Drugs 2024, October

"Afobazole": side effects, customer reviews and instructions

"Afobazole": side effects, customer reviews and instructions

Among drugs with a calming effect, Afobazole is very popular. Side effects, reviews of which are not so many, are not often found in patients. However, unfortunately, they can disturb a number of patients, therefore, before deciding to use this medication as a sedative, it is worth considering the possible disadvantages of taking it, the mechanism of action of the drug, finding out the medical indications for taking and contraindications

Drug to prolong youth "Tsi-Klim": reviews of doctors and patients

Drug to prolong youth "Tsi-Klim": reviews of doctors and patients

The symptoms that accompany menopause are well known to most women over 45-50 years old. The reason for all these changes is the extinction of the function of the female reproductive system, a sharp decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. In order to smooth out the manifestations of menopause, the Evalar company developed the Qi-Klim remedy. Reviews of doctors about him have already appeared. In this article they will be discussed

Suspension - what is it? Cooking method

Suspension - what is it? Cooking method

Suspension - what is it? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the materials of this article. We will also tell you about how suspensions are prepared for the treatment of young children

"Cyproterone acetate": instructions for use, analogues, release form, reviews

"Cyproterone acetate": instructions for use, analogues, release form, reviews

Many diseases in men and women are associated with hormonal disorders. In this case, you can not do without taking special antiandrogenic drugs. Good performance has a tool "Cyproterone acetate". This medicine allows you to quickly restore hormonal levels or can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of complex ailments such as prostate cancer in men

Rosenthal Paste: composition, method of application, contraindications

Rosenthal Paste: composition, method of application, contraindications

What is Rosenthal Paste? What properties, contraindications and features does this drug have? How to use Rosenthal paste correctly?

Drops "Akvalor baby": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drops "Akvalor baby": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

For the treatment of the smallest patients, it is necessary to choose effective, but safe drugs. So, when a baby has a stuffy nose, this can become a real problem, because children still do not know how to blow their nose. To alleviate the condition, the pediatrician may recommend Aqualor Baby, which is based on healing sea water and does not have a drying effect on the delicate mucous membrane

Pills for neuralgia: choosing effective drugs

Pills for neuralgia: choosing effective drugs

Neuralgia is a fairly common ailment associated with damage to the nerves of the periphery. The pain that occurs with pathology can manifest itself absolutely on any part of the body. To cope with discomfort, doctors recommend using external agents (gels, ointments) and tablets for neuralgia. In addition, the cause of the disease must also be treated

Heparin or badyaga? Choosing a remedy for bruises and bruises

Heparin or badyaga? Choosing a remedy for bruises and bruises

The appearance of a bruise, or hematoma, is a very unpleasant phenomenon for everyone, especially if the injury is in an open area of the body. Not every person becomes a victim of assault, but even an accidental misunderstanding can greatly complicate life. How to quickly reduce a bruise and what tool to use for this?

Choose the right laxative for bowel cleansing

Choose the right laxative for bowel cleansing

Laxatives are used to facilitate bowel cleansing from stool. People use them for a variety of purposes, whether it's chronic constipation, rectal problems, or weight loss. For certain purposes, you need to choose the right drug so as not to harm the body, and how to do this, we will consider in this article

Liquid spray for wounds - save yourself from scratches

Liquid spray for wounds - save yourself from scratches

In case you get hurt and you don’t have the opportunity to carry out a complete antiseptic treatment of the wound or abrasion, use the novelty in the medical field - liquid spray or wound adhesive

"Alphabet Diabetes": instructions for use, composition, reviews

"Alphabet Diabetes": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Patients suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes need to supplement their treatment with vitamin and mineral complexes more than anyone else. The body of a diabetic does not receive the necessary nutrients, since a patient with such a diagnosis is forced to adhere to strict dietary rules throughout his life. There are a number of drugs designed specifically for people with diabetes

Which drug contains chromium?

Which drug contains chromium?

Preparations that contain chromium have an anorexic effect on the body, that is, they significantly reduce appetite. In addition, an increase in metabolic processes is carried out, which does not contribute to the accumulation of body fat. Chromium has a number of positive effects on the body

Tablets "Diazolin": instructions for use, reviews

Tablets "Diazolin": instructions for use, reviews

The drug is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors. It is able to stop attacks of allergic reactions, have an anesthetic, anticholinergic, anti-exudative, antipruritic effect. Has a slight hypnotic and sedative effect

"Actovegin" in ampoules: instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews

"Actovegin" in ampoules: instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews

"Actovegin" - an extract taken from calf blood protein, refers to drugs with a wide spectrum of action. The drug has a nootropic and stimulating effect on the human body. It is used for metabolic and vascular changes in the brain, as well as for other diseases

"Pentalgin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Pentalgin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Pain is the first sign of an inflammatory disease. It signals about any violation inside the body or about the action of some destructive factor from the external environment. An anesthetic drug will help to cope with the source of pain. "Pentalgin" - a combined drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects

Drug "Vitalux Plus": effect on the body

Drug "Vitalux Plus": effect on the body

Dietary supplement "Vitalux Plus" helps protect the eyes from various inflammatory diseases, relieve fatigue syndrome that occurs during visual work. In addition, the drug helps to strengthen the immune system of the body

"Betaserk": reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues

"Betaserk": reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues

Tablets "Betaserk" are an analogue of histamine of synthetic origin, which affects the H1 and H3 receptors located in the inner ear, as well as the vestibular nucleus of the brain. The drug improves blood circulation and lymphatic circulation in the structures of the inner ear and contributes to the normalization of the vestibular apparatus

Analogue of "Furosemide" in tablets. "Furosemide": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Analogue of "Furosemide" in tablets. "Furosemide": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

When edema makes it difficult to look like a normal person, when the kidneys do not work well, and every eaten cucumber resembles a game of Russian roulette, diuretics come to the rescue, which are a controversial remedy. On the one hand, it is possible to help the kidneys and liver in their work, and on the other hand, to completely "wean" them from working. Pharmacies often ask for "Furosemide" - a cheap and very effective remedy, but with a whole bunch of contraindications. Is there an analogue of "Furo

The cure for binge: a review of drugs, use, effectiveness, reviews

The cure for binge: a review of drugs, use, effectiveness, reviews

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that refers to one of the types of substance abuse. Doctors characterize this ailment as an addiction that affects the mental and physical state of a person. Having launched the disease, the alcoholic ceases to control the amount of alcohol consumed. This provokes the development of all kinds of pathologies. One of them is drinking. To get a loved one out of this state, you will need an extensive range of therapeutic measures, consisting of drug treatment

Candles "Macmiror Complex": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Candles "Macmiror Complex": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Macmiror Complex" is produced in the form of suppositories for intravaginal administration. Candles are presented in the form of a torpedo-shaped gelatin substance with a pointed end. The color of the suppositories is yellow with a brownish tinge. In one package of the drug can be 8 or 12 candles

GCS - what is it in medicine? The action and effects of glucocorticosteroid drugs

GCS - what is it in medicine? The action and effects of glucocorticosteroid drugs

Our body synthesizes steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids. They are produced by the adrenal cortex and their use is mainly associated with the treatment of adrenal insufficiency. Nowadays, not only natural glucocorticoids are used, but also their synthetic analogues - GCS. What is it in medicine?

"Coldrex": reviews. "Coldrex Hotrem": instructions for use

"Coldrex": reviews. "Coldrex Hotrem": instructions for use

Each of us has experienced a cold at least once in our lives. Fever, stuffy nose, headache and other unpleasant symptoms are sometimes so annoying that you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The drug "Coldrex" (reviews of which are quite good) helps your body fight the symptoms of flu and colds

Thioctic acid: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Thioctic acid: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Thioctic acid (synonyms - lipoic or alpha-lipoic acid) is a vitamin-like substance that has pronounced antioxidant properties. The substance is a light yellow crystalline powder that has a bitter taste. Thioctic acid is synthesized in the human body in sufficient quantities only at a young age. After 30-40 years, it is recommended to replenish stocks of thioctic acid, which over the years is produced in smaller quantities

Omeprazole overdose: how many pills, symptoms, first aid, consequences

Omeprazole overdose: how many pills, symptoms, first aid, consequences

Drug overdose is a fairly common occurrence these days. It can be extremely dangerous for the human body and lead to irreversible consequences, even death. The most toxic drugs in this sense are nootropics, painkillers, antidepressants and drugs that affect the coronary vessels

The drug "Allopurinol": reviews of doctors, indications for use, side effects

The drug "Allopurinol": reviews of doctors, indications for use, side effects

Today, Allopurinol is the basic (main and pathogenetically substantiated) drug used in the complex therapy of such a disease as gout. Each person, before trying something new, tries to find as much useful information about it as possible. Therefore, we propose to understand in more detail when it is worth using "Allopurinol"

Dietary supplement "Turboslim night": is it possible to lose weight with it?

Dietary supplement "Turboslim night": is it possible to lose weight with it?

The drug "Turboslim night" is an effective biologically active food supplement designed to combat excess weight. It is worth noting that this tool is very popular among people who want to get rid of extra pounds

"Turboslim day" - a drug for effective weight loss

"Turboslim day" - a drug for effective weight loss

The desire to lose weight is the dream of almost every woman. And here a modern and effective tool called "Turboslim Day" comes to the rescue. It helps to comfortably lose extra pounds without putting much effort into this process

Pills to improve sleep: review of drugs, method of use, contraindications

Pills to improve sleep: review of drugs, method of use, contraindications

Pills to improve sleep in modern times have taken pride of place in every family's first-aid kit. The increased popularity of sleeping pills is facilitated by the fast rhythms of life, as well as the desire and need of a person to be in time, to do as much as possible

Ceresin: what is it and where is it used?

Ceresin: what is it and where is it used?

There are a large number of varieties of ceresin. What it is? We will talk about this in the article. These mixtures are numbered based on the dropping point (65, 70, 75, 80, 80oE). They are widely used in the manufacture of a huge number of products

"Dimethyl phthalate" - what is it? How to use the medication?

"Dimethyl phthalate" - what is it? How to use the medication?

"Dimethyl phthalate" is a drug that is widely used in the fight against insects. It is also used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin. How to use the tool, you can learn from the article

"Human Electrolyte": instructions for use

"Human Electrolyte": instructions for use

"Human Electrolyte" is a low-osmolar solution for restoring the energy and water-electrolyte balance lost during diarrhea. Forms of release and composition of the drug "Humana Electrolyte", instructions for use, schemes for use in children and adults - all information in the article

"Cetirinaks": instructions for use, reviews

"Cetirinaks": instructions for use, reviews

Cetirinax is a powerful modern anti-allergic drug, which, according to the medical classification, belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers. The active ingredient in this drug is cetirizine. Many people suffering from allergies of various origins use cetirinax. Instructions for use, indications for use and reviews of the drug are given in this article

"Aertal": instructions for use. Cheap analogue of "Aertal"

"Aertal": instructions for use. Cheap analogue of "Aertal"

Almost every person has experienced pain in bones and joints in their life. This problem is most acute, as a rule, in the elderly, as well as in professional athletes

Drug "Sumamed" for sinusitis: dosage and duration of treatment

Drug "Sumamed" for sinusitis: dosage and duration of treatment

When sinusitis inflammation occurs in the maxillary sinuses and delivers a lot of discomfort. Most often, the development of the disease is provoked by bacteria, which only antibacterial drugs can fight. An effective drug is "Sumamed"

"Dioxidin" (ointment): description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

"Dioxidin" (ointment): description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

A feature of the treatment of some diseases is that the therapy includes several drugs at once with different methods of use. So, patients are prescribed drugs for oral administration and topical application. The latter funds have a different spectrum of action and mechanism of work. These can be anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds, anticoagulants and healing ointments. Antibacterial drugs also have a large list of prescriptions

Ferrum phosphoricum: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, homeopathic composition, indications and contraindications

Ferrum phosphoricum: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, homeopathic composition, indications and contraindications

Iron s alt or Schussler in another way - all these are the names of Ferrum phosphoricum. The method of iron phosphate therapy was discovered by the German homeopath Schüssler. Based on the results of experiments, this scientist proved that the result of pathologies is a deficiency of important minerals in the body. And their complete replenishment leads to absolute deliverance from diseases

Riboflavin mononucleotide: reviews, prices, instructions

Riboflavin mononucleotide: reviews, prices, instructions

Vitamin B2 (or riboflavin) is very beneficial for the body. It has an impact on all organs and systems, is involved in almost all processes. You can fill its deficiency in the body with the help of the drug "Riboflafin mononucleotide"

Pills for breast enlargement: a review of drugs, composition, effectiveness, photos and reviews

Pills for breast enlargement: a review of drugs, composition, effectiveness, photos and reviews

If it is necessary to increase the volume of the mammary glands and increase the elasticity of the skin without surgical intervention, pills are used to change the breast. Their influence is based on a change in the level of hormones in the plasma, which are responsible for the recovery processes in the bust. Breast size depends on a number of factors. In addition to heredity, weight and size of the pectoral muscle, hormonal levels play a huge role

Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Against varicose veins, doctors often prescribe an inexpensive, but effective Troxevasin ointment. What helps? What are the contraindications? How to use it correctly? What do doctors and patients think of her? We will try to answer all these questions in our article

Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs. Treatment of pancreatitis: folk remedies

Treatment of pancreatitis: drugs. Treatment of pancreatitis: folk remedies

Inflammation of the pancreas requires special medicines. Treatment of pancreatitis should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. After all, with this disease, it is important to follow a diet and take prescribed medications