Means "Stopangin". Instructions for use

Means "Stopangin". Instructions for use
Means "Stopangin". Instructions for use

The drug "Stopangin" (solution) is intended for topical use. The drug is a clear light red liquid with a specific odor. The composition of the drug "Stopangin" includes hexetidine and a mixture of medicinal oils: anise, eucalyptus, orange flower oil and peppermint. The medicine also includes methyl salicylate, menthol.

It is established that the effectiveness of the drug lasts about ten to twelve hours.

Means "Stopangin" (solution). Instruction

stopangin instructions for use
stopangin instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for inflammatory diseases that have arisen in the oral cavity and larynx. Such diseases, in particular, include pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, aphthae, stomatitis, gingivitis. The medication is also recommended for parondopathy, periodontitis, infection of the alveoli, as well as for fungal infections in the oral cavity and larynx. In addition, the instruction for use recommends using the drug "Stopangin" for prevention as a hygiene product. The drug is prescribed before and after operations, in case of injuries, and also as an aid in the complex treatment of angina.

To contraindications toMeans "Stopangin" instructions for use refers to dry pharyngitis by atrophic type, hypersensitivity, pregnancy in the first trimester. The drug is not recommended for children under eight years of age.

Spray "Stopangin" instructions for use recommends injecting into the oral cavity. Breathing should be held. Reception is carried out taking into account the area of the lesion twice or thrice a day, one or two injections. It is recommended to use the drug between or after meals.

stopangin solution
stopangin solution

The solution is recommended for rinsing or washing the mouth. The procedure is carried out for at least thirty seconds. The solution should not be diluted. For rinsing, a tablespoon of the drug is used. Means "Stopangin" instructions for use recommends using two to five times a day. Rinse, as well as injection, it is desirable to carry out between meals or after them. Children are advised to lubricate the mucous. To do this, a cotton swab (on a stick) is moistened in the preparation.

stopangin solution instruction
stopangin solution instruction

The use of the drug "Stopangin" instructions for use recommends using at intervals of at least four hours. The duration of use is six or seven days.

If after three days from the start of use the effect is not noticeable, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will decide in this case the advisability of further use.

The aerosol "Stopangin" (instructions for use indicates this) contains 64% ethanol. For this reason, driversit is recommended after application to refrain from driving for thirty minutes after using the medicine.

When using the drug, one should not forget about possible side effects. In some cases, patients may feel a burning sensation in the oral mucosa. However, this phenomenon is usually temporary. In some cases, an allergy may occur. Nausea may occur if swallowed accidentally.
