote weight loss, cleanse the cells of the body from waste products of decay. He deserves a lot of praise

Injections "Cefotaxime": instructions for use, indications, price. Reviews about the drug

Injections "Cefotaxime": instructions for use, indications, price. Reviews about the drug

It's no secret that semi-synthetic antibiotics have a wide spectrum of action. Such drugs are used to treat various inflammatory and infectious diseases

"Sonizin": analogues, names, compositions

"Sonizin": analogues, names, compositions

"Sonizin" refers to alpha-blockers. Due to the action of the drug, there is a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate, the prostatic part of the urethra and bladder neck and an improvement in the functioning of the muscular membrane of the organs. This leads to a reduction in the signs of obstruction and irritation that are associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia

Cream "Advantan": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Cream "Advantan": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Cream "Advantan" refers to glucocorticoids of local effects, it is intended for external use. The drug itself is produced in several medicinal versions, for example, in the form of an ointment, cream and emulsion. We will consider exactly the cream, analyze in detail the instructions for its use, get acquainted with its analogues and find out what people write in reviews about this remedy

In case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a mixture for inhalation will help

In case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a mixture for inhalation will help

There are a huge number of different ways of inhalation at home. The simplest and most well-known procedure is to sit, covered with a towel, over a pot of hot boiled potatoes, chamomile or eucalyptus decoction. But today, in almost every modern family first aid kit there is an inhaler with a set of various fillers: from ordinary menthol preparations to an antibiotic-containing emulsion

"Mukolvan" for inhalation through a nebulizer: instructions for use, reviews

"Mukolvan" for inhalation through a nebulizer: instructions for use, reviews

Respiratory pathologies in babies are considered a frequent occurrence. One of the effective methods of therapy is inhalation with various drugs. Well proven solution "Mukolvan". For inhalation, it is used if necessary to thin the sputum. Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of a mucolytic drug

The best ointments for sprains and sprains: doctors advice

The best ointments for sprains and sprains: doctors advice

Dislocation is the displacement of a bone in a joint as a result of mechanical damage. This is a common injury that necessarily requires a doctor's consultation. Only a specialist can correct the dislocation correctly and without consequences. On the spot, the victim needs to be given first aid, and further treatment consists in resting the damaged area and using special ointments. What ointment for dislocation is better to use?