Contraceptive pills. Expert reviews

Contraceptive pills. Expert reviews
Contraceptive pills. Expert reviews

Today, millions of "family planning" women use birth control pills. Reviews of girlfriends, doctors encourage he althy women to experiment on their bodies, taking OK. This is what people call oral contraceptives. In this article we will try to figure out what birth control pills are. Feedback from experts will be a priority for us.

birth control pills reviews
birth control pills reviews

Misconception 1. "OK absolutely harmless"

So, what are birth control pills? This is a hormonal pharmacological drug. This group of funds cannot be attributed to drugs, because. OCs often have the opposite effect. Namely, taking OK, a woman destroys the hormonal balance with her own hands, disrupts the natural physiological processes that occur daily in the body. But this is not the goal pursued by ladies, taking birth control pills, reviews of doctors in advertisements -just exploiting your trust.

Misconception 2. "OK contains hormones in a small dose"

To dispel this misconception, let's turn to the medical reference book and find the definition of the term "small dose". Found? And you won't find it! Because there is no such term in medicine. There are various doses: both “therapeutic” and “lethal”, but there is no “small dose”. This is just a publicity stunt. In order to finally convince you, let's give the following example: the daily dose of ascorbic acid is 0.1 g. This is the norm. Not a lot and not a little. The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is hundreds of grams, the lethal dose of the known cyanide poison is 0.2 g. Now think about it, a small dose of hormones relative to what?

Misconception 3. “OK are analogues of natural hormones, therefore they are safe”

Let's see what hormones are? These are chemicals that are produced in strictly defined doses by various endocrine glands. Hormones are also carriers of information. When we are afraid, adrenaline is produced, the heart rate increases, the reaction rate increases. If artificial hormones enter the body, they transmit false information and lead to malfunctions of the whole organism. As you can see, drugs that do not cure, but cripple are birth control pills. Reviews are just advertising.

what are good birth control pills
what are good birth control pills

Misconception 4. "OK Prevent Pregnancy"

Partly true. But only in part. Let's take any birth control pills, the instructions for them say that they are onlyonly prevent ovulation. But even among your acquaintances, there are probably a couple of cases of pregnancy while taking OK? This suggests that OK is not able to completely suppress ovulation, and the contraceptive effect will be achieved by creating extremely unfavorable conditions for the promotion and implantation of a fertilized egg. Those. in fact, there is a mini-abortion. It is thanks to these two properties (abortive and suppressing ovulation) that "protection" occurs.

birth control pills instruction
birth control pills instruction

Misconception 5. “OK – prevention of unwanted pregnancies and abortions”

If you believe this misconception, it turns out that pregnancy is nothing but a disease! And it is the prevention against human life, both mother and child, that is carried out by oral contraceptives.

Whether or not to take birth control is up to you, of course, but now you know what "good" birth control pills are.
