Every day the inhabitants of our big planet face the impact of aggressive environmental factors. Household chemicals in the kitchen and in the shower, dyes and artificial flavors in dishes, industrial allergens are in the air. All these factors test human he alth for strength, provoking the development of unwanted allergic reactions. The risk of developing a similar condition in young children is extremely high, whose body and immunity have not yet had time to strengthen.

Symptomatology in the manifestation of allergies is diverse. The most striking manifestations are:
- runny nose;
- lacrimation;
- sneeze;
- reddish eyes.
Separately distinguish manifestations on the skin, such as:
- rash;
- redness;
- itch;
- irritation;
- burning;
- dryness and flaking.

An allergic reaction can occur to anything. Therefore, during treatment, the first thing to do is to calculate the allergen. It can be a food, medicine, animal or substance. Following this, the allergen is excluded from the patient's life and a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed until the state of normalization.
And allergy creams for baby will surely help to eliminate skin manifestations of allergies, such as rashes or redness.
Mechanism of action of medicinal creams against allergies
All organisms are different, their reactions are also individual. Therefore, it is quite natural if someone’s body reacts violently to an allergen and rather big blisters appear on the body, and someone has minor skin rashes. As a rule, rashes with allergies stimulate itching. Young children are not able to control their actions, therefore, most likely, they will begin to comb the affected area to ease their torment. The injured area becomes a site of attack by microbes, where the likelihood of an inflammatory process increases. To avoid this unfavorable sequence for the baby, it is very important to use antibacterial drugs.
You can solve problems with rashes on children's skin if you correctly select an antiallergic agent for treatment:
- Active compounds in the allergy cream for a child quickly relieve itching and swelling, stop inflammation and block the production of antibodies.
- Antiallergic cream shrinksrisk of subsequent irritation.
- The condition and mood of the child are improved by the action of the cream.
Important! Most cases of selection of antiallergic cream require a professional look. To do this, you need to show the child to a he alth worker. The use of drugs without prescription is possible when the nature of the origin of the rashes is insect bites or a one-time violation of a hypoallergenic diet.
Varieties of antiallergic creams
The main classification of allergy creams is divided into two types: hormonal and non-hormonal.
Non-hormonal allergy creams for children are used when the manifestations of the disease are "light". List of effective and common drugs today:
- "Bepanten".
- "D-Panthenol".
- "Bepanten plus".
- "Gistan".
- "Actovegin".
- "Mustela StelAtopia".
- "La Cree".
- "Fenistil".
- "Elidel".
- "Skin Cap".
- "Desitin".
- "Woundheal".
- "Solcoseryl".
- "Protopic".
- "Radevit Active".
- "Videstim".
Hormonal allergy creams for children are drugs intended for severe allergy symptoms when the above remedies do not help. The composition of such creams includes synthetic substances that actanalogues of human hormones, which are responsible for reducing the inflammatory process in the body. The use of hormonal anti-allergic creams is possible only if the inflammation is not caused by an infection.
List of hormonal allergy creams for kids:
- Elokom.
- "Advantan".
- "Akriderm".
- "Sinaflan".
A popular and highly effective cream for allergies in a child is "Bepanten", which is often used in the primary stages of the development of the disease. The cream has been widely used in the care of small and even newborn children, as it acts as a stimulator of soft tissue regeneration. It is sold in the form of a cream and ointment for children from allergies. Gives a high result in the fight against increased dryness of the skin.

Significantly increases the regenerating properties of damaged skin: abrasions, burns, cuts. Cream "Bepanten Plus" has similar therapeutic effects.
Cream "Bepanthen" with allergies in a child causes side effects in the form of minor itching in individual cases.
Contraindications are high sensitivity to the components of the cream.
Treatment method: apply the cream 1 or 2 times a day on the child's irritated skin.
Price - from 775 rubles per 100 grams.
The cost of "Bepanthen Plus" - from 795 rubles per 100 grams.
Cream for external use,assigned at:
- diaper dermatitis;
- cracks;
- scratches;
- sunburn;
- ulcers;
- chapped skin or exposure to frost.
Increases the regeneration of soft tissues, contains B vitamins and enhances the strength of collagen fibers. It has an anti-inflammatory effect while softening the skin. Side effects are not observed.
Contraindication: hypersensitivity to the active composition of the drug.
How to use: the cream is applied to the affected area of the skin two to four times a day, if necessary, it is allowed to increase the number of applications. Treat the infected area with an antiseptic in advance.
Price - from 280 rubles for 25 grams.
"Gistan" from the category of effective and inexpensive allergy creams for children. The list of side effects has been reduced to a minimum, including only individual intolerance to the ingredients. Cream with natural active ingredients: chamomile, lily of the valley, string, immortelle and vitamin supplements. Natural extracts almost instantly relieve itching, forming a film on the child's skin that blocks the penetration of allergens inside. The cream increases cellular metabolism.
Treatment Method: Apply a thin layer to the skin once a day.
Price - from 220 rubles for 30 ml.
The cream is intended for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time. usethe drug is strictly prescribed by the doctor. The cream accelerates the healing of soft tissues and improves blood flow. May be used on open wounds. "Actovegin" - an allergy cream for children under one year old is prohibited for use due to increased sensitivity to the components of the composition.
Other contraindications: heart failure and pulmonary edema.
How to use: apply the cream under the bandage 2-4 times a day. The exact amount of application is determined by the attending physician at an internal appointment. The course of treatment can last up to two months.
Cost - from 125 rubles per 100 grams.
"Mustela StelAtopia" (Mustela StelAtopia)
The universal oil emulsion in the form of an allergy cream for a child, "Mustela Stelatopia", also disappears from the list of wound healing prophylactic agents. The drug combines antipruritic, restorative and anti-inflammatory features. Additionally cares for baby's skin, deeply moisturizing and nourishing it. The cream has no side effects.
How to use: twice a day, apply to the skin or add to baths when bathing a child.

The cost is quite high - from 1250 rubles for 200 ml.
La Cree
Apply "La Cree" (allergy cream for children's skin) for deep hydration and nourishment. The active composition, which includes jojoba and shea oils, violet flower extracts and wheat germ, does its job well, preventing moisture from evaporating.
Treatment method: apply the cream on the skin20-30 minutes before bedtime.
The price varies from 130 to 320 rubles for 30 grams.
Antihistamine creams and gels, such as "Fenistil", are allowed to be used for children after the first month of life. Especially good to use after insect bites.

When applied, it produces a cooling effect, alleviating the condition of the child. The action of "Fenistil" occurs a few minutes after application to the skin, and the maximum effect is achieved after one hour.
Side effects:
- dry skin;
- burning in the application area;
- rash;
- itch.
Method of application: for a child from allergies, the remedy is applied to the affected areas 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is short and lasts only 3-5 days.
Important! It is forbidden to expose the treated skin areas to ultraviolet rays. It is better not to apply the drug on large areas of the skin in children.
Price - from 395 rubles per 30 grams.
Cream for children with skin allergies, atopic dermatitis and eczema showed the highest results.

Contraindications: baby under three months of age or acute skin infection. Side effects, if they occur, are expressed by itching and swelling of the skin.
Important! Unconfirmed sources claim that long-term use of Elidel can provoke the development of melanoma.
Methodtreatment: the cream is applied twice a day, rubbing until absorbed.
Price - from 910 rubles for 15 grams.
Skin Cap
Means of the Spanish manufacturer. Antibacterial and antifungal cream for children against skin allergies. The active composition contains zinc pyrithione, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation, itching and flaking of the skin. Also effective for seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.
How to use: apply 2 times a day to the skin. The course for dermatitis lasts a maximum of four weeks, for psoriasis it can be extended up to one and a half months.
Price - from 960 rubles for 15 grams.
Used as diaper rash cream. The basis of the drug is zinc oxide, aimed at combating dermatitis. Protects skin from dryness and moisture loss. The allergy cream for children does not have a list of side effects, which is a definite plus when choosing a safe care product for a child.
Method of treatment: the cream is applied to the protected skin (without damage) three times a day.
Price - from 240 rubles for 50 ml.
Effective good cream for children from allergies and not only. Indicated for psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and even sunburn.

The composition is enriched with natural extracts of yarrow and propolis. Side effects may be manifested by an allergic reaction to bee products in the composition.
Treatment method: apply a thin layer on damaged skin. Number of applicationsdetermined by the attending dermatologist. The course of treatment is from 7 to 30 days, which depends on the severity of the disease.
Price - from 155 rubles per 30 grams.
Improves metabolic processes in skin cells. Widely applicable in cases where wounds do not heal for a long time, as well as injuries and sunburn.
Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
Sometimes side effects: burning and itching.
How to use: Apply the product to the skin two or three times a day. The course of treatment continues until a complete cure.
Price - from 295 rubles for 15 grams.
The tool has established itself as a highly effective drug for the local treatment of severe forms of dermatitis.

Proven high anti-inflammatory action without epidermal atrophy.
Side effects:
- often manifested - itching and burning;
- rarely occurring - feelings of warmth,
- redness, extremely rare - soreness.
- do not use for children under two years of age;
- hypersensitivity to composition.
How to use: apply an allergy cream to the skin twice a day. On the face of children and the neck, it is also allowed to use, including the areas of folds.
Price - from 670 rubles for 15 grams.
Radevit Active
It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory andantipruritic action. Contains vitamins: A, D and E. Significantly improves the regenerative functions of skin cells. Stabilizes the processes of keratinization, and also increases the protective properties of the epidermis.

Greatly moisturizes treated skin. Indicated for use in burns and cracks, allergic reactions and atopic dermatitis.
- individual intolerance;
- hypervitaminosis with vitamins A, D, E.
Side effects occur when the drug is used in the acute period, then there is increased itching and skin rashes.
Treatment regimen: apply a thin layer on the skin twice a day. With severe peeling, it is allowed to use under a bandage. The course of treatment is individual.
Price - from 360 rubles per 30 grams.
The active ingredient is retinol (vitamin A). Due to retinol, the antiallergic agent is designed to improve the natural functions of skin cells. Used for eczema, dermatitis and hard-to-heal wounds and abrasions.
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- high content of retinol in the body;
- acute inflammatory process;
- simultaneous use with a number of tetracycline drugs;
- very rare allergic reactions.
How to use: the product is applied to the skin early in the morning and late in the evening twice a day. Cracks and abrasions before use"Videstim" is treated with an antiseptic. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, usually limited to three months.
Cost - from 105 rubles per 10 grams.
Hormonal allergy cream for children. The basis is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Used for allergic dermatoses.
Possible side effects:
- polyweed;
- dry;
- itchy skin;
- burning in the application area;
- contact dermatitis.
Contraindications: Not for use by children under 6 months of age.
Method of treatment: strictly as directed by a dermatologist. Do not apply to skin areas larger than 1/8 of the entire body surface. The course of treatment should not be more than a week, as a rule, depends on the severity of the disease. At the end of the course, before use, the product is mixed with baby cream.
Cost - from 170 rubles for 15 grams.
Use the hormonal "Advantan" cream for children against allergies, atopic dermatitis, eczema and allergic dermatoses. This medicine contains methylprednisolone.
Side effects:
- itch;
- burning skin;
- rash;
- reddening of the skin;
- sometimes puffiness.
Contraindications: children under four months of age.
The scheme and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Usually the scheme is as follows: applying a thin layer of cream to the affected area of the skin. Course of treatment for childrenis no more than four weeks.
Price - from 560 rubles for 15 grams.

A distinctive feature of the Akriderm hormonal cream is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This means that the drug is able to fight not only allergic manifestations, but also infection.
Antifungal antiallergic drug. Effective against lichen, dermatoses and skin infections.
Side effects in rare cases:
- burning;
- irritation;
- dry.
- dry skin;
- children under 1 year old;
- hypersensitivity to components.
Treatment method: apply the cream in a thin layer once or twice a day in the morning and evening. Otherwise, the frequency of application is determined by the dermatologist. The duration of therapy is usually 2-4 weeks.
Price - from 390 rubles for 15 grams.
Anti-allergic topical hormonal drug that relieves inflammation and itching. Used for psoriasis, lichen, eczema and seborrhea. With prolonged use, it causes skin atrophy, stretching and damage to the skin. Contraindications: bacterial and viral infections of the skin.
How to use: apply to the skin three times a day, rubbing lightly. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
Cost - from 85 rubles for 15 grams.
Safeuse of antiallergic drugs for children
So that the treatment with the chosen remedy does not bring complications and does not develop into negative reviews, the allergy cream for children should be used, adhering to several recommendations:
- You can not prescribe treatment yourself, even if the description of the child's symptoms is identical to the alleged disease. Only the attending physician can prescribe treatment after an internal examination and clinical diagnostic studies, as well as the individual characteristics of the child's skin. Only a specialist knows what kind of cream to smear a child with allergies in order to get a positive result. This requirement mainly applies to hormonal drugs, which, if prescribed by mistake, can provoke changes in the work of the child's adrenal glands and blood counts.
- To avoid side effects, it is advisable to conduct a test reaction for sensitivity to the components of the drug before using an antiallergic cream. To do this, apply a small amount of cream (the size of a pea) to the inner surface of the child's elbow. As a rule, the reaction manifests itself within a day. If this does not happen, and the skin remains clean, you can use the cream without fear.
- You need to pay attention to the amount of cream applied, dosage, method of application (rubbing or dressing) then the result will be effective.
- Baby cream, which is used in the usual life of caring for a baby, is able to reduce the impact of active ingredients. If before applicationmix an antiallergic agent with a baby cream and apply to the skin in the manner indicated in the instructions, the activity of the drug will decrease.
- Maximum absorption and effectiveness of antiallergic agents can be achieved by pre-cleansing the skin. To do this, wash the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with warm water using soap. When finished, soak with a soft cloth or towel.
- During the period of exacerbation of skin reactions, it is better to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and the use of aggressive household chemicals with dyes and artificial flavors in the composition.