Drugs 2024, October

Drug "Metformin": mechanism of action, instructions for use

Drug "Metformin": mechanism of action, instructions for use

If you believe the reviews and instructions, "Metformin" is an effective and reliable means of correcting diabetes. Tablets are designed to lower the concentration of sugar in the circulatory system. Belong to the category of biguanides, are available in the form for oral consumption

Rat poison: composition, how it works and danger to humans

Rat poison: composition, how it works and danger to humans

Rat poison is one of the most convenient in the fight against rodents. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. However, this drug must be used, observing all safety measures. The fact is that animals and people can suffer from it

Balm for Dikul's joints: reviews, description, instructions

Balm for Dikul's joints: reviews, description, instructions

Diseases of the joints are currently one of the most common and occur in people of all age categories. To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease, medications with a different spectrum of therapeutic action are used. Many patients use Dikul's joint balm. Reviews indicate that the drug effectively eliminates pain at the local level

Dikul's balms for joints: reviews, recommendations for use

Dikul's balms for joints: reviews, recommendations for use

To maintain physical activity and normal performance, it is important to choose the right treatment. Dikul's balms for joints can serve as an auxiliary component of therapy. Patient reviews prove the effectiveness of these funds in relation to many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Balms are also often used as a preventive measure

International generic drug names: history, prescription, search for analogues and synonyms

International generic drug names: history, prescription, search for analogues and synonyms

The life of any drug begins with a name, which can be several - chemical, trade, national nonproprietary, generic or international nonproprietary name of the drug (abbreviated as INN). The latter is considered especially important for all medical and pharmaceutical workers

Antibiotics against viruses: reasons for the lack of effect on viruses, the pros and cons of taking

Antibiotics against viruses: reasons for the lack of effect on viruses, the pros and cons of taking

Throughout life, a person faces a huge number of dangers, one of which is infection. The virus spreads throughout the body, penetrating the cells and devouring them. The infection can manifest itself very rapidly, but it can also remain in a latent state for a long period, and sometimes for a lifetime

Tablets "Fuzidine sodium": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Tablets "Fuzidine sodium": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Fuzidine sodium" - coated tablets. It allows you to deliver the contents of the pill directly to the intestines. There, the capsule disintegrates, and the drug begins to work. The active ingredient in this drug is fusidic acid

What helps Akriderm cream? Instructions for use

What helps Akriderm cream? Instructions for use

Ointment "Akriderm" is used to treat various skin diseases. This drug helps fight allergic reactions, lesions caused by fungal infections, and inflammatory processes on the skin

Remedies for bruises and bruises

Remedies for bruises and bruises

Few people have not experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as a hematoma or a bruise after a blow. Such traces can be quite difficult to hide under clothing or a layer of foundation. For the speedy resorption of the bruise, special medications for bruises should be used

Propolis tincture: application, reviews. Propolis tincture for cough

Propolis tincture: application, reviews. Propolis tincture for cough

Due to its unique healing properties, propolis tincture has found wide application. Reviews of doctors and patients confirm that its use is equally effective as both external and internal means. By its nature, this drug is an ideal antibiotic. So far, scientists have not been able to identify the fact that any bacteria are addicted to propolis

Cream for joints. "Smart cream": composition, description, reviews

Cream for joints. "Smart cream": composition, description, reviews

In order to get rid of discomfort in the joints, there is a "Smart Cream" for the joints. Reviews about this drug are positive, its price is small, but is it really able to get rid of the causes of diseases?

Wax-cream for prostatitis "He althy": description, composition, instructions and reviews

Wax-cream for prostatitis "He althy": description, composition, instructions and reviews

Among the many drugs for the treatment of prostatitis, the Zdorov cream has recently begun to gain popularity. Manufacturers claim that it is absolutely safe and very effective in solving this problem, but is it really so? Will prostatitis cream help you? Reviews about the tool and recommendations for use

Generic - what is it. Generics: table

Generic - what is it. Generics: table

You don't save on your he alth, but the prices of medicines make you do it. Almost everyone who has recently visited pharmacies was unpleasantly surprised by the increase in prices for all drugs. Alas, keeping track of pharmaceutical companies is difficult, so everyone sets himself the price that is beneficial to him. But for many years in pharmacies you can find a generic drug. What is it, why is this tool better or worse than the original one and how to choose the right one - everything needs to be sorted out in order

The drug "Pharingosept" from what helps? Composition, instructions, prices, reviews

The drug "Pharingosept" from what helps? Composition, instructions, prices, reviews

Often colds are accompanied by sore throat and sore throat. The reason for this is pathogenic microorganisms. They affect the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx. Simultaneously with the main treatment, doctors can prescribe topical medications. One of these is "Faringosept"

Valerian extract. Useful qualities

Valerian extract. Useful qualities

Valerian extract is an effective drug in the treatment of many diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system. In addition, this is an excellent tool for combating insomnia, migraine, tachycardia

Menovazin ointment: indications for use, instructions, composition and reviews

Menovazin ointment: indications for use, instructions, composition and reviews

According to the instructions attached to the medicine, there are several indications for the use of this drug. However, experts argue that such a local medication is not able to eliminate the causes of existing pathologies. It is intended for symptomatic therapy only

Lac Oflomil: analogues, instruction, photo

Lac Oflomil: analogues, instruction, photo

Today we will look at a popular remedy for the treatment of fungal nail infections, the name of which is often mentioned in commercials. They promise a quick relief from the disease, which this healing varnish should provide. Is it so easy to cure an annoying fungus? The considered varnish "Oflomil" will help with this. Analogues, instructions for their use are also presented to your attention in the article

Analogues of "Mezaton" in Russia: list, description and instructions for use

Analogues of "Mezaton" in Russia: list, description and instructions for use

In surgery and ophthalmology, until recently, the inexpensive drug "Mezaton" of Ukrainian production was widely used. Now its deliveries to Russia have been stopped. Domestic manufacturers offer Mezaton analogues, which are mainly used in the form of drops for the nose and eyes. The choice of those in pharmacies is quite large

Popular analogue of "Tebantine". "Tebantin": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

Popular analogue of "Tebantine". "Tebantin": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

For some people, taking the drug becomes a he alth necessity. But often you have to look for an analogue of "Tebantin" for one reason or another, usually this is a rather high cost of the drug. In pharmacies, you can find many substitutes with similar properties, but in different price categories. So, let's consider what is the peculiarity of the drug "Tebantin". Instructions for use, analogues are also described in the article

Analogues of "Estrovel": "Tazalok", "Klimonorm", "Inoklim". Preparations for menopause and its complications

Analogues of "Estrovel": "Tazalok", "Klimonorm", "Inoklim". Preparations for menopause and its complications

In the life of any woman there comes a transitional period of age-related hormonal changes - menopause. As a rule, it is accompanied by poor he alth: hot flashes, dizziness, mood swings, nervousness, excessive sweating and other unpleasant symptoms. Estrovel analogues and the drug itself help to alleviate the condition in such a difficult life stage for a woman

"Teopek": reviews. With bronchitis - children. Instructions for use

"Teopek": reviews. With bronchitis - children. Instructions for use

The drug "Teopec" is intended for the treatment of lung diseases. Less commonly, it is used for edema associated with diseases of the heart and kidneys. The drug "Teopec", reviews for bronchitis about which are numerous and ambiguous, requires careful study before taking

Cream "King of the Skin": reviews. Ointment "King of the skin" for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema

Cream "King of the Skin": reviews. Ointment "King of the skin" for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema

Cream "King of the Skin" is indicated for skin manifestations of psoriasis and eczema. This is a Chinese drug, which is based on alternative medicine recipes

Valerian tablets: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Valerian tablets: instructions for use, composition and reviews

A person develops psychosomatic he alth problems, sleep disturbances, irritability, suspiciousness, asthenia, anhedonia. Those who have a weak psyche manage to escape from problems into alcohol or drugs. But you can find a better way out - from time to time to drink a course of sedatives and mood-enhancing drugs. Valerian is a healing plant that has long been famous for its properties. Modern pharmacology offers valerian tablets, the instructions for which are described below

Drug "Bepanthen" (cream and ointment): difference and application

Drug "Bepanthen" (cream and ointment): difference and application

Do you know about the pharmacological properties of Bepanthen (cream and ointment)? The difference between these forms, their features and method of application will be presented below

"Maraslavin": instructions for use at home

"Maraslavin": instructions for use at home

In the article, we will consider the instructions for the drug "Maraslavin". At home, this drug is used quite often. It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to fight a large number of different diseases of the oral cavity, especially gums

Iron overdose in the body: symptoms and treatment

Iron overdose in the body: symptoms and treatment

An invariable trace element for humans is iron. It is necessary for the full-fledged work of all organs and systems of the body, however, with an excess of a chemical, serious consequences are possible, sometimes leading to death. An overdose of iron occurs when an element is accidentally or deliberately used once from 5 to 30 g. It is also extremely dangerous to systematically exceed the dosage

Drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia: classification, description of drugs, benefits and harms

Drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia: classification, description of drugs, benefits and harms

Drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia are prescribed to the patient only if he has anemia or is required to prevent the occurrence of this condition. In adults, the symptoms of anemia appear if they have an inadequate diet, during pregnancy and lactation. Most often, in such cases, doctors prescribe drugs made on the basis of iron s alts or iron hydroxide

Arsenic anhydride in medicine: instructions for use

Arsenic anhydride in medicine: instructions for use

Arsenic anhydride (arsenic oxide) has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times. It has also been used in homeopathy since the 17th century. This inorganic compound is also used today in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, oncological tumors, as well as a necrotizing agent for skin pathologies, in dentistry

Drugs for sinusitis: composition, application features

Drugs for sinusitis: composition, application features

Colds, chronic allergies, and trauma can cause sinusitis, which disrupts breathing, causing headaches and fever. What drugs help in the treatment of this disease? The article talks about it

Balm "White tiger". Ancient secrets of the East

Balm "White tiger". Ancient secrets of the East

For many centuries, the Vietnamese have been using the gifts of nature for healing purposes. From generation to generation they pass miraculous recipes for ointments, decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants. The White Tiger balm, which is a truly folk remedy in the treatment of many ailments, has received great recognition and respect all over the world

Ointment for cystitis: a review of drugs, formulations, instructions

Ointment for cystitis: a review of drugs, formulations, instructions

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. An unpleasant, painful, but easily curable disease. The symptoms that cause discomfort are softened within 1-2 days after the timely start of treatment. What drugs to take - only a doctor can decide. But now it’s worth talking about the most popular, most commonly used ointments

Dolphin nasal wash. How to rinse the nose with Dolphin

Dolphin nasal wash. How to rinse the nose with Dolphin

Dolphin is ideal for washing the nose. Why? You will learn about this from the materials of the presented article. We will also tell you about how much such a drug costs, what properties it has, whether it has contraindications, analogues, etc

Which remedy for herpes is the most effective?

Which remedy for herpes is the most effective?

No matter how they call herpes - "cold on the lips", "malaria", "fever". About 95% of the inhabitants of the entire planet face this disease sooner or later. Medicine has not yet figured out how to treat a cold on the lips so as to get rid of this virus once and for all, but still there is a remedy for herpes that allows you to stop the manifestations of the disease in a short time

Ural licorice: instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Ural licorice: instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

"Sweet root" (as the name is translated from Latin) is a perennial plant from the legume family. It is known that since ancient times in China, licorice is considered the root of longevity and a means to rejuvenate and cleanse the body. And in Tibet it was used as an antidote. In Russia, the plant is used as an effective remedy for treating cough in both traditional and folk medicine

Ointment "Hydrocortisone": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Hydrocortisone": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Modern medicine widely uses various hormonal agents to treat many diseases. One of these drugs is Hydrocortisone ointment, which has long been successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases, as well as in the drug therapy of inflammatory ophthalmic diseases. This drug also finds a place in cosmetology. Our article will tell in detail about the instructions for the Hydrocortisone ointment, its composition and reviews of users and doctors. We will also offer a list of analogues

Glycine and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews

Glycine and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews

In our article we will discuss the topic of the drug "Glycine" and alcohol. Perhaps you have heard that they are often mentioned together with each other. But why? Perhaps alcoholic beverages are absolutely incompatible with "Glycine" or vice versa? Let's look into this matter

Reviews: "Methionine". Instructions for use, composition and description of the drug

Reviews: "Methionine". Instructions for use, composition and description of the drug

"Methionine" is a drug with a hepatoprotective effect. The drug contains an amino acid, the presence of which is vital for humans. This substance is not produced by the body and enters it with food. When the body does not have enough amino acid methionine, instructions, reviews recommend taking the drug "Methionine", which contains it

"Lozap": side effects, contraindications, compatibility, reviews

"Lozap": side effects, contraindications, compatibility, reviews

Before analyzing the side effects of Lozap, you need to understand what the drug is intended for. The medicine is antihypertensive. It helps to maintain blood pressure at a safe level for the patient. Let's talk about the drug in more detail

Injectable dosage forms: types, requirements and applications

Injectable dosage forms: types, requirements and applications

For the first time in medical history, drugs were administered through the skin in 1785. For this, scarifiers were used, notches were made with them, and medicine was rubbed into the resulting wound. Today, injections do not require so much inconvenience and discomfort

"Protargol" (drops in the nose): instructions for use, price

"Protargol" (drops in the nose): instructions for use, price

Rhinitis is the most common symptom of illness. It can be bacterial or viral, acute or chronic. A person at any age can suffer from this symptom. Irrigation sprays, sinus rinses, and other forms of drugs are often prescribed to treat pathology. This article will tell you about what Protargol is (nosal drops)