At all times, people strived to look perfect. However, for a perfect body, only clean skin and hair, well-groomed nails and excellent makeup are not enough. Various skin growths (papillomas) can develop a real inferiority complex, as well as cause a negative feeling in strangers. How to remove papillomas with tea tree oil?
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It's no secret that in most people of our planet on the body you can find at least one skin formation - papilloma. Few people know that warts are a viral disease, and these viruses can be in the human body for almost its entire life. However, with a significant decrease in immunity or with a weakened state of the body, skin growths can form on the body. As a rule, such formations are a benign tumor, and with proper treatment, warts can be permanently eliminated. Nowadays, there are many ways to cleanse the skin: cauterization of warts with a laser, cryotherapy, surgical removal, treatment of papillomas with tea tree oil or celandine. However, a person infected with HPV (human papillomavirus) should be on the alert, because at any time the neoplasm may appear again.
Let's talk about butter
Medicine and cosmetology do not stand still, so removing papillomas from the skin has now become much easier. However, not all methods are safe and painless. One of the miraculous remedies for clearing skin from neoplasms is tea tree (essential oil from papillomas helps in 80% of cases).

Those people who have already tried the drug on themselves are simply delighted with the effect obtained, because in fact, tea tree oil from papillomas helps very well. This is due to the fact that the tool contains a huge amount of terpenoids that destroy the shell of harmful viruses and microbes. In addition, tea oil has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
It is worth noting that all these miraculous properties are inherent only in natural tea tree oil. Before purchasing the drug, it is better to first familiarize yourself with its composition, because ineffective oil mixtures have become increasingly common on sale.
How to use the product?
Removal of papilloma with tea tree oil should be done with caution, because the drug is very strong and cancause significant damage to he althy skin. The product can be used both in pure form and in a diluted state. It is best to dilute the oil with aloe juice or an ordinary aqueous solution. When diluting an oil product, it is best to use equal proportions of the constituent components (observe the 50:50 ratio).
It should be noted that essential oils are not for everyone. Many people experience various allergic reactions when using oil products, and tea tree oil is no exception. From papillomas, the drug should be used only in the absence of discomfort. Before starting treatment, the patient should do a trial test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a person needs to apply a small amount of essential oil to the surface of the skin and wait at least 30 minutes. The most suitable place for allergy testing is considered to be the crook of the wrist or elbow. After applying the product to the skin, a person may experience unpleasant and even painful sensations (burning, itching and redness of the epidermis). In such a situation, tea tree oil from papillomas should be used only in a diluted form. In the event that there are no unpleasant sensations, then an undiluted drug can be used.
Getting rid of growths on the legs
Tea tree oil for papillomas on the skin of the feet can be used undiluted, because the skin of the feet is quite rough and difficult to damage. The procedure for removing growths is best done several times a day. A few drops of essential oil should be applied to the papilloma and let the medicine soak intoneoplasm. Due to its properties, the solution completely destroys the blood vessels in the skin growth. Without sufficient blood supply, the wart will gradually dry up and fall off.
Besides applying the oil solution directly to the wart, the patient can also be treated with special foot baths. How to carry out this procedure:
- Into a bowl of warm water, drop a certain amount (enough 10 - 15 drops) of essential oil and mix the resulting solution thoroughly.
- Place both feet in the pelvis and soak them in medicinal water for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a week. Complete removal of papillomas with tea tree oil can last from two to three weeks to six months or even more. The duration of treatment of neoplasms largely depends on their number and degree of germination in the skin.
Papillomas on the body - away

If skin growths are found on other parts of the body (other than the feet), then the use of pure essential oil is not recommended. To remove warts on the body, it is better to use an oil solution diluted with aloe vera and water. The amount of tea tree oil in the prepared preparation should not exceed 50%. The resulting oil solution, on the one hand, will destroy papillomas, and on the other hand, it will not be able to harm he althy skin. It is worth noting that the higher the concentration of the essential oil, the faster the healing process will be.
Genital growths

Not everyone knows that using tea tree oil against papillomas on the genitals, you can get rid of many problems in your personal life. The skin in the intimate area is very sensitive, so the use of the drug in its pure form is not permissible. For the treatment of genital warts in women, it is better to use a gauze bandage or a cotton pad soaked in a dilute oil solution. The procedure for removing papillomas is best done at night. A tea tree oil tampon should be left on all night without removing. If a woman experiences discomfort during treatment, the bandage should be removed immediately.
In the future, a more dilute oil solution should be used for this procedure. With proper treatment, papillomas in the intimate area can be completely removed after 30 days.
Night is the time for healing

For a faster recovery, experts recommend treatment not only during the day, but also at night. To remove papillomas at night, it is necessary to use a more gentle solution. To prepare it, mix 50% olive oil with 50% tea tree oil. The resulting solution must be soaked in a gauze bandage, and then applied to the accumulation of neoplasms. In order to prevent the gauze from shifting during sleep, it is best to fix it with a medical plaster. These bandages should be applied every night until the problem is resolved.
Side effects

Tea tree oil is an excellent remedy for various skin neoplasms. The drug is quite inexpensive and widely available, but due to its properties it is simply unique. Tea tree essential oil is harmless and completely natural, so the only unpleasant moment when using it can be itching, burning and redness of the skin. However, in order to remove negative sensations during application, the oil should be used diluted.
Contraindications for use
Despite its miraculous properties, tea tree essential oil should not be used in the following cases:
- Pregnant and lactating women should not use the drug, so as not to harm the baby.
- Age up to 6 years old. For children, it is better to choose a different way to get rid of papillomas.
- People allergic to tea tree oil. In addition, you should not use this drug for those who have bronchial asthma, skin dermatitis or other allergic manifestations.
- The use of oil is not recommended for significant damage to the skin or burns of the 2nd and 3rd degrees.
Tea tree oil: use for papillomas. Results
Many people, without suspecting it, suffer from a contagious viral disease - papillomavirus. With a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the general condition of the body, or malaise, a person may develop skin growths. The appearance of neoplasms on the skina person can cause an unpleasant and sometimes even squeamish feeling in others. Many citizens try to get rid of papillomas in a variety of ways. One of the effective and inexpensive remedies for getting rid of neoplasms is tea tree oil. From papillomas (reviews of women also speak of genital warts), the patient can completely get rid of in 2 - 4 months.

It is worth noting that to remove warts and other neoplasms on the skin, it is worth using drugs daily. Patients who are prone to allergic reactions should not use pure essential oil. To dilute the product, you can use olive oil, aloe juice or plain water.
The effectiveness of tea tree oil in removing papillomas has been proven by numerous user reviews. The patient should be aware that applying the drug to he althy skin is undesirable, because this can lead to burns. For the treatment of this oil, it is best to use cotton buds.