Elixir "Demidovsky" is a domestic preventive phytopreparation, the therapeutic characteristics of which are based on plant extract.
Seventeen unique medicinal herbs and trees of the mountains of Altai, Siberia, the Far East are the raw materials from which "Demidov's elixir" is produced.
Many factors affect the well-being of a modern person: stress, unbalanced nutrition, ecology… All this leads to a decrease in immunity, provokes various diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels, urinary organs.
"Demidov's elixir", the composition of which is based on natural raw materials and balanced, is designed to help prevent many diseases and improve the quality of life.
The history of the creation of the elixir
The "Demidovsky" elixir is the result of the joint work of scientists from the laboratory of therapeutic agents of natural origin of the Research Institute of Traditional Treatment Methods and doctors of the Moscow Rehabilitation Center "Adaptogen".
The prescription of the drug is based onold records of folk healers of the Urals. The basis of the elixir contains an alcohol extract from seventeen plants with the addition of natural honey, sugar syrup and apple juice.

The healing properties of each component are well studied, the elixir has passed clinical trials. Patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, chronic colitis, painful gastritis, as well as patients undergoing surgery participated in studies of the elixir.
"Demidov's Elixir" was registered in 2009. At present, it is produced by the following Russian enterprises: Miligen LLC, Yekaterinburg Pharmaceutical Factory, Lumi LLC.

Composition of the drug
Elixir - water-alcohol extract from seventeen types of medicinal plants. The raw materials for it are:
- seeds of cedar Siberian pine;
- roots and rhizomes of licorice, ginseng, cinquefoil, calamus, bergenia;
- blueberries;
- St. John's wort, oregano, yarrow;
- chamomile flowers;
- birch buds;
- fruits of hawthorn, coriander, wild rose;
- oak bark;
- peppermint leaves.
The elixir also includes natural apple juice and natural honey.
The drug is a reddish-brown liquid. It tastes sweet and has the scent of pine needles.

Pharmacology of the elixir
"Demidov's elixir" has a pronounced choleretic effect, has an antispasmodic, carminative effect. It well stimulates the functions of the intestines and stomach, has a general strengthening effect on the body.
Elixir applied:
- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer), to normalize intestinal motility;
- for the prevention of cardiovascular disease;
- with inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and toxic liver damage;
- as a choleretic and diuretic;
- in depressive states to relieve psycho-emotional stress, promotes adaptation during mental and physical stress;
- to increase the body's defenses after infectious diseases, SARS and surgical interventions;
- to stimulate the immune system;
- to remove toxins and prevent negative effects on the body during radioactive exposure;
- to increase potency;
- as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
"Demidov's elixir" has contraindications. It is not recommended to use:
- with allergic manifestations to the components of the drug;
- for chronic alcoholism;
- during an acute exacerbation of peptic ulcer, hepatitis and pancreatitis;
- for diabetes.
Sometimes there are side effects of the elixir. Taking funds in some cases can provokeindigestion and loose stools.

How to take the elixir?
Elixir "Demidovsky", the instruction of which determines the rules of use, is usually taken twice a day ten or fifteen minutes before meals. At one time, two or three teaspoons of the drug are dissolved in one hundred grams of water.
For patients of the older age group (after 60 years), the elixir should be drunk twice a day, one teaspoon per dose. The drug should be diluted with a glass of water before use.
Elixir is taken in courses of five or seven days. Sometimes, as prescribed by the attending physician, the course is extended and can be two or three weeks.
Elixir "Demidovsky", reviews of which are positive by many doctors and patients, is certainly a useful, environmentally friendly drug that can benefit he alth. However, never take medications only on the basis of reviews from friends or recommendations from the Internet.
Take care of yourself before being treated with the Demidov elixir, consult your doctor.
Be he althy!