Pancreatitis is a group of syndromes and diseases characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. In this condition, the secreted enzymes are not released into the duodenum. They are activated in the gland and act on it in a destructive way.
Pancreatitis is characterized by symptoms such as intense pain in the epigastric region, which is sudden, strong and permanent. Most often, discomfort with such inflammation occurs in the left half of the body. In this case, the patient may experience uncontrollable vomiting with an admixture of bile.
To alleviate your condition and eliminate the symptoms of the disease, doctors recommend the use of antispasmodics. With pancreatitis, such drugs are extremely important. They allow you to relieve severe pain syndromes that are caused by spasms (that is, involuntary contractions) of the muscle fibers of the pancreatic tissues.
What are antispasmodics for pancreatitisare the most efficient? How do they work? What is included in their composition? These and other questions are answered below.

General information
Anspasmodics for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are prescribed first. What is it connected with? The fact is that the action of such drugs is aimed at relaxing the muscle fibers of the internal organs, which allows not only to stop the pain syndrome, but also to stimulate blood supply. It should also be noted that the use of the mentioned means does not complicate the process of making a correct diagnosis.
Which antispasmodic is best for pancreatitis?
The degree of therapeutic effect of an antispasmodic is largely determined by the course of the disease (chronic or acute type), the severity of symptoms, the form of release of the drug (tablets, injection solution, etc.), the age of the patient, as well as other diseases that complicate inflammation of the pancreas gland.
Consider the list of antispasmodics (drugs).
For pancreatitis, the following remedies are most often used:
- "Drotaverine" or "No-Shpa";
- "Papaverine";
- Spazmalgon;
- "Atropine";
- "Duspatalin";
- "Platifillin".

"Drotaverine" or "No-Shpa"
This is a myotropic antispasmodic, the active substance of which is drotaverine hydrochloride. With pancreatitis, this medicine is most often prescribed.
"Drotaverine" or "No-Shpa" have a long and pronouncedrelaxing effect on the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs. The effect of the drug in tablets is observed only 30-40 minutes after administration, in this regard, it is used only in the absence of vomiting and severe pain in the patient. Otherwise, an intramuscular injection is prescribed, the therapeutic result of which is noticeable already 7 minutes after the injection.
The use of the above antispasmodics in pancreatitis is prohibited in the following cases:
- under reduced pressure;
- with serious cardiac pathologies, including cardiogenic shock;
- for severe kidney and liver dysfunction;
- with individual intolerance;
- up to 7 years.
During pregnancy and lactation, these medicines should be taken with extreme caution.
For adults with pancreatitis, antispasmodics "Drotaverine" or "No-Shpu" are prescribed 40-80 mg, up to three times a day. The maximum dose per day is 240 mg.
This drug has several dosage forms. All of them contain the same active substance - papaverine hydrochloride.

The use of such an antispasmodic in pancreatitis eliminates pain by reducing pressure in the pancreas, which was caused by spasm of the glandular ducts. Also, the drug helps to restore the outflow of pancreatic juice and bile.
According to the statements of experts, this medicine works most effectively with an intravenous dripinfusion and subcutaneous injection.
The main advantage of this tool is the possibility of its use in pediatric practice. "Papaverine" in the form of suppositories and tablets is prescribed from the age of 6 months, and in the form of an injection solution - from one year.
The dosage of the mentioned drug is selected only by the pediatrician in accordance with the age of the child and the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
Contraindications to the use of "Papaverine" are similar to those of "No-shpy" and "Drotaverine". It is also not prescribed for people with hypothyroidism and glaucoma.
The top three antispasmodics for pancreatitis include such a medication as Spazmalgon. The composition of this medication includes an analgesic (non-narcotic) - metamizole sodium, an m-anticholinergic substance - fenpiverinium bromide, and also a myotropic antispasmodic - pitofenone.

Metamizole is a derivative of pyrazolone. This substance is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. Fenpiverinium (due to the m-anticholinergic effect) has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. As for pitofenone, it acts similarly to papaverine.
The combination of the three mentioned components leads to the elimination of pain, relaxation of smooth muscles and a decrease in body temperature.
For adults and children over 15 years of age, this medication is prescribed orally, after meals, 1-2 tablets, up to three times a day. The daily dosage of "Spasmalgon" should not exceed six tablets.
Duration of treatmentconsidered means is 5 days (no more!). An increase in the daily dosage of the drug or the duration of therapy is possible only after consulting a doctor.
Only a specialist prescribes such a drug for children.
The composition of the agent in question includes such an active substance as atropine sulfate. As for the additional components, they depend on the dosage form of the drug.
The medication in question is an alkaloid. It has anticholinergic activity (that is, it is able to block M-cholinergic receptors).
The use of this medicine contributes to an increase in intraocular pressure, amidriasis, tachycardia, accommodation paralysis, xerostomia. In addition, such a drug has a depressing effect on the secretion of sweat, bronchial and other glands.

Atropine sulfate relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, as well as the urinary and biliary organs and the organs of the digestive system. In other words, the mentioned substance exhibits an antispasmodic effect and acts as an antagonist.
Atropine can be taken orally, injected subcutaneously, into a vein or muscle. The dosage of this medicine is determined by the individual.
The active substance of the mentioned drug is mebeverine hydrochloride. This is a myotropic antispasmodic, which is available in the form of capsules and tablets. With exacerbation of pancreatitis "Duspatalin":
- affects the tone of the sphincter of Oddi;
- reduces pancreatic spasmsducts;
- improves pancreatic function;
- prevents stagnation of pancreatic juice;
- shows minimal side effects.
For the purpose of emergency care during the acute course of the disease, accompanied by severe pain, this medicine is not used. However, in a chronic process, long-term treatment (up to six months) can achieve a stable reduction in the symptoms of pancreatitis.
Duspatalin is taken orally at a dosage of 100 mg, four times a day (or 135 mg, three times a day).
When the clinical effect is achieved, the indicated amount of the drug is gradually reduced.

The main active ingredient of this remedy is platyfillin hydrotartrate. Compared with the drug "Atropine", the medication in question has a less pronounced effect on peripheral m-cholinergic receptors and n-cholinergic receptors (about 5-10 times weaker).
In addition to the antispasmodic effect, Platifillin also has a weak calming effect.
The drug is used orally, parenterally, subcutaneously, intravenously, rectally, and also topically (in ophthalmic practice). The dosage of the drug depends on the route of administration, the indications and the age of the patient.
0, 2% solution of "Platiphyllin" is prescribed for subcutaneous injections as an emergency aid to relieve attacks of acute pain.
This medicine has an extended list of serious side effects, and therefore it is used only under supervisionspecialist.

Other medicines for pancreatitis
What drugs, besides the above, are used for pancreatic pathologies? To eliminate spasms of smooth muscle cells, the following means are acceptable:
- Sparex, Niaspam. These are effective medicines, the main substance of which is mebeverine. However, unlike Duspatalin, they are less expensive.
- "Dicetel" with the active ingredient - pinaverine bromide.
- "Riabal" (the main substance is prifinium bromide). This antispasmodic is also available in the form of a syrup. Most often it is used in pediatric practice in babies from 3 months of age.
- Tablets and Halidor solution.
- Buscopan medicine. This is an effective remedy that is often used to eliminate spastic pain in chronic pancreatitis.
- Drugs "Take", "Maksigan", "Revalgin", "Spazgan", "Spazmalin".
The safest medicines
Any antispasmodics in pancreatitis show a pronounced therapeutic effect. However, we should not forget that such drugs have a rather impressive list of various contraindications. In addition, their uncontrolled intake often causes serious side effects. Therefore, before using any antispasmodics, you should always consult with a specialist.
According to the opinion of most doctors, the least pronounced side effects in patients are observed while taking drugs such as Drotaverine, Spazgan, No-shpa,"Duspatalin" and "Dicetel". It should be remembered that prolonged use of antispasmodics in any dosage forms can also lead to unpleasant phenomena.