Drowsiness pills: list, rating of the best, composition, indications and contraindications

Drowsiness pills: list, rating of the best, composition, indications and contraindications
Drowsiness pills: list, rating of the best, composition, indications and contraindications

The causes of drowsiness and fatigue can be extremely diverse. A sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disruptions, lack of sleep, vitamins and minerals have the same effect - a person sleeps on the go.

Lack of sleep

Of course, each person's need for sleep is individual. It is believed that an adult needs at least 8-9 hours of sleep to fully restore strength and performance of the body. Perhaps, like Napoleon, four hours in bed will be enough for you. But if you are more like Einstein, ten hours will not be enough for you.

Full recovery of strength occurs at the stage of deep sleep. If, upon waking up, you remember your dreams, then you have had enough time for this stage of sleep. And if it seems to you that you slept like a log all night, then the duration of the rest was not enough, even if you feel cheerful. Gradually, fatigue will accumulate, and daytime sleepiness will begin to overcome you.

You can fight it with coffee, caffeinated drugs, or even energy drinks that double-hit the liver with a powerful combination of caffeine andtaurine. But it's best to just sleep well. Insufficient non-REM sleep causes not only drowsiness, but also obesity, as well as delayed muscle development.

Do not forget that the norm of sleep duration depends on age and lifestyle. If a couple of years ago you could have enough even seven hours, do not scold yourself for the fact that now you do not have enough even eight. Accept it as a new need for the body and do not torture it.

For a quick relaxation, better quality of sleep and an increase in its slow phase, it is recommended:

  • Increase physical activity during the day, in case of its insufficiency. No need to exercise late at night - it will only cheer up the body.
  • Spend more time outdoors and sleep in a well ventilated but not too cold room.
  • Sleep in silence and darkness.
  • Don't overeat before bed, but don't go to bed on an empty stomach either.


One of the causes of a half-asleep state can be a lack of certain vitamins. What pills for drowsiness during the day is better to take in this case? You need to understand that not all complexes are aimed at increasing daily activity. You should consult your doctor about certain drugs.

Lack of B vitamins

Vitamin B tablets
Vitamin B tablets

Here it is worth mentioning a few representatives that are necessary for excellent he alth:

  • B1 – thiamine – sometimes called the energy vitamin.
  • B7 - biotin - required for hemoglobin synthesisand glucose, which provides energy to nerve and brain cells. Try those pills for fatigue and drowsiness that contain a group of these vitamins. Often manufacturers label them as B-complex.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - beauty vitamin. The condition of the skin, nails and hair depends on its concentration.
  • B3 (niacin) - it is he who helps the body convert food into energy.
  • B6 is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and antibodies.
  • B12 regulates the immune system. Its deficiency leads to early baldness in both men and women.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - is involved in the energy production process of all cells.

Thus, these tablets against drowsiness and fatigue will help you solve a whole range of problems and strengthen your body. Some of the most effective are B-complexes from Thorne, Nature's Bounty, Country Life. The most affordable domestic ones include AlfaVit, Angiovit, Kombilipen Tabs, Pentovit.

There are such pills for drowsiness and fatigue during the day and for children. For a child, they can be purchased not only in tablets, but also in syrup. Among the best children's vitamin preparations are Megafood Kids B-complex, "Pikovit", "Alphabet Our Baby", "Multi-tabs Kid", "Adivit".

In order for B vitamins to be well absorbed, they must be taken correctly. Supplements should be taken at the same time of day. Tablets should be taken with water only, and should not be used too hot.or cold drink.

Vitamin D deficiency

Foods with vitamin D
Foods with vitamin D

Its deficiency is especially felt in winter with insufficient sunlight. There is a feeling of fatigue, the heartbeat quickens, the quality of sleep decreases. In addition, the production of this substance by the body decreases with age.

When eliminating the lack of vitamin D, bones are strengthened, lethargy disappears. However, you should carefully monitor the dosage and it is better to consult your doctor before taking it. Some adherents argue that a daily dose of 1000 mcg is the minimum amount for residents of the northern regions. However, most doctors believe that this dose is already extremely dangerous and is applicable only for the elderly, only in winter and only once a week, otherwise it will lead to destruction of bone tissue and liver.

Vitamin C deficiency

Foods with vitamin C
Foods with vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, familiar from childhood, helps release norepinephrine, which increases tone and improves mood. So its lack can also lead to a breakdown.

But do not assume that the best sleepiness pills contain a complete set of vitamins. Unfortunately, when taken at the same time, many of them block the action of each other, so it is better to divide their use by time.


This is also one of the possible causes of weakness and lethargy. Antihistamines of older generations are especially affected. But hormonal contraceptives, analgesics, and evenmedicines that reduce blood pressure. Read the list of side effects on the medicine you are using and ask your doctor for advice. Perhaps it will be possible to pick up something as effective, but without consequences.

Thyroid malfunctions

Thyroid medications
Thyroid medications

The thyroid gland synthesizes the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). They regulate not only brain activity, but also the metabolic rate. Therefore, if you began to not only fall asleep on the go, but also gain weight, most likely you have problems with the thyroid gland.

Other symptoms of problems with this organ: sensitivity to cold, which can be expressed in wearing out of season clothes, excessive sweating, especially of the palms. And the most obvious, but appearing only in the last stages of the development of the disease, is goiter, an external thickening on the neck caused by the growth of the thyroid gland and leading to shortness of breath and dry cough.

It is best to go to an endocrinologist and have a blood test done. But, if suddenly you have no time, you do not trust doctors or simply do not have the opportunity to contact them, try taking medications to maintain the thyroid gland. Good pills for drowsiness and lethargy of this type contain not only iodine and tyrosine, but also selenium, zinc and copper. Effective drugs include Triiodothyronine 50 and L-thyroxine from Berlin-Chemie, Tyrozol, Thyroid Energy from Now Foods, Thyroxin + Thyroid Cofactors from Thorne Research.

Do not be zealous and apply iodinea mesh on all parts of the body and kilograms of seaweed - an excess of iodine is much more harmful than its lack. And do not forget that all drugs are recommended to be washed down with warm water. Mineral and carbonated waters block the action of many active substances and irritate the mucous membranes, while citrus juices can completely destroy some trace elements. Moreover, it is recommended to use drugs after such juices no earlier than 24 hours later. Also, be sure to read the instructions before use - it should indicate whether you need to take sleepiness tablets with food, before or after it - this factor is extremely important for the speed of absorption of vitamins.


A walk on the bike
A walk on the bike

Those who have to constantly sit for several hours often feel the urge to fall asleep in the middle of the workday. This is usually explained by stagnation: without movement and physical activity, the blood supply in the blood vessels slows down, and the brain begins to feel a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

The solution to this problem is simple: you need to periodically do a warm-up, at least walk to the toilet or kettle and back. Stand up, walk around, do rotational exercises for the neck and arms (besides, they will help in the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome). It usually only takes a few minutes for sluggishness to give way to cheerfulness.

It is also important to compensate for the lack of sports in your free time. The best choice would be cycling in the parks in summer or skiing in winter, running or brisk walking, swimming.


Products with iron
Products with iron

Anemia is a decrease in the blood level of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and, as a result, hemoglobin. Erythrocytes carry oxygen to all cells, and if they are not enough, then all the vital signs of the body and the speed of its work decrease. There is a desire to sleep, weakness, fatigue and dizziness. For diagnosis, it is best to do a blood test.

Although there are several reasons for anemia. Its most common type is iron deficiency (IDA). With this disease, vitamins and minerals are prescribed that contain iron or improve its absorption. Often prescribed "M altofer", "Aktiferrin", "Fenyuls", "Ferlatum". From fatigue pills, I can recommend Thorne Research's Iron Bisglycinate and Thompson's Ideal Iron.


In most people's minds, diabetes is necessarily associated with daily insulin injections, but there are forms of it that are less noticeable. And even with the amount of sweets eaten, its occurrence is not connected. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2) can occur due to disorders in the pancreas, stress, excess weight, pancreatitis, heredity, influenza, chickenpox, rubella, or excessive alcohol consumption. If you notice persistent extreme thirst, decreased vision, frequent urination, numbness of the extremities, pustules on the skin, and slow healing of wounds, you most likely develop diabetes. Another one fromsymptoms - the desire to sleep, especially if it suddenly occurs after eating sweets. For final certainty, a blood sugar test should be performed.

There are many different drugs to combat this disease - Diabeton, Glurenorm, Starlix, Glucophage, Aktos and others, but they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Drowsy during pregnancy

Sleeping pregnant woman at work
Sleeping pregnant woman at work

The phenomenon is frequent and absolutely natural. Several factors contribute to its occurrence. The body of the expectant mother immediately experiences both endocrine changes, sometimes leading to diabetes in pregnant women, and anemia due to the fact that the circulatory system must now provide two organisms, and a lack of all vitamins at once. In addition, pregnant women are often prescribed sedatives that do not contribute to vigor at all.

Of course, it is strongly not recommended to increase the tone with the help of strong tea or coffee, and especially energy drinks. The maximum that you can afford is to ventilate the room more often and keep it at an invigorating temperature of about 21 degrees. If you feel completely sleepy, try drinking a glass of cold enough water in one gulp (unless your doctor has restricted fluid intake due to swelling). Massage your ears or earlobes. Small walks in the fresh air in the morning and evening will also help (of course, if you do not have an exacerbation of symphysitis). Most importantly, avoid overworking.

Sorry, one pill fromthere is not everything, and the list of pills for fatigue and drowsiness is quite large and varied. So do not be discouraged if you do not get a positive effect after taking some drugs from one group, and try others.

General recommendations

In general cases, when there are no pronounced symptoms of the diseases listed above, it is recommended to use various vitamin tinctures and drinks containing eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, ginger, ginseng. Many lovers of Chinese medicine are helped by acupuncture massage and acupuncture. Try aromatherapy - the smells of citrus and coffee invigorate well.

The easiest and most obvious advice

Sometimes, to get rid of a general weakness, you need to change your entire lifestyle:

  1. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Balance your diet, increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  3. Do not overeat (the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime).
  4. When sedentary work hourly do light exercise or just walk.
  5. Increase sleep duration.
  6. Increase the level of physical activity, spend more time outdoors. Ideally, this can be combined by cycling, running, walking or Nordic walking. You can even just walk around the city if you like history and sights.

If you stick to a he althy lifestyle and give your body moderate physical activity, drowsiness will appear only naturallyreasons.
