"ACC" cough: instructions for use. "ACC 200": reviews, price

"ACC" cough: instructions for use. "ACC 200": reviews, price
"ACC" cough: instructions for use. "ACC 200": reviews, price

Quite often, doctors prescribe their patients the drug "ACC" ("ASS") for coughing. Instructions for the use of this remedy, as well as its contraindications, indications and side effects will be presented in this article. In addition, we will tell you about the form in which the mentioned medicine is produced, what patients say about it, how much it costs, and so on.

cough ass instructions for use
cough ass instructions for use

Packaging of the drug, its release form, composition

Do you know in what form the medicine "ACC" ("ACC") for cough is produced? The instructions for use inform us that this drug is produced in two different forms. Consider them in more detail:

  • Medication "ACC" - powder (granular), intended for the preparation of a solution. This medicine should only be taken orally. One 3 gram sachet of powder may contain 200, 100 or 600 mg of acetylcysteine. There are 10, 6 or 20 bags in a carton box.
  • Preparation "ACC" - effervescent tablets. Aluminum or cardboard tubes can contain 20, 10, 100 or 50 pieces. One tablet contains 600, 200 or 100 mgacetylcysteine. As for auxiliary components, they include citric anhydride, sodium bicarbonate, ascorbic acid, mannitol, lactose anhydride, sodium citrate, blackberry flavor and saccharin.

Pharmacological action of the drug

What is the "ACC" ("ACC") cough remedy? Instructions for use states that it is a mucolytic drug. Due to the fact that there are sulfhydryl groups in the structure of the acetylcysteine molecule, this causes a break in the disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides (acidic) sputum. As a result of such exposure, the patient noticeably reduces the viscosity of mucus.

The drug in question has a mucolytic effect, and also facilitates sputum discharge due to a direct effect on its rheological properties. This tool retains its activity even in the presence of purulent mucus.

tablet price
tablet price

The ACC medicine, the instruction of which is presented below, is very often used for preventive purposes. In this case, there is a decrease in the severity and frequency of exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

What pharmacokinetic properties does ACC have? The manual does not contain such information. This is due to the fact that pharmacokinetic studies of this medication have not been conducted.

Drug "ACC": indications

The drug in question is prescribed for the following deviations:

  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • organ diseasesbreathing, which are accompanied by the formation of difficult and viscous sputum (for example, with bronchiectasis, acute and chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and bronchiolitis);
  • otitis media.


In the presence of any deviations, in no case should the medical preparation "ACC" (powder and effervescent tablets) be prescribed? The following conditions are contraindications to the use of this remedy:

  • spitting blood;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer (especially in the acute phase);
  • bleeding pulmonary;
  • pregnancy period;
  • hypersensitivity to drug substances;
  • breastfeeding period.
  • ACC powder
    ACC powder

It should also be noted that this medication is prescribed with extreme caution in patients with esophageal varicose veins (varicose veins), diseases of the adrenal glands, kidney and / or liver failure.

How to use

How should I take ACC for a cough? The instructions for use contain the following instructions in this regard. Adolescents and adults are prescribed 200 mg three times a day. Children from 6 to 14 years of age should take the medicine 100 mg three times a day. For babies from 2 to 5 years old, the medication is prescribed 1 tablet (100 mg) twice a day. With such a deviation as cystic fibrosis, a child over 6 years old is given 2 tablets of the drug (100 mg each) three times a day. As for babies from 2 to 6 years old, they should take the medication 100 mg four timesper day.

Patients weighing more than 30 kg with cystic fibrosis can increase the dosage to 800 mg per day.

In case of short-term colds, the duration of therapy with the presented medication is 5-7 days. With cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis, the remedy must be used for a longer time (to prevent infections).

How should ACC 200 be taken? The instruction says that this drug should be used only after meals (to avoid negative effects on the gastric mucosa). It should be especially noted that additional fluid intake enhances the mucolytic effect of the drug.

ac instruction
ac instruction

Before use, effervescent tablets must be dissolved in half a glass of plain water. The prepared solution should be used immediately. In exceptional cases, it can be left for 2 hours.


In case of deliberate or erroneous overdose of the drug, the patient experiences symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn and nausea. To date, no severe and life-threatening side effects have been observed.

Drug Interactions

What will happen if you take any medications and ACC at the same time? Reviews of experts say that combined treatment can cause a number of undesirable reactions. Let's look at them a little further.

Concomitant use of acetylcysteine and other antitussives may result in he alth hazardscongestion of mucus (due to suppression of the cough reflex).

During the simultaneous administration of nitroglycerin and acetylcysteine, there is a possibility of enhancing the vasodilating effect of the first.

Noted synergism of acetylcysteine with simultaneous use of bronchodilators.

Acetylcysteine is able to reduce the absorption of penicillins, cephalosporins and tetracyclines. In this regard, they must be taken orally 2 hours after taking the first one.

ac testimony
ac testimony

Acetylcysteine is not compatible with antibiotics such as Penicillin, Erythromycin, Cephalosporin, Tetracycline and Amphotericin, as well as proteolytic enzymes.

When acetylcysteine comes into contact with rubber and metal, sulfides are formed, which have a characteristic odor.

Special Instructions

In obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma, the drug in question should be prescribed with extreme caution. This requires systematic monitoring of bronchial patency.

If after taking the medication the patient develops side effects, then it is necessary to stop taking the remedy and immediately consult a doctor.

When dissolving any form of medicine, it is recommended to use glassware. At the same time, contact with rubber, metals, oxygen and easily oxidized elements must be avoided.

When treating patients with diabetes, it should be taken into account that 1 effervescent tablet corresponds to 0.006 XE.

To date, information about the negative effect of the drug (in recommended dosages) onthe ability to drive a car, as well as perform other activities that require special attention, no.

Expiration date and storage methods

The drug in question should only be stored in a dry place out of the reach of small children. In this case, the air temperature should not be higher than 25 °C. The shelf life of the drug is three years. After this time, the use of the medication is prohibited.

ac 200 instruction
ac 200 instruction

After taking an effervescent tablet, the plastic or aluminum tube must be tightly closed.

Price and analogues of the drug

The price of an ACC tablet may vary, depending on the pharmacy chain, as well as on the markup on the product. However, on average, such a medicine costs about 75-150 Russian rubles. The price of granular powder is similar to effervescent tablets.

What can replace the remedy in question? Pharmacy chains have a huge number of analogues of the drug, as well as drugs with a similar effect (expectorant, mucolytic). Among the most popular, I would like to highlight the following medicines: "Acestin", "Acetylcysteine", "Vicks Active ExpectoMed", "Mukobene", "Mukomist", "Mukoneks", "N-AC-Ratiopharm", "Fluimucil", "Exomyuk 200", "Atsestad", "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene", "Ambroxol", "Mukosol", "Bronkatar", "Solvin", "Bromhexin", "Gedelix", "Muk altin","Prospan", "Stoptussin", "Ascoril", "Linkas" and others.

Reviews of patients about the medical device

Now you know what analogues ACC has and what its price is. Tablets and powder for preparing a solution quite effectively cope with the task. This is the opinion of most patients. The drug quickly treats acute and chronic sinusitis, as well as other respiratory diseases. Thanks to him, viscous and difficult to separate sputum easily moves away from the bronchi, significantly improving the condition of a sick person.

ass tablets
ass tablets

It is impossible not to note the fact that the tool in question has not only high efficiency, but also a relatively inexpensive cost. This fact is very encouraging for patients who cannot afford expensive drugs.