Panthenol-Teva ointment: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Panthenol-Teva ointment: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, reviews
Panthenol-Teva ointment: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, reviews

The upper layers of the epidermis in humans are injured quite often and for various reasons. Therefore, in addition to other medicines, a wound healing ointment should always be present in the home medicine cabinet. Pharmacological agents of this variety may have a different composition, texture, cost. A fairly popular drug in this group at the moment is, for example, Panthenol-Teva ointment.

Active ingredient

This remedy is supplied to the market in ordinary aluminum tubes of 35 grams. The main active component of "Panthenol-Teva" is dexpanthenol. What can this substance help with? This component of the ointment is a derivative of pantothenic acid, a vitamin of group B. Many preparations are produced on its basis in our time - creams, gels, etc. At the same time, almost all such products are used specifically for healing wounds on the skin.

Ointment "Panthenol-Teva"
Ointment "Panthenol-Teva"

In the human body, dexpanthenol passes into pantothenic acid, and then- in pantethine, which is a component of coenzyme A, one of the few substances involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time. In addition to dexpanthenol, Panthenol-Teva ointment also includes components such as:

  • lanolin alcohol;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • white paraffin;
  • lanolin;
  • sodium citrate;
  • citric acid.

Main indications for use

Panthenol-Teva is used topically to treat minor skin lesions. For example, this tool can help:

  • for abrasions and light thermal burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • aseptic postoperative wounds;
  • sunburn;
  • trophic ulcers of the lower leg.

Also, this remedy is often used to care for babies in order to prevent diaper dermatitis. You can use Panthenol-Teva ointment to lubricate the nipples when cracks appear on them for nursing women. Sometimes this remedy is used simply to soften rough skin. That is, in some cases it is used almost as a cosmetic product.

Diaper dermatitis
Diaper dermatitis

Instructions for use for Panthenol-Teva ointment: dosage

Treat small wounds with this ointment very easily. The product is applied to the skin in small doses and gently rubbed. Dosages of "Panthenol-Teva" may be different and depend on this particular disease. For minor wounds or flaking of the skin, this cream is usually used only once a day. Moms lubricate their nipplesrequired after each feeding. For the prevention of dermatitis in young children, the remedy is usually used before each swaddling.


Panthenol-Teva ointment belongs to the group of very mild agents. You can use this drug to prevent the appearance of lesions on the skin, even in newborns. There are no contraindications to the use of this cream for pregnant or lactating women. You can not use this ointment for the treatment of wounds, mainly only if there is hypersensitivity to any of its components. For example, a patient may show a negative reaction of the body to the main active ingredient of the drug - dexpanthenol or lanolin.

Sometimes with the use of this ointment, patients have to treat wounds in the genital or anal areas. It is not recommended to use "Panthenol-Teva" before sexual intercourse in this case. Vaseline, which is part of the ointment, can, unfortunately, reduce the strength of the latex. And this, in turn, can lead to a break in the condom with all the ensuing consequences.

Healing ointment
Healing ointment

Can side effects occur

The only negative reaction of the body that can be observed during the treatment of "Panthenol-Teva" is an allergy. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the active substance of this ointment or any of its additional components, the patient may experience:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • itch;
  • exanthema;
  • erythema;
  • urticaria;
  • inflammation;
  • bubbles onskin.

The lanolin contained in the ointment, among other things, can cause local allergic reactions. In this case, the patient usually develops contact dermatitis.


Panthenol-Teva belongs to the group of non-toxic drugs. This remedy is usually well tolerated by patients. An overdose does not have any particularly harmful effects on the human body. However, of course, it is not worth smearing problem areas of the skin with Panthenol-Teva too often. The therapeutic effect of this in any case will not increase. At the same time, the ointment, which is not too cheap, will be spent unjustifiably much.

Special Instructions

Toxic substances are not included in Panthenol-Teva. However, this tool still needs to be used with some caution. For example, it is highly recommended not to allow such an ointment to get into the eyes. This can lead to irritation. If "Panthenol-Teva" gets into the eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Washing eyes with water
Washing eyes with water

When this agent enters the body through the oral cavity, patients usually do not experience any negative reactions. However, of course, it is not worth allowing the ointment to be swallowed, for example, by a child. In any case, if the product is used to lubricate the nipples before feeding the baby, its residues from the skin should be carefully removed using a bandage or a clean napkin.

Use this drug during pregnancy, as already mentioned, you can. However, treat wounds on the skinwomen during this period with the use of this ointment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Storage Features

The instructions for use for Panthenol-Teva do not provide any special instructions in terms of storage. But in any case, at home, such an ointment, of course, should be kept in a dark place inaccessible to children. Of course, you can not use this tool after its expiration date. It is allowed to use Panthenol-Teva only if no more than 3 years have passed since the date of its manufacture.

Store this ointment, like most other modern drugs, the manufacturer recommends at a temperature not higher than +25 ° C. Therefore, in summer, in extreme heat, the tube with Panthenol-Teva may have to be transferred to the refrigerator.

Effective ointment for wounds
Effective ointment for wounds

What are the analogues

At the moment, Panthenol-Teva ointment is quite popular among the population. To buy this tool in a pharmacy is not difficult, most likely, will not be. However, if necessary, this external preparation can, of course, be replaced by some analogue. The same therapeutic effect as Panthenol-Teva has, for example:

  • Contractubes gel;
  • Dexpanthenol ointment;
  • Panthenolspray aerosol.

Reviews on Panthenol-Teva ointment

To treat minor skin lesions with Panthenol-Teva, many Internet users advise today. Reviews about this tool on the Web are in most cases good. In addition to the effectiveness of the action to the plusesthis ointment, patients attribute an unobtrusive smell, ease of use, good absorption.

In some cases, as users note, relief from wounds on the skin comes after the first application of Panthenol-Teva. Subsequently, with regular use of this ointment, all scratches and cracks heal very quickly.

Burns and wounds
Burns and wounds

There are practically no drawbacks to this medication, according to consumers. Its only drawback, according to users, is its rather high cost. One small tube of this drug costs about 250 rubles.
