Stay afloat and not get sick during the season of colds and colds - this is the main task of many of us. This issue becomes especially relevant when it comes to children. Here you have to look for a variety of drugs, the action of which can strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to diseases. In this situation, many parents choose "Polyoxidonium" for a child, reviews say that after its use, kids get sick less often and begin to constantly go to kindergarten. It is often prescribed by immunologists, but after a thorough examination of the child.
Composition of the drug
"Polyoxidonium" for a child (reviews of some mothers draw attention to the fact that the drug should be prescribed by a specialist and only after studying the immunogram) is most often prescribed in the form of suppositories and dry powder for preparing a solution. Children aged 12 and over can also take pills.
One dragee contains 12 mg of azoximer bromide. Auxiliary components in tablets are stearic acid, lactose monohydrate andpotato starch.
Lyophilisate for the manufacture of suspensions contains the active ingredient azoximer bromide. Available in dosages of 3 mg and 6 mg. Additional ingredients are betacarotene, mannitol and povidone.
Vaginal and rectal suppositories contain azoximer bromide at a dose of 6 mg and 12 mg. The basis is cocoa bean oil, in the amount of 1.3 g per suppository. The secondary substances here are the same components as in the powder for preparing the solution.
Form of release and description

"Polyoxidonium" for a child (reviews of some mothers say that it is not always effective and children continue to get sick after using it as before) has the following release forms, these are:
- pills;
- suppositories for rectal and vaginal administration;
- powder for injection and nasal application.
The drug in tablets is available in blisters of 10 and 20 pieces. Dragees are painted in white-yellowish color. They have a risk, chamfer and the inscription "PO". Minor inhomogeneous inclusions may be observed on their surface.
Lyophilizate for the manufacture of the solution is produced in ampoules and glass vials at a dosage of 4, 5 and 9 mg. Each contour cell contains five ampoules or vials. In total, there are 50 ampoules (vials) in a cardboard box. This package is marked "for hospitals". The medicine is hygroscopic and sensitive to light.
Suppositories have a torpedo shape and are colored yellowish. When using them, you can feel the unobtrusive aroma of cocoa. There are five of them in a blister. There are two blisters in the package.

"Polyoxidonium" for a child (reviews say that the drug facilitates the course of the disease in broncho-pulmonary diseases), doctors advise taking with weak immunity, as this remedy is immunostimulating and increases the resistance of the child's body to the effects of local and generalized infections.
The drug has a direct effect on phagocytic cells and natural killers. Promotes the formation of a large number of antibodies. With repeated immunodeficiency diseases, it restores protective functions. Such an effect of the drug occurs with ailments caused by injuries, various infections, autoimmune processes, burns, malignant neoplasms and a severe postoperative condition. Also, the drug is prescribed to patients who use steroid hormones, chemotherapeutic agents and cytostatics.
In addition to immunomodulatory properties, "Polyoxidonium" is characterized by detoxification and antioxidant properties. It rids the body of toxins and s alts of heavy metals. Suppresses oxidative reactions. Due to this effect on the body, the drug is successfully used in the complex treatment of cancer patients. In this case, it reduces the intoxication of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which helps to avoid the negative consequences of these procedures.
Appointment "Polyoxidonium" for repeatedimmunodeficiency states increases the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment and reduces its duration. Increases the period of remission of certain diseases and reduces the period of use of antibiotics, bronchodilators and glucocorticosteroids.
The drug is well tolerated, mitogenic, has polyclonal activity and is endowed with antigenic properties. Does not adversely affect the body.
Indications for the use of "Polyoxidonium"

Reviews for children (the price of the drug fluctuates around a thousand rubles) say that the drug increases the protective functions of the body, and the child gets sick much less after its use.
For children, the drug is prescribed for bacteriovirus and fungal diseases in the acute and chronic stages. It is recommended to use in the severe stage of allergies and in case of toxic poisoning of the body. The purpose is bronchial asthma, complicated by diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A drug is prescribed for atopic dermatitis with purulent foci, dysbacteriosis and for faster rehabilitation of protracted diseases. It is used as a preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of influenza and SARS.
Tablets "Polyoxidonium": instructions for use

Price (reviews children are not advised to prescribe the drug on their own, without consulting a doctor, as this is a very strong immunostimulating drug,which is not fully understood) is high enough for some mothers and therefore not everyone can afford to buy it.
Pills are taken in two ways: orally and sublingually. The pill is drunk half an hour before the main meal. For adults, the daily dose is 24 mg per day, and children over the age of twelve years should consume no more than 12 ml per day. The medicine is prescribed up to 3 times a day.
The drug is prescribed sublingually for various diseases of the mouth and pharynx. The maximum daily dose is 24 mg, it is divided into two doses, each of which dissolves 12 mg. The interval between taking the drug should be at least 12 hours. Treatment lasts up to 14 days.
If mouth diseases are caused by herpetic and fungal infections and have become severe, then the drug is recommended to be taken 12 mg up to three times a day. The interval between taking pills is eight hours.
In chronic otitis media and sinusitis, take one tablet twice a day. Duration of admission 5-10 days.
For chronic tonsillitis, dissolve one pill three times a day, maintaining an interval between taking the medicine equal to eight hours. Duration of therapy up to two weeks.
Chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases are treated with a dose of 24 mg, which should be taken in two divided doses. The course lasts up to two weeks.
For the prevention of influenza and SARS, if the patient is sick more than four times a year, the drug is used twice a day. Treatment lasts up to 15 days.
Oral intaketablets are prescribed for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. Here, for an adult, the norm is 24 mg (two tablets), for children from 12 years old - 12 mg. The course is two weeks.
How to use candles

Often recommend a child for the prevention of colds suppositories for rectal use "Polyoxidonium". Instructions (candles for children are advised to enter carefully, since they are allowed for use only from the age of 6, and when used at an earlier age they are divided into two parts) recommends consulting a doctor before using the drug.
The drug in this form is used once at night, but each case is individual and the duration of treatment is controlled by a specialist. The drug can be used every day, as well as in a day or two.
According to the dosage, the drug "Polyoxidonium" is divided into two categories:
- Suppositories 6 mg for children (reviews of some patients say that they are less effective than injections) are prescribed from the age of six.
- 12mg suppositories indicated to improve immunodeficiency in adults.
If suppositories are used rectally, then before introducing them into the body, the intestines are completely emptied. The intravaginal medication is used once a night.
According to the generally accepted scheme, suppositories, regardless of dosage, are used once a day, for three days. In the future, candles are used every other day. The course treatment includes 10-20 suppositories. Repeat therapy if necessarythree to four months later.
Patients with chronic immunodeficiency, immunosuppressive treatment, oncology, and HIV-infected persons after exposure should use the drug for a long time, from three months to a year. Here, not therapeutic, but supportive therapy is shown more. In this case, suppositories are administered 1-2 times a week.
Instructions for using the powder

Assign "Polyoxidonium" to the nose of children (reviews say that this is an excellent tool for the prevention of colds and flu) with adenoids and other diseases of the oral cavity. The drug can be administered to babies parenterally and sublingually. The route of administration and dose should be selected by the attending physician.
With intramuscular and intravenous use, "Polyoxidonium" is prescribed to children, starting from the age of three months, daily, every other day or twice every seven days, 100-150 mcg / kg. In total, 5-10 procedures need to be done.
When inflammatory processes occur, the drug is recommended to be administered every other day at a dose not exceeding 100 mcg / kg. Duration of treatment -7 days.
In chronic diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, the drug is used at 150 mcg / kg, twice every 7 days. Course - ten injections.
If there is an allergic or toxic-allergic disease in an acute form, then the medicine is used intravenously (drip) at 15 mcg / kg in combination with other antiallergic drugs.
For severe allergies drugadministered intramuscularly at a dosage of 100 mcg/kg. The break between injections is 1-2 days, the course is 5 procedures.
To prepare a liquid for intramuscular injection, a 3 mg ampoule or glass vial is dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection, which, if necessary, can be replaced with 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
For intravenous injections, a 3 mg ampoule or glass vial is diluted in 1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride.
Intranasal and sublingual use

Can be used not only for injections, but also intranasally, sublingually immunomodulating agent "Polyoxidonium". Nose drops for children (reviews say that such an administration of the drug is less effective than injection, but more gentle, since the injections are very painful) normally 150 mcg / kg is used for 5-10 days, that is, 1-3 drops alternately in the left and right nostrils or under the tongue, every three hours.
Drops of "Polyoxidonium" for children (reviews say that they prevent the occurrence of viral and infectious diseases well) are injected into each nostril 1-3 drops. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 hours.
For five kilograms of weight should be five drops of the drug per day, which is 0.25 ml of solution. If the child's weight is 10 kg, then ten drops or 0.5 ml of the drug are administered to him. Accordingly, fifteen drops or 0.75 ml of the lyophilizate should fall on a weight of 15 kg, and twenty drops or 1 ml of the drug are recommended for a body weight of 20 kg.
Forpreparation of a solution of 3 mg of powder is diluted in 1 ml of distilled water. You can use ordinary boiled water to prepare the Polyoxidonium lyophilisate. One drop of the drug contains about 150 micrograms of azoximer bromide. Its concentration is calculated based on the child's body weight.
The finished solution is stored in the refrigerator for a week. Before use, the pipette with the solution is heated to a temperature of +20-25°C.
Contraindications and side effects
The drug does not cause side effects. Sometimes, after injections, there may be a slight pain in the area where the drug is injected into the muscle.
The medicine should not be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The ban on the use is individual intolerance to the components in the composition of the product and the age of the child up to six months.
Especial care should be taken when using the drug in patients with acute renal failure and in children under 6 months.
Special Instructions
Advises for muscle pain after injection to prepare Polyoxidonium powder with 25% procaine solution instructions for use, reviews children recommend administering this drug to the body strictly as prescribed by the doctor, but provided that the patient does not have an allergic reaction for procaine.
When administered intravenously, the drug is not diluted in protein-containing infusion solutions.
"Polyoxidonium" is sold only in pharmacies and is released only by prescription. Price depending ondrug release forms may vary. So, a powder for preparing a 3 mg solution costs about 650 rubles for five ampoules, and about 1050 rubles will have to be paid for 6 mg of the drug. The price of vaginal and rectal suppositories with a dosage of 6 mg is about 800 rubles, and 950 rubles will have to be paid for 12 mg suppositories. The cost of a pack of ten tablets is 750 rubles.
Often prescribed for prolonged colds and serious illnesses "Polyoxidonium" for children, doctors say that this is an indispensable tool in the treatment of a number of infectious diseases. The drug does not cause side effects and is easily tolerated by patients. The treatment regimen for each patient is selected individually.
Candles "Polyoxidonium" for children under one year old (reviews indicate its positive effect on the body and note a reduction in the period of the disease when taking this drug) is advised to be administered with caution.
Many parents claim that the drug improves immunity, reduces the duration of the disease. It is noted that injections are most effective, although they are very painful and not all children are able to withstand them. Pay attention to the fact that this is a strong drug and it should be prescribed by an immunologist after studying the immunogram. Parents advise not to rush to buy it and recommend taking a drug sensitivity test.
Negative opinions about the drug claim that it has no positive effect on the body and is a placebo. They note its high cost and lack of research. It is claimed that it can be dangerous for the immune systemchild and interferes with the formation of natural protective functions.