In the article we will consider the instructions for brewer's yeast in the form of tablets. They are considered a popular biological food supplement. The tool has many useful properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. The order in which yeast is consumed directly depends on the expected end result, and in addition, on the state of the body.

Beer yeast reviews abound.
Product composition
Beer yeast are single-celled organisms that belong to the fungi class. They have many useful enzymes and other components that are involved in accelerating the oxidation of carbohydrates. Brewer's yeast is a storehouse of mineral components. They contain magnesium along with phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and other components. In addition to vitamins, brewer's yeast contains natural highly digestible protein and essential nutrients.amino acids.
Due to its rich composition, in medical practice this product is recommended as an excellent prophylactic that increases the body's resistance to various diseases and stress, and in addition, improves overall well-being along with tone, increasing efficiency. Today, many drugs are sold, the active ingredient of which is brewer's yeast.

Beer yeast and its benefits
Beer yeast is very beneficial for the human body. This product normalizes metabolic processes, improves digestion and absorption of food and increases appetite. According to the instructions for brewer's yeast, this dietary supplement improves and restores the functioning of the digestive system, supporting the normal functioning of the pancreas and stimulating the process of removing toxins from it. Thanks to all these properties, the overall functioning of the body improves. Brewer's yeast serves as a means of replenishing the supply of B vitamins in the body.
They are especially useful for diabetics, as they contain a lot of chromium, which stimulates the body to fight glucose. Yeast allows you to cope with physical and emotional stress, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. This dietary supplement helps to maintain the acid and alkaline balance of biofluids in the human body.
Skin Improvement
Against the background of the use of brewer's yeast in people, the skin of the face improves significantly. Yeast especially helps with problematic and oily skin, whichcharacterized by enlarged pores, acne and acne. Improves yeast and hair condition while strengthening roots and eliminating dandruff. They can be used externally as masks. Recipes for making masks from yeast are very effective, but judging by the reviews, they have a drawback, which is that after their application a strong and persistent yeast smell from the hair appears, which cannot be washed off easily.
Beer's yeast favors the strengthening of the immune system, showing a high antioxidant effect and preventing early aging. In addition, they are a good prevention of liver cancer. Often, brewer's yeast is recommended to be taken in order to gain weight or, conversely, for weight loss. True, in each case, the approach to using the drug will be different.

Which brewer's yeast is best for acne, interesting to many.
A feature of brewer's yeast is their ability to increase the content of good cholesterol in the body. At the same time, bad cholesterol, on the contrary, decreases. For example, taking two tablespoons of brewer's yeast just once a day for two months can help reduce cholesterol by ten percent.
The use of brewer's yeast is also useful for wounds and cuts, as the active components of this remedy have the property of accelerating the regenerative process in tissues.
Indications for use
Beer yeast tablets, due to their rich composition, are a storehouse of vitamins and are suitable for treating a wide range ofall kinds of diseases. So, the presented tool is used in the following cases:
- If you have diabetes.
- In the recovery period after serious illness, to combat malnutrition in order to gain weight, and in addition, to compensate for nutritional deficiencies.
- As part of the prevention of hypovitaminosis.
- With permanent cracks in the corners of the mouth.
- With an unbalanced diet.
- Against the background of obesity.
- For diseases of the digestive system.
- Against the background of furunculosis with juvenile acne.
- In the presence of dermatoses against the background of various nervous conditions.
- For eczema and psoriasis.
- Against the background of the development of anemia.
- When exposed to chemicals and radiation.
- Against the background of disturbed metabolic processes.
- With brittleness and excessive dryness of hair and nails. At the same time, patients experience an improvement in their condition after one and a half months of taking it.
- Against the background of intense physical activity.
- For the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- For neuralgia.
- For oily and problematic skin.

How to use it correctly?
Beer yeast tablets are taken in courses for two months, taking into account existing problems. Improvement usually occurs after a month of daily use. Within one year, no more than three preventive courses can be carried out at intervals of three months.
For prevention, one tablet three times a daya day, adults take the remedy, as well as children over twelve years of age. Large dosages of yeast should be agreed with a specialist.
Children from three to seven years old are recommended to take yeast at 0.25 grams once a day. And for those over seven years old, you can take 0.5 grams twice between meals.

Way to get rid of acne
The composition of brewer's yeast is unique. Many people know that they effectively help people with acne. Brewer's yeast is rich in a whole complex of various minerals, and in addition, vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body. The main advantage of yeast is that it can restore the natural balance of the intestinal microflora.
In addition to its positive effect on the digestive system, brewer's yeast can also have a positive effect on the skin. They have a positive effect on the skin of the face. Many girls who do not have acne drink yeast in order to improve their complexion. Thanks to the trace elements contained in them, the complexion becomes smoother, and the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Which brewer's yeast is best for acne?
Let's take a closer look at the most popular brewer's yeast:
- "Nagypol 2" - this yeast is available in tablet form, it contains a large amount of amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
- "Evisent" is a preparation based on brewer's yeast in tablet form with an additional addition of sulfur. The tool allows you to eliminatedeficiency of B vitamins, positively affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. It copes well with subcutaneous acne.
- "Ekko-Plus" - under this brand a number of different brewer's yeast is produced.
- "Osokor" - the use of this yeast supplement can reduce the severity of any skin rashes, including acne. Brewer's yeast contains carotene, which has a positive effect on hair and nails, as well as vitamin C, sulfur, zinc and selenium in the form of oxides.
In the treatment of acne, yeast is used before meals so that food is better absorbed. It is optimal to use them twenty minutes before eating products. A more detailed course of treatment should be checked with your doctor.
Side effects
According to reviews of brewer's yeast, their intake can, in addition to benefit, bring harm in the form of various adverse reactions. If the prescribed rate of this remedy is exceeded, people may experience undesirable symptoms in the form of allergic reactions, for example, hives and itching may occur.

Contraindications for taking
Despite all the benefits of this tool, there are some contraindications that must be considered before using it. So, you should not use this remedy in the following cases:
- If you have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Against the background of kidney disease.
- Due to its nucleic acid content, this product is contraindicated in the elderly.
- With atrophyoptic nerve, which is a genetic disorder.
- Against the background of fungal diseases.
- Children under the age of three.
- Pregnancy and gout.
Next, let's get acquainted with the reviews of consumers who use brewer's yeast for prevention and treatment.

On the Internet, people write about brewer's yeast that this remedy perfectly improves immunity. In particular, people like the natural composition of this drug, due to which it is of low toxicity and practically does not cause any side effects.
Very satisfied with the use of this supplement by women who use it to improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair. It is reported that this tool actually significantly strengthens the hair, and the skin gives a he althy and even tone. This tool is no less effective in getting rid of acne.
What other brewer's yeast reviews are there?
The disadvantages of some consumers include the fact that against the background of taking brewer's yeast, allergic reactions may occur. Many also do not like their smell, which, for example, remains after applying hair or face masks. Yeast also tastes a bit nasty, according to reviews.